MedScientists Project - Master LED's


Well-Known Member
The Laboratory is not as Scientific, as it is a place to Gather, Experiment, Learn, Teach, and just have FUN! If you LIKE it HERE, Stop IN and say Hello!

I have been interested in LEDs for a while now. I actually have had been using a few in veg that I purchased on ebay some time ago, but never got around to Flowering with them. I tend to grow Trees, so I didnt feel they would be adequate.

But NOW, I am Seeing More and More LED Journals with FANTASTIC RESULTS! So I BELIEVE it IS TIME to take a MORE hands On approach to the Technology.

I am currently Working on setting up an Interesting Grow to Journal here. I have been given a challenge to See how Well I can grow with LED's. I have been De-Perpetuating my Garden to preserve space to add a comparison as well. I am looking at all my Options, as well as throwing up another Veg area so I can convert ALL my Current areas to 12/12. The way I currently have the ventilation running IN the walls from room to room, it was easier to have Veg in the middle of 2 Flower rooms on the ends.
I bought a couple 1 watt panels a few years ago. I have been using them for Veg, but always wanted to try them in 12/12. I have seen successful Journals pulling some decent weight using them. I also have some newer stuff that I have been asked to test. So, I guess I am on a Journey to Find out for MYSELF! Hehehe

I am One of Those... Listen to EVERYTHING, Forn MY OWN Opinion, and Test to see Whats REAL, Kind of Person? Well, that, and sometimes I am left to figure things out for myself!

WooHoo! Let the FUN Begin!


Peace and LOVE to ALL! past-present-future

Hey Med, Im in. I have to say, I am interested in the light you will be using. You will ahve to tell me about it sometime.
I keep wanting to get things started, but I Got High! Hehehe


A Friend sent me 2 New LED Panels with some NEW Technology and asked to to Work my Magic with them! I have had them for a few weeks, but I have not really had the opportunity to Play with them yet. Being in Michigan as a Registered Patient and Caregiver, I have plant limits, so I had to wait till after Harvest to take new Cuttings for this Journal. I took 3 cutting each from 3 strains. All of the MK Ultra and Papaya are showing roots, but only 2 of the Train Wreck have roots.

WooHoo! GREAT NEWS! WooHoo!

I signed up a NEW PATIENT TODAY! WooHoo! That means 12 more Plants in my Rotation! WooHoo!

If you havent guessed, I AM EXCITED!

I picked up cuttings of Tutankhamon, which is an AK-47 selective cutting. She is sold as 23% THC, but has tested as high as 33%, which kind-of sounds like a CHALLENGE! Hehehe I also picked up 2 Healthy Blueberry Gum Plants (Blueberry X BubbleGum).

With the additional Plants and cuttings, I NOW have stuff to play around with WHILE I GET THINGS ROLLING! I have ALOT of NEW options for THIS Journal, so I will take the night (or 2) to come up with a Solid Plan of Attach!


Stay Tuned!
Have you ever grown with LED's Med? Unless Im mistaken, I don't think you have. This should be interesting. Maybe a side by side with your HPS?
Have you ever grown with LED's Med? Unless Im mistaken, I don't think you have. This should be interesting. Maybe a side by side with your HPS?

I have been using the HGL 126 watt LED panels that have 1 watt diodes for veg, but I was not confident in their Flowering ability to give it a try.

All of the cuttings have rooted, transplanted into Solo Cups for early veg. I have taken the glass out of 1 panel so far, will finish the other one tomorrow. It appears the panels gain about 10% Power without the glass. Ceiling hooks have been installed and I have hung the LED Panels in their new Home. Now where did I put that spare light timer? Hmmmmm?

Hoping to finish Set-Up tomorrow so I can post pictures of the set-up! WooHoo!

I am SOoooo EXCITED to Finally get started on this Project! Try to keep up! (<<< Note to Self)

WooHoo! I have Finished this Grow in my Head and it turns out AWESOME!

So NOW, I am finishing up the Flowering System that I will by using in 12/12. Taking LOTS of pictures so I can do a Full DIY Construction of each Phase's System from clones to Harvest, for anyone that wants to Re-Create it for themselves.

Having built and grown in just about every form of Hydro/Soilless gardening, I BELIEVE I have come up with a System that is EASY to DIY (Do It Yourself), VERY low maintenance, and VERY inexpensive to use. I NEED a System that is easy to Mentor from afar, so I dont have to always be physically present to help maintain my Patients who are learning to Grow for themselves. Cause... thats what I DO!

The Main Concept of these Systems is MicroFiber Cloth Wick Soilless Gardening! The Rationale, Theory, Construction, and Even Pointless banter to follow.....

I am spending alot of time this week finishing up other projects to make Time and Room for this Journal.

I Do plan on having the Finished Medz Tested for Quality (THC,THCA, CB*, CB*A ..... etc), maybe even compare to the same Strains grown under my HPS.

To start things off on the Right path, I think David Lee Roth sings it BEST, so without further ado....


Peace and LOVE to ALL! past-present-future
I have had these newly rooted cuttings/clones under the LED for about 12 days now with both LED's about 18 inches above. I have taken the glass out of one unit at my Friends request, he has noticed about a 10% increase in Performance without the glass. I left one unit intact to compare and to test 1st hand noticable differences, once satisfied, I will remove the other glass, Hmmm... or put the 1st one back in... Hehehe When Learning, I dont like to plan TOO far ahead, cause you never Know where Theories and Results will take you?

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I am also running a batch of cuttings under my 8 Bulb T-5 as my Control batch, since I Like and Know its Results. I have noticed that the LED Clones were stacking nodes Too Tight, and not giving me the Vertical height increase I am used too, so I raised the LED's from 18 to about 36 inches to jump start

I can NOW admit to what has been holding me up.... VACATION! I DONT/WONT tell People prior to going away from my Grow for OBVIOUS Reasons?

I ABSOLUTELY LOVE Aeroponics for the ability to add a Master Controller Res for extended periods of Stability, but having cloned in Rapid Rooters, I needed an Autofeed system that would withstand My 8 day absence. My MicroFiber Wicked Solo Cups worked Perfectly. The 32 Oz Cup Veggers did Well also. I will go into more detail on those and the DIY Top Feed Recirc System they Graduate into for 12/12, later. Once they go into my DIY Universal Grow System, things grow FAST!

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Hmmmm... now that I am Done with vacation and EVERYTHING Survived and Flourished... it is time to KICK Things up a Notch! I will introduce another DIY Autofeed System for my MicroFiber Wick Solo Cups. We ALL Know how well LED's can veg, BUT the LED's worth is in its ability to PRODUCE BUDZ! I usually spend most efforts in keeping clones and veggers growing SLOWLY so I dont overgrow my Veg space before I have room to Flower. Seeing how this room is Dedicated to these New LED's, and vacation is over, I dont see why we shouldnt put this grow into OVERDRIVE NOW! WooHoo!

Stay Tuned!

I Set up my DIY HydroFarn Spider Column Feeder/MicroFiber Wicked SoloCup early Veg System! Phew! That was a MouthFull! :woohoo:

Plants are picking up Speed Re-Foliating. Gave them all a little pinch near their 2nd Nodes tonight.

I am VERY impressed with the depth of Penetration these LED's have been showing. I Cant wait to Flower with them!

Here are pics from tonight. WooHoo!


Cool thread. Ill be following! How come you have the light so high? There is another grow on here using the same lights and he has the plants growing right up to them.
Cool thread. Ill be following! How come you have the light so high? There is another grow on here using the same lights and he has the plants growing right up to them.

WooHoo! Thanks for Posting tolagittoquit (AWESOME Name)!

I recognized the Plants were stacking nodes ontop of each other with No spacing which makes it difficult to Train. I started with both the LED lights at 18 inches which OverPowered them into Stasis. After raising them to 36 inches above, they restarted growing with their Nodes barely seperated. So I left the LED with the glass still in it ON, and switched off the 2nd which is allowing the plants to stretch a little between branches. Defoliating and Pinching the Girls is My Preffered method to encourage more branching & bud Sites.

I know absolutely NOTHING about these LED's, but I DO know a bit about Reading Plants and Training.

I would LOVE a link to the Other Grow with these lights! I will try to find it tonight.

Here is my DIY MicroFiber Wicked SoloCup early Veg system before adding straight Turface as my medium. Same principle used in the Red 1 Gallon containers for 12/12.


Peace and LOVE to ALL! (past-present-future)
ok is see your reason now and a valid one at that.. I must say these led panels have caught my interest, ive never seen anything like them before and am extremely interested to see what they can do for you. Ill post the link at the end of my reply, I didnt the first time because I really dont know the rules on this forum and I know some can be touchy with what people post. Are you going to be LST'ing these plants or do you have other plans? I really like your 'Wicked SoloCup' diy very creative, ill have to give it a shot sometime. Thanks for doing this grow really looking forward to seeing the progression of these plants.

ok is see your reason now and a valid one at that.. I must say these led panels have caught my interest, ive never seen anything like them before and am extremely interested to see what they can do for you. Ill post the link at the end of my reply, I didnt the first time because I really dont know the rules on this forum and I know some can be touchy with what people post. Are you going to be LST'ing these plants or do you have other plans? I really like your 'Wicked SoloCup' diy very creative, ill have to give it a shot sometime. Thanks for doing this grow really looking forward to seeing the progression of these plants.


WooHoo! Thanks for the Link! I left a post over there! WooHoo!

These LED Panels have 180 watts worth of LED's, but I believe they are driven at 67% for about 120+ watts actual draw, All under those 10 lenses.

I DO utilyze LST, Supercropping, Bending, Pinching, Defoliation (extreme), Topping, FIM, Bondage (oops Freudian Slip?) but wont know until I see how they grow and what they are asking for?

I REALLY made the DIY MicroFiber Wicked Solo Cup early Veg System to get me through my Vacation without having to worry about watering anything while I was gone. I had quite a few recently rooted (in Rapid Rooters) cuttings and needed a simple system for them. I also made a similar system for the bigger Veggers in 32 Oz Cups, and I want to say...

WooHoo! This System is working SOoo Well, I may just continue this way, with a few tweeks as we go! Running with 2 different Systems (also Aero) that need clones prepared different ways (2 inch netpots from cut to Harvest) takes away some Flexablity in 12/12 placement.

Need to do a quick inventory to figure out what Plants to clone for next round! WooHoo!

So this is where you spend all your time? Now I know why you lurk so hard core hahaha just kidding (I been a member here for 3 years and just now posting lmao!). I am excited to see what you do with these LEDs. I am in 3rd week of flower now using the same LEDs (in case you didn't know? You never visit me anymore?), and I am pretty impressed so far. Although I doubt these have the capabilities to flower out the kind of monsters you like to grow. But overall I am satisfied with what I see so far. Hope you get similar results or better. Mine are at the point where we can see what these are REALLY capable of. Will be following now.
haha, you crack me up! I love your garden and your incredible positive vibe. Congrats on getting another patient! YEAH!! more plants!!! you have very very sexy girls nice posture!
So this is where you spend all your time? Now I know why you lurk so hard core hahaha just kidding (I been a member here for 3 years and just now posting lmao!). I am excited to see what you do with these LEDs. I am in 3rd week of flower now using the same LEDs (in case you didn't know? You never visit me anymore?), and I am pretty impressed so far. Although I doubt these have the capabilities to flower out the kind of monsters you like to grow. But overall I am satisfied with what I see so far. Hope you get similar results or better. Mine are at the point where we can see what these are REALLY capable of. Will be following now.

I am SOoo Very Excited that you are using the same LED's! I also was linked to another Journal using them as well. The link is up a few posts ^^^^!

I have to say... Seeing everyone else Flowering with these LED Units, I am REALLY Tempted to throw some Trees in the room and FLIP the Switch! Hmmmmmmmm.....???

haha, you crack me up! I love your garden and your incredible positive vibe. Congrats on getting another patient! YEAH!! more plants!!! you have very very sexy girls nice posture!

Gracious Mi Amiga! I am HONORED with your Presence! You Bring such Joy in a Creative way! I appreciate the LOVE, it seems to be EVERYWHERE, yet follows you around like a puppy! :hug:

WooHoo! The plant count came at the Perfect time! I almost had to cut some strains, and that seems Harder and Harder to do with so many Keepers!

To Veg these Girls out or Replace with Trees...?? Hmmmmmm....
hint... hint... I was looking for someone to say... "YEAH! You can play with Veg later! Throw them BADDASS LED's over some TREES and get this Party started!"

But I guess I will continue to Veg these girls out for now... hmmmm... gonna do a few things to try to speed things up... I REALLY want to JOIN the Big Dogs in 12/12! woof woof!

I am becoming More and More impressed with these LED's! Their penetration is INCREDIBLE!

I am thinking about a room crammed with Defoliated Plants allowed to Bud down DEEP! Looks AWESOME in MY Head!

sounds awesome dude! I like those girlz in you avatar . They are nice and tall and slim and sleek looking, The fruity pebble og I have growing in my phototron looks like them but shorter. Yours could be the mother and father and mine could be the lil baby girl. I topped mine a couple times and was lucky to get 4 main colas growing up about the same height. How did you top yours and how did you get them so tall and skinny. I used dental floss to pull the branches together .
sounds awesome dude! I like those girlz in you avatar . They are nice and tall and slim and sleek looking, The fruity pebble og I have growing in my phototron looks like them but shorter. Yours could be the mother and father and mine could be the lil baby girl. I topped mine a couple times and was lucky to get 4 main colas growing up about the same height. How did you top yours and how did you get them so tall and skinny. I used dental floss to pull the branches together .

I came up with a Very Simple way to Top ALL the Branches at the same time! I just forget to Raise the T-5's until all the Tips are Burned! Eazy Peazy?
Waving a hand to ya Med!! :blsmoke:

WooHoo! Nice of you to Visit! You (Me) aught to lay off those MedScientist's Super Potent Dry Ice Hash CannaCaps, I cant get anything done around here! I could have sworn I posted on your new Journal last night, Hehehehe, nope, I prolly should re-read it now! Hehehe WooHoo! Welcome Back!
