male plant


can you get bud from a male plant? do there make any thc? can you make butter or hash? or just a waste of time and money?:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
you can get some bud but the thc level will be lower. if you don't plan on breeding with it or collecting pollen then kill it. flowering that will be a waste of time


Well-Known Member
Male plants produce only pollen, not buds nor thc. So if you are not planning on breeding I would chop it asap so you don't pollenate any females nearby. Waste of time indeed.


Well-Known Member
got buzzed off male plants a thousand times, cartels dont separate them in the field. if ur growin, kill them or grow them out a long way from ur ladies...i would cut and remove when balls show. i have made cana butter from males also with good results


Well-Known Member
You need to give it lots of protein I would try some muscle milk or other whey protein just mix it and water it with protein once a week, protein builds mass, I would also add some creatine if you can afford it, it will pump up the buds