The Main-Lining Thread

Quick question, as I have not done this yet..

Logic tells me, instead of forcing sex on the plant you're growing then forcing it back into veg mode; wouldn't it be better to just sex the clone you snip off from your first topping? You can pretty much plant the clone and go straight to 12/12..

I would think this idea would have less stress on the plant in its beginning stages.

Thoughts / ideas?
Quick question, as I have not done this yet..

Logic tells me, instead of forcing sex on the plant you're growing then forcing it back into veg mode; wouldn't it be better to just sex the clone you snip off from your first topping? You can pretty much plant the clone and go straight to 12/12..

I would think this idea would have less stress on the plant in its beginning stages.

Thoughts / ideas?

That is one way to sex your plants and it works, the stress isn't that bad as you end up vegging your plant anywhere from 15 to 30 days after topping and bending to get them where you can go to flower. The extra veg time gives you the oppertunity to gain the number of tops you are going for. I have found the extra veg time helps increase the yield some.
That is one way to sex your plants and it works, the stress isn't that bad as you end up vegging your plant anywhere from 15 to 30 days after topping and bending to get them where you can go to flower. The extra veg time gives you the oppertunity to gain the number of tops you are going for. I have found the extra veg time helps increase the yield some.

Gotcha, thanks for the quick reply!
I've been directed here, or to nugs at least, to show the 2 clones I kept with mainlining in mind, they are white widow and have just showed roots so will be potted in a day or 2 20130628_123634.jpg20130628_123049.jpg20130628_122810.jpg they were the remains of some clones I took and after seeing them 'topped' for me, I thought i'd try and root them.... and did. hee hee. they are clones from a freebie... sweet!
I sprouted four BB Blue Cheese, this is the one that made the cut. My first bash at Main-lining.
Topped twice (Three cuts) for four colas and undergoin LST.

The four colas have now grown enough to get some bondage.
First go at a DIY tomato cage
thanks for posting them pics born Again Vegan along with all the other hundreds of picture examples of mainlining attempts your are another great addition to help newbies understand the mainining steps. im dam sure gonna be trying this method when im done with my auto BMs because ive some femmed Kaia Kush beans which im curious about using for popping my own mainlining cherry.

credit to ya also cause there cute baby mainliners!
thanks for posting them pics born Again Vegan along with all the other hundreds of picture examples of mainlining attempts your are another great addition to help newbies understand the mainining steps. im dam sure gonna be trying this method when im done with my auto BMs because ive some femmed Kaia Kush beans which im curious about using for popping my own mainlining cherry.

credit to ya also cause there cute baby mainliners!

No worries and thanks for your kind words, but I'm just a noob at this too really. Did quite allot LST on Autos when I first started tho. There were two blue cheese, but one wasn't ready for LST. I ignores the voice in my head that said 'let it grow dude she's too young' and listened to the other voice that said 'Bondage is fun, tie her down.'
Well I tied all four limbs down, put the pot back down in the tent and somehow pulled down the main line connected to all four limbs and three just popped off. Couldn't help but laugh. My best advice is wait.

Wait till seed or clone is a good six nodes with a nice root system before you top. Allow the two main branches to grow again until it is around six nodes again be for pruning for four. Top a healthy established plant and you barely see a break in growth, versus prune early and literally watch naff all for a week.

I'll share an awesome tip I use throughout veg. It's a milder form of supercropping and I use it to slow down main stem/cola growth and to beef up the stems.
I pinch the stem between thumb and forefinger making sure my nails are not going to accidentally top the plant.

I very lightly squeeze the stem.
Now hard to explain what im looking for but ill give it a go. Imagine a human leg with two braces for support, they are parallel at the side of the leg. Now imagine the stem of a plant, inside it, running vertically up, are two braces either side.
When I lightly squeeze the stem I do it all the way around until I can feel my thumb is on one brace, (feels like a small ridge in the stem, slightly harder) and my forefinger on the other. Now I squeeze harder till I feel the stem pop, and thats it. It slows growth for a day, and after a while a knuckle forms and the stem thickens up.

Too many times I've supercropped and its gone to far or a branch breaks off, this has all the pros of cropped with as far as I can see no con.
No worries and thanks for your kind words, but I'm just a noob at this too really. Did quite allot LST on Autos when I first started tho. There were two blue cheese, but one wasn't ready for LST. I ignores the voice in my head that said 'let it grow dude she's too young' and listened to the other voice that said 'Bondage is fun, tie her down.'
Well I tied all four limbs down, put the pot back down in the tent and somehow pulled down the main line connected to all four limbs and three just popped off. Couldn't help but laugh. My best advice is wait.

Wait till seed or clone is a good six nodes with a nice root system before you top. Allow the two main branches to grow again until it is around six nodes again be for pruning for four. Top a healthy established plant and you barely see a break in growth, versus prune early and literally watch naff all for a week.

I'll share an awesome tip I use throughout veg. It's a milder form of supercropping and I use it to slow down main stem/cola growth and to beef up the stems.
I pinch the stem between thumb and forefinger making sure my nails are not going to accidentally top the plant.

I very lightly squeeze the stem.
Now hard to explain what im looking for but ill give it a go. Imagine a human leg with two braces for support, they are parallel at the side of the leg. Now imagine the stem of a plant, inside it, running vertically up, are two braces either side.
When I lightly squeeze the stem I do it all the way around until I can feel my thumb is on one brace, (feels like a small ridge in the stem, slightly harder) and my forefinger on the other. Now I squeeze harder till I feel the stem pop, and thats it. It slows growth for a day, and after a while a knuckle forms and the stem thickens up.

Too many times I've supercropped and its gone to far or a branch breaks off, this has all the pros of cropped with as far as I can see no con.

your mini stem crush to toughen it up method is actually pretty mucht he exact same methdo i use on my autos now to tough up there stems. BUT instead of a little squeezing pressure on the stem to cause the knuck effect i simply open my hand with figners wide spread an move them so the stems inbetween my middle fingers an give them a little shake just enough to wake them up about an if you saw my old auto northern lights twins stems by the ending your see the stem was BIG.

The plus side if the plant actually tells you when its done right because it releases a preview aroma of what your working towards.

Sometimes i call it stem porn cause of how much i love the preview aroma which it releases. i actually got that mini stem shake tip off of subcool on one of his earlier The Weed Nerd shows on Youtube! If interested the last link on the right of my Signiture has the direct link to my playlist of his great weed nerd show.

cheers for being so informative and for the advice/tip there once again BAV
Lol Hey Curious, I know what you mean about the stem porn! Insane how fruity it gets. I've heard of the stem shake you're talking about I'll have to give it a try , always open to new things. Besides, it's got to be good if the Weed Guru himself uses it ;)
No worries about sharing, it's how we learn. It's many a good grower I've picked up information off and used it to create my own style. On a side note I have recently got some Mycorrhizal fungi that I cannot wait to use and I'm really looking forward to being able to afford a decent air pump to start brewing up some organic AACT!

Back to main-lining, I really must emphasise over and over again (to myself) to not get the bondage wire out until the girls are ready. I'm now growing an 8 cola Med Man because snapped a growth tip off lol.
I cant wait to try out this method, I have been reading a lot in this thread but there is one thing I did not see or maybe missed. I see from the pics on page one that you pruned your main lined plants a good bit. How many nodes do you leave for each head? For a 8 Head plant would I prune everything and just leave 3-4 node on the top?
attempt 2 lolbrday18.jpgthis time with blue rhino (from positronics) my buddy lk told me its a cola dominant!!! sounds good..

can anybody tell me whens a good time to remove these 2 fan leaves from under the manifold??? pls..