Stand Up Comedy


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Post your favorite bits or sets of stand up comedy

This is my favorite set, Patrice O'Neals Elephant in the room


Dude was way ahead of his time and it's a tragedy he passed away so early..


Awesome set from Def Jam back in the day


Another set by Mike Epps, hilarious shit!!


Well-Known Member
Why does Bil Hicks becoming Alex Jones not get more media attention? I mean when Alex Jones went on that british assholes show it made big news but the guy never mentioned that Alex used to be Bill Hicks, the media is controlled


Well-Known Member
(Before It's News)
From Conspiracy HQ
[h=5]Message from CHQ Editor[/h]I too have followed this conspiracy after noticing the similarities years ago. I still don’t know if its just a big coincidence or not, but there is a lot of damning evidence. Regardless, I find Eric’s work on this very important for the public record. I definitely wouldn’t put it past the NWO to try and pull this off. ~~ Rob
Has anyone looked into the evidence that Alex Jones is actually Bill Hicks!? I’d looked into this claim briefly before and remember telling a well-meaning commenter that it was “the stupidest internet meme ever,” to whom I must apologize and admit there is certainly much more evidence for this claim than I’d originally realized.
To begin with Alex and Bill look almost exactly alike and their facial recognition matches 100% only it appears Alex has had a nose job, a face-lift and gotten considerably fatter than Bill ever was. Alex definitely dyes his hair, they have two identical moles on the right side of their necks, and even their teeth are a perfect match. They are both famous funny Texans who constantly talk about conspiracy / “truther” type subjects, and they are both very quick to frustration and anger, Alex being well-known for his screaming rants and Bill known for shouting down his audiences and even naming an album “Rant in E Minor.”
Bill wasn’t born in Texas but moved there as a teenager and always idolized cowboys and the Texan spirit. Bill allegedly died of cancer in 1994 but he had no public funeral; Alex came on the scene shortly after Bill’s passing and has no verifiable history before 1994. Alex claims to have gone to Anderson high school but when people call up, Anderson says they have no record of him.

Bill Hicks’ best friend, camera man and producer, co-creator of Sacred Cow productions, was Kevin Booth. Shortly after Bill’s passing, Kevin became Alex Jones’ good friend, camera-man and producer! Bill, Alex, and Kevin were all 3 very outspoken and involved with the Waco, Texas Branch Davidian debacle and there exists video of Kevin and Billin 1993 outside the Davidian house before the final conflict but no video of Alex. However, a year or two later after Bill’s passing, Kevin was out there again, this time with Alex filming a Waco documentaryand rebuilding the Waco church! You can also see here at a Bill Hicks’ 10th Anniversary event, Kevin Booth gets on stage, shows a Hicks’ documentary then says with a smirk, “maybe in some way Bill Hicks is still here with us now” and presents a framed plaque with Bill’s portrait to none other than Alex Jones! WTF!?
Alex claims to be only 39 years old right now, though even after all the plastic surgery, he still looks considerably older. If he was really Bill Hicks then Alex would be 53 now which is closer to Alex’s apparent age. Bill Hicks was also a long-time cigarette smoker and Alex claims to have fought a life-long battle with cigarette addiction himself. Their names even follow the same 4-letter 5-letter pattern, Bill/Alex Hicks/Jones.
Director Richard Linklater was a big fan of Bill Hicks and lamented never being able to work with him, then later Linklater launched Alex Jones’ film career giving him roles in Waking Life and A Scanner Darkly. Bill was well-respected in the comedy community and today Alex is good friends with famous comedians like Joe Rogan and Charlie Sheen. Bill was also a big fan of Andy Kaufman, the comedian who would go to great lengths to disguise himself and create separate personas, much like it seems Bill is doing with this “Alex” character.
Is Alex Jones really Bill Hicks? And if so, why? Did TPTB get to Bill and force him to work for them? Perhaps they agreed to cure Bill’s cancer if he agreed to “die” and be reborn as Alex? Or is it all just an incredible coincidence? What does everyone else think? Watch the following videos and leave a comment what you think