Time traveling is possible, so why are not we doing it?


Well-Known Member
If Einstein and science are correct than traveling forward in time is possible. So why aren't we doing it? All we need is a very fast space ship and than we can take "trips" into the future.

Basically the theory of relativity states that if an object, like a space ship, travels at velocities near the speed of light than effectively the space ship "slows down" the time down in the space ship and effectively the time on earth would "speed up" up relative to each other.

I would like to take a trip about 2,000 years into the future and check out how the earth has evolved. And than I would want to go from AGE to AGE and check out the scene. I would assume that if I traveled through time another 10,000 years than I would be able to live to at least 200 years old, or maybe I could be immortal by than. And if I was immortal than I would live forever and not need to do any time traveling but I still might do some time traveling just for fun.

What would you do if you could time travel? What year would you like to live in?

Check out My signature to meet Christ!

So many facepalms, so little time....


Your funny!

But you don't need to go faster than the speed of light to travel forward in time.

The next answer you might have is "The space ships today don't have enough power to reach those speeds" and you might be correct, but I bet it still can be achieved with nuclear powered space ships. If I owned NASA, I bet I could make it happen!

Lets just pretend that we have ships that can reach those kind of speeds and talk about where you would like to go in time and why.

Going 99.9999% of the speed of light, to go forward 2000 years would take almost 9 years of continuous near light speed travel. We don't have the technology to travel at even a fraction of that speed. Even if we did have the technology to travel that fast, we don't have the technology to maneuver, and avoid things at that speed. The best confirmed, tested technology we have is combustion propulsion.

Even if you did have a nuclear reactor on board, what would it power? You realize nuclear energy is just electricity, right? It just produces a lot of electricity in a relatively small area.

Aircraft carries and subs have nuclear reactors, but they power propellers. Are you suggesting we make space submarines and fit them with space propellers?
If Einstein and science are correct than traveling forward in time is possible. So why aren't we doing it? All we need is a very fast space ship and than we can take "trips" into the future.

Basically the theory of relativity states that if an object, like a space ship, travels at velocities near the speed of light than effectively the space ship "slows down" the time down in the space ship and effectively the time on earth would "speed up" up relative to each other.

I would like to take a trip about 2,000 years into the future and check out how the earth has evolved. And than I would want to go from AGE to AGE and check out the scene. I would assume that if I traveled through time another 10,000 years than I would be able to live to at least 200 years old, or maybe I could be immortal by than. And if I was immortal than I would live forever and not need to do any time traveling but I still might do some time traveling just for fun.

What would you do if you could time travel? What year would you like to live in?

Check out My signature to meet Christ!

TheEn, thEn... T H E N! For. Fucks. Sake. ThEn!
Are you suggesting we make space submarines and fit them with space propellers?

I even know that there is no air in space and a propeller wouldn't be able to push anything. But I'm sure there has to be a way to convert nuclear power into thrust.

I would even go past nuclear power to make these space ships, I would use antimatter to power them. But the problem is getting enough antimatter, but its a fact that antimatter exists and can be produced, even if in small quantities at a time

TheEn, thEn... T H E N! For. Fucks. Sake. ThEn!

Sorry, I'll do My best to get thEn right. LMAO!

Very religious, poor understanding of science, hmmm...

Your the one with the name "GOD HERE"!

I just believe that I am the Son of God or in other words, I am Christ! Check out My signature to find out.

EDIT- And I'm not religious at all, I'm spiritual.

Traveling into the future is like being in suspended animation. You just don't age or feel the normal passage of time. And once there you can't get back... There is no traveling backwards, because the past doesn't really exist anymore then the future does.
Your funny!

But you don't need to go faster than the speed of light to travel forward in time.

The next answer you might have is "The space ships today don't have enough power to reach those speeds" and you might be correct, but I bet it still can be achieved with nuclear powered space ships. If I owned NASA, I bet I could make it happen!

Lets just pretend that we have ships that can reach those kind of speeds and talk about where you would like to go in time and why.


How would you make it happen if you owned NASA? I'm not sure time travel would be terribly responsible. Isn't there a good risk of you creating a pandemic everywhere you show up?
Theoretically, you could travel to the future if you could find a black hole close enough to us and make a trip around it (careful of that pesky event horizon!) as intense gravity also warps spacetime - start at 28:55 -


The first thought that came to mind was why would anyone trade their time here in the present for an uncertain future? What if you were to come back in 100 years and Earth was wiped out by a super volcano, or nuclear holocost, or global warming, or disease, or a meteor, etc.? You'd feel pretty stupid. There's no guarantee this planet will survive or prosper, I wouldn't take the chance...
we do have tech that can make frequences and stuff like that go the speed of light, but there is no way to do it fora human, the g's alone woudl kill you instantly even if you did actually travel back into time.
we do have tech that can make frequences and stuff like that go the speed of light, but there is no way to do it fora human, the g's alone woudl kill you instantly even if you did actually travel back into time.

We don't make anything do anything, it does it on it's own
Theoretically, you could travel to the future if you could find a black hole close enough to us and make a trip around it (careful of that pesky event horizon!) as intense gravity also warps spacetime -
We are all time travellers. We are constantly travelling into the future, no need for a black hole. :)
The only difference is the speed in which we travel. According to special relativity, any motion through spacial dimensions will result in a slowing of our personal clocks. This happens whether in a space ship travelling near the speed of light as well as riding a bike or even walking. It's only a matter of degree.
How would you make it happen if you owned NASA? I'm not sure time travel would be terribly responsible. Isn't there a good risk of you creating a pandemic everywhere you show up?

If I owned NASA, I would make it happen by giving plenty of monetary incentive for the scientists and engineers to figure the solution to the problems.

And I'm not sure time travel would be all that responsible either. There could be some ethical problems that go along with time travel. For example, who dictates who gets to time travel and who gets left behind? Also, what about the families of the time travelers? what happens to the families? And whos to say that the future will want people from the past just showing up at random?

I'm not sure how much of a pandemic time travel would cause, but that might depend on whos doing the time traveling and how many people are time traveling. If it was Jesus and His disciples than that would cause some concern. But if it was just a dozen regular dudes than it probably wouldn't be a big deal.

by the time you read this, my words will have traveled into the future to get to you.

time starts now. over


i cant wait to get a teleporter.
If anyone has Netflix watch ancient aliens they have a good ep about time travel. The ep claims that time travel is possible but only our consciousness can do it. I know I know sounds far fetched but they break it down pretty good, has the whole Einstein time travel theory as well. I think the ep was more about Einstein being an alien though. So yet another face palm!
by the time you read this, my words will have traveled into the future to get to you.

time starts now. over


i cant wait to get a teleporter.

This thread is perfect for you because your (Location) in the future where MJ is legal worldwide.

If anyone has Netflix watch ancient aliens they have a good ep about time travel. The ep claims that time travel is possible but only our consciousness can do it. I know I know sounds far fetched but they break it down pretty good, has the whole Einstein time travel theory as well. I think the ep was more about Einstein being an alien though. So yet another face palm!

maybe we need to switch our consciousness with our future selves.

we just need to build a working machine and try it. of course it won't work the first time because the future has not seen us do it yet. but you know where i am going.

idk i think they are among us and have been for a long time.

i am also still waiting for positive proof of bigfoot.

the mermaid evidence is getting better. lol

sorry to get off topic
If Einstein and science are correct than traveling forward in time is possible. So why aren't we doing it? All we need is a very fast space ship and than we can take "trips" into the future.

Basically the theory of relativity states that if an object, like a space ship, travels at velocities near the speed of light than effectively the space ship "slows down" the time down in the space ship and effectively the time on earth would "speed up" up relative to each other.

I would like to take a trip about 2,000 years into the future and check out how the earth has evolved. And than I would want to go from AGE to AGE and check out the scene. I would assume that if I traveled through time another 10,000 years than I would be able to live to at least 200 years old, or maybe I could be immortal by than. And if I was immortal than I would live forever and not need to do any time traveling but I still might do some time traveling just for fun.

What would you do if you could time travel? What year would you like to live in?

Check out My signature to meet Christ!


well,if we were not actualy traveling through time,,,wouldnt we be dead?