Decided To Start A Grow, And then SHE Happened

i tried to save someone once....he is dead now. in the end i could only save myself drugs are horrible if you wanna be a momma bear and you really care for her ship her to rehab.

but its a long hard road mate. and sometimes they leave us. for good,physically not emotionally.
Shit I would have to marry her to get her on my insurance to get into a rehab (Afford), maybe arrested to get her into a shitty one. I know won't take the far off chance she would except that offer. Lol I have lost a few friend to it, and seen more than enough fuck their lives up on it. Thanks for the help, and getting me to wear I was on the grow RUI'ers
i tried to save someone once....he is dead now. in the end i could only save myself drugs are horrible if you wanna be a momma bear and you really care for her ship her to rehab.

but its a long hard road mate. and sometimes they leave us. for good,physically not emotionally.

really though when u break it down your the only one who can truly save yourself, we can try for the others but its a choice they must make for themselves and unfortunately that lifestyle only ends in two ways I'm sure we know those two.

Ive lost some of my best friends to drugs it truly hurts when I hear other people's stories I feel for em! It's one of the most lonely life's that can b led and it reaps only bad outcomes.

to the person who wrote this thread it's make or break! if your gonna help b in for the long run and accept there's goin to b hardships otherwise get her into rehab before she hurts herself or others.
really though when u break it down your the only one who can truly save yourself, we can try for the others but its a choice they must make for themselves and unfortunately that lifestyle only ends in two ways I'm sure we know those two.

Ive lost some of my best friends to drugs it truly hurts when I hear other people's stories I feel for em! It's one of the most lonely life's that can b led and it reaps only bad outcomes.

to the person who wrote this thread it's make or break! if your gonna help b in for the long run and accept there's goin to b hardships otherwise get her into rehab before she hurts herself or others.

he commited suicide but i dunno not really drug related but , i think he had mental issues :( rip buddy my one and only love of my life</3
Awe that's horrible!! May his spirit live on through you. Most people who commit that do have some kind of issues ther just sick and need help. Actually last year I had a buddy since I was little take his life. He wasn't in the most stable of upbringings just didn't work out for him.

i honestly feel though its because his/ her energy was needed for a greater purpose.
ive been through this with my daughter. I think you have a better chance of getting robbed by some other addicts that she has told, not so much the police. I tore my room down after it was completely set up and was yet to make my first run. she went off to rehab in another state.that was over a year ago. Now she works at the addiction clinic.
I agree it's up to the person and I don't think she wants to do anything but find the easiest way to cont to use. I warned against her " being waitress at the strip club" and told her that was going to just take herself deeper. ' I will be ok, it's just to make some money and quit" I just need to cut ties and let the cards fall where the will. Hell I am atheist and have even said a couple prayers for her just to cover all my basis. I hope the best for her! And no matter what happens I will always remember her as the girl I fell for on the rock watching the fog roll through the canyon while we smoked a bowl under my jacket.
Sunni, blunt and to the point is the only way I need it. :wall: I know this, my logic tells me so, and I am normally good at staying away from the bullshitters, but for some reason I have this deep emotional thing going on. Most likely some connection I make with my very manipulative mother and her. Maybe I have some sick connection that way? I needed to hear it just how you put it Sunni. This is what is going to happen, first I am going to post some pics on here in just a sec for all yall to gander. Nothing marvelous, I know, but they are special to me. : ) Then I am chopping the 4 small ones and letting one ride. Her and I are going to talk about her finding a new place and I will give her a month or so to do so. And depending on how I feel she reacts, Big Momma may or may not get go. But that puts worse case at a misdemeanor.
Sounds like your co-dependent. Trust me, from a recovering addict, drop the ho. You cant get her clean, you can only get her high, because until she makes the internal commitment to stop using, she will just use you to keep using.
I agree it's up to the person and I don't think she wants to do anything but find the easiest way to cont to use. I warned against her " being waitress at the strip club" and told her that was going to just take herself deeper. ' I will be ok, it's just to make some money and quit" I just need to cut ties and let the cards fall where the will. Hell I am atheist and have even said a couple prayers for her just to cover all my basis. I hope the best for her! And no matter what happens I will always remember her as the girl I fell for on the rock watching the fog roll through the canyon while we smoked a bowl under my jacket.

if you need to talk to someone i know many people here would tell you im the girl to go to, if you wanna vent or bitch or cry my inbox is open dear. :)
Your good dude, i had a similar situation where the girl was in my house for 6 months and i let her in on it and she was my sexy little helper. Then we broke up n i was so paranoid. I had a lot more than you goin at the time. I just learned the law. They can only get a warrant if she has seen it within a months time frame, or has a documented proof of that being her residence(bills, mail, etc.) Next thing you worry about is how can they now get a warrant. Smell, trash, and seeing anything illegal in your house. Take care of that and you have nothing to worry about.

EDIT: What i learned. Don't ever tell a chick what your doin to make money, just let her enjoy the money. Most of em don't care where it comes from as long as they don't get involved anyway. She probably knows about more coke houses and drug houses than your little garden. Just be patient and harvest when their ready.
Ya, I am all good now, knocked it down to a worse case of it just being a headache to deal with. Lol I know this chick is cool though, and doubt she would roll on me. But I had that thought of "she could" if put in that situation. So this being my first, why take a chance finish off my biggest, learn a little more about reading what she needs, and smoke a bowl. She is trying to talk me into going to Co to grow and be my "sexy little helper" also but not going to happen.

I am all good with my set up (smell,light leaks so forth) and prolly more careful than I should be. Lol I blend well with other upstanding citizens, so I learned a lesson keep your mouth shut, don't show a grow for pussy and you won't have no stress. Lol It will all sort its self out as it should soon enough.
I don't trust nobody!!! Before even letting someone move in you really should ask yourself, "Do I trust this person with my life?" Cause growing or not, you are. She could of killed you in your sleep and harvested your organs to the black market. I regret telling my GF, now she wants me to stop smoking, and stop growing. I could care less if she breaks up with me. My weed is my medicine. She went with me to the doctors and heard me argue why I won't take Diamox because the side effects, but the Doctor was saying how its important for my body and for my CSF to reduce. If I was in a medical state I so would of been like, "I don't take my meds because weed naturally regulates your CSF" But at this point for you, I would cut all ties with her, don't answer nothing, if Police come to your door.... DONT ANSWER. If they're really going to bust you for something they're gonna knock it down anyway. And I don't think theyre gonna do that for a few plants... Maybe if you had more than 60. Lesson learned.
Whatever you do..........................

Slip her a sligh one for riu before you kick her out the sack!!!