Time traveling is possible, so why are not we doing it?

If I owned NASA, I would make it happen by giving plenty of monetary incentive for the scientists and engineers to figure the solution to the problems.

And I'm not sure time travel would be all that responsible either. There could be some ethical problems that go along with time travel. For example, who dictates who gets to time travel and who gets left behind? Also, what about the families of the time travelers? what happens to the families? And whos to say that the future will want people from the past just showing up at random?

I'm not sure how much of a pandemic time travel would cause, but that might depend on whos doing the time traveling and how many people are time traveling. If it was Jesus and His disciples than that would cause some concern. But if it was just a dozen regular dudes than it probably wouldn't be a big deal.


It doesn't matter the time period you start from. My concern is that once you go far enough, you'll find people who's immune systems haven't encountered certain illnesses that are normal these days. What if some dude brought he chicken pox and wiped out half of future-earth?
well,if we were not actualy traveling through time,,,wouldnt we be dead?

I guess I see what your saying. We are constantly traveling through time, but on a very "small" scale compared to traveling near the speed of light. When you get to velocities about 99.99999999999% of the speed of light than your really traveling through time. As Beef said, it might take 9 years to travel 2,000 years into the future.

It doesn't matter the time period you start from. My concern is that once you go far enough, you'll find people who's immune systems haven't encountered certain illnesses that are normal these days. What if some dude brought he chicken pox and wiped out half of future-earth?

I don't believe there would be an epidemic of any sorts. People will still be people and I'm sure they would be much smarter by then and they would be able to contain any outbreaks if there were any. I'm sure the Drs and scientists would have studied all the previous viruses and diseases and would be prepared for time travelers if time traveling was common. That's just My opinion though.

I guess I see what your saying. We are constantly traveling through time, but on a very "small" scale compared to traveling near the speed of light. When you get to velocities about 99.99999999999% of the speed of light than your really traveling through time. As Beef said, it might take 9 years to travel 2,000 years into the future.

I don't believe there would be an epidemic of any sorts. People will still be people and I'm sure they would be much smarter by then and they would be able to contain any outbreaks if there were any. I'm sure the Drs and scientists would have studied all the previous viruses and diseases and would be prepared for time travelers if time traveling was common. That's just My opinion though.

Oh ye of little imagination...
Doesn't anyone read the classics anymore? HG Wells' The Time Machine explores a possible future where humans are no longer engaged in science and technology.
I didn't realize we had a section on this forum for delusional crack smackers.

If Einstein and science are correct than traveling forward in time is possible. So why aren't we doing it? All we need is a very fast space ship and than we can take "trips" into the future.

Basically the theory of relativity states that if an object, like a space ship, travels at velocities near the speed of light than effectively the space ship "slows down" the time down in the space ship and effectively the time on earth would "speed up" up relative to each other.

I would like to take a trip about 2,000 years into the future and check out how the earth has evolved. And than I would want to go from AGE to AGE and check out the scene. I would assume that if I traveled through time another 10,000 years than I would be able to live to at least 200 years old, or maybe I could be immortal by than. And if I was immortal than I would live forever and not need to do any time traveling but I still might do some time traveling just for fun.

What would you do if you could time travel? What year would you like to live in?

Check out My signature to meet Christ!


A number of reasons. First of all, why? Why would I trade all of this in for an uncertain future? Just to be clear, you do realize there is no coming back? It is essentially suspended animation and you can't reverse it. Once you are 100 years in the future all your friends and family are dead and you can't go back.

It would require a retarded amount of energy. More energy than we have access to. The faster you go the greater your mass and the greater energy you need to continue accelerating. It other words it requires MORE energy to go from 50 to 51% than it does to go from 49 to 50% (of the speed of light). The closer you get to the speed of light the more energy is required to keep going faster. To actually go at light speed would require an infinite amount of energy. You don't need to actually hit the speed of light, but any speed that would produce the results you are talking about would require more energy than we have.
Going 99.9999% of the speed of light, to go forward 2000 years would take almost 9 years of continuous near light speed travel. We don't have the technology to travel at even a fraction of that speed. Even if we did have the technology to travel that fast, we don't have the technology to maneuver, and avoid things at that speed. The best confirmed, tested technology we have is combustion propulsion.

Even if you did have a nuclear reactor on board, what would it power? You realize nuclear energy is just electricity, right? It just produces a lot of electricity in a relatively small area.

Aircraft carries and subs have nuclear reactors, but they power propellers. Are you suggesting we make space submarines and fit them with space propellers?

Nuclear energy is actually released as heat and then converted into mechanical energy which is converted into electricity.
How would you make it happen if you owned NASA? I'm not sure time travel would be terribly responsible. Isn't there a good risk of you creating a pandemic everywhere you show up?

Shouldn't that only be a problem when going in reverse? ie bringing some kind of parasite from the future into the past - where no one has an immunity because they've never seen it.

If you take something into the future won't all the surviving people have immunity to whatever you bring? I mean if their immune systems couldn't handle chicken pox wouldn't their ancestors (and thus their future descendants) be dead already?
Shouldn't that only be a problem when going in reverse? ie bringing some kind of parasite from the future into the past - where no one has an immunity because they've never seen it.

If you take something into the future won't all the surviving people have immunity to whatever you bring? I mean if their immune systems couldn't handle chicken pox wouldn't their ancestors (and thus their future descendants) be dead already?

Smallpox would be a good example. We got rid of it by vaccination. If someone were to show up now from a time period where it existed, many people would die. When you effectively kill off a disease; you stop vaccinating for it. Say they eradicated the flu in 2100 somehow. If I showed up in 2200 with the flu: Bam!Chaos.
The whole premise of this thread is that you can travel forward but not backward in time. How do you know what future time periods will be defined as?

That's right, you cant travel backwards in time, only forwards.

I would define future time periods as more advanced and thusly better. But the word "better" is subjective so I would have to say the future will be more advanced.

As I said, I would like to travel from AGE to AGE in search of how the world has evolved during the that AGE. I would like to experience as many AGEs as possible.

How can you possible know what AGE lies ahead, or how far ahead? I need some specifics here. You are about to step foot into your almost-light-speed rocket and shove off into space. You better know how much time you want to pass on earth before you come back because you don't get a do over. So exactly what date are you going to come back on?
How can you possible know what AGE lies ahead, or how far ahead? I need some specifics here. You are about to step foot into your almost-light-speed rocket and shove off into space. You better know how much time you want to pass on earth before you come back because you don't get a do over. So exactly what date are you going to come back on?

I would say a (zodiac) AGE is about 2,000 years, so I would come back to earth every 2,000 years or so.

So if Jesus got on a space ship when He ascended into heaven and did some time traveling than just about 2,000 years would have passed since then. Maybe Jesus is a time traveler, because He allegedly didn't stay dead, He allegedly rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. Maybe He got onto a space ship with some alien friends and that's how He will return. But I believe that I AM Christ so maybe I'm going to be that time traveler. Its just a wacky thought anyways.

I would say a (zodiac) AGE is about 2,000 years, so I would come back to earth every 2,000 years or so.

So if Jesus got on a space ship when He ascended into heaven and did some time traveling than just about 2,000 years would have passed since then. Maybe Jesus is a time traveler, because He allegedly didn't stay dead, He allegedly rose from the dead and ascended into heaven. Maybe He got onto a space ship with some alien friends and that's how He will return. But I believe that I AM Christ so maybe I'm going to be that time traveler. Its just a wacky thought anyways.


Some might even say certifiably whacky...
Some might even say certifiably whacky...

I'm definitely crazy!

But it still doesn't change the fact that I'm a wonderful Person. I may be a little crazy but I have the best intentions and I have many good qualities.

But thanks for your 2 cents.

I would say a (zodiac) AGE is about 2,000 years, so I would come back to earth every 2,000 years or so.

What logical reasoning do you have to base anything off of the Zodiac?

I'm definitely crazy!

How is it that you can admit that you're crazy, that is, reality as is experienced by a 'normal, healthy' mind differs from the way you experience it, and still feel as if your thoughts or beliefs are valid or hold any weight towards the objective reality that actually exists?

But it still doesn't change the fact that I'm a wonderful Person. I may be a little crazy but I have the best intentions and I have many good qualities.

"...the road to Hell was paved in good intentions.."