Nice to be Independent


New Member
now you're just getting all desperate and bothered.

ethnic cleansing is what you did to the aboriginals, and you have no problem benefiting from it.

israel is simply defending itself from neighbors who bomb them non-stop.

the aboriginals never did that to you, you guys genocided them anyway. and now you sit on their land and preach about how bad israel is for defending itself.

you transparent, bigoted asshat.

Keep justifying ethnic cleansing, war crimes and continued illegal state post 1967 borders. How's the US history with it's natives?

changing the goalposts there, war monger.

American Ger Toshav calling an Australian a warmonger - Priceless...

your claim was that obama "armed and funded the very terrorists that attacked us on 9/11"

he was in no position to do so.

He is doing it now, AQ's ideology hasn't changed, Al-Zawahiri still makes up the shura and you voted for a man that OVERTLY supports terrorists.

now you're CHANGING the claim instead of simply admitting that you lied.

you are unable to be honest in any way. you are just proving what a desperate douchebag you are.

You wouldn't know what honesty is... Every view you espouse is opposite to your real life experiences... Priceless...

i thought you would enjoy it, seems like something you would do on the weekends for kicks.
Like I said don't PM me child pron again I don't want to see what you and Mrs hands do to small children


Well-Known Member
same story for manifest destiny, ditto how you guys genocided the aboriginals.

same story for manifest destiny, ditto how you guys genocided the aboriginals.

you're still living on the land that was taken by force from the natives through horrendous means.

why do you get to keep on benefiting? why don't you give your land back?

why is it OK for you to benefit from*it, but so contemptible for israel to do the same?

hell, jews have been in that region for all of time, you can't say the same about the descendants of pedophiles that settled your island. it's even worse in your case.

when are you going to put your money where your cocksucker is and give your land back?
I would not have used the words "all of time" but I agree with your argument.


Well-Known Member
Keep justifying ethnic cleansing, war crimes and continued illegal state post 1967 borders. How's the US history with it's natives?
ethnic cleansing is an absurd claim that you are pulling out of your bigoted ass.

ethnic cleansing, war crimes, and genocide is what you did to the aboriginals, and you sit there benefiting from it, condemning israel for defending herself. hypocrite.

have you ever offered to give them their land back? why not?

calling an Australian a warmonger - Priceless...
you're the one who signed up for a pointless war, moron.

He is doing it now
which is a different claim than your original claim.

why can you not be honest?

Like I said don't PM me child pron again I don't want to see what you and Mrs hands do to small children
that was gay anal fisting porn between two consenting adults. this is more evidence that you are incapable of honesty.

for example, you speak out against israel taking land by force, while you sit there on land taken by force and genocide.

likewise, you claim not to want more gay anal fisting porn, since you are dishonest 100% of the time, i have no choice but to believe that you want me to send you more gay anal fisting porn.

and i will.

no need to thank me for saving you the time. you're welcome.


Well-Known Member
I would not have used the words "all of time" but I agree with your argument.
it's common knowledge that echelon's shithole island was not originally populated by pedophile castaways, we can all agree on that. those castaway pedophiles committed genocide against the natives and drove them off their land, no dispute there. echelon benefits from it, does not speak out against it, and does not offer to correct the atrocity.

this much we ALL agree on, even echelon the pedophile descendant.

now, i would like to point out that jews have lived in the region now known as israel since Dog knows when. they have, for as far as we know, always been there. i did not think this was a matter of dispute. a quick search is littered with valid sources to back this claim, so i will not even bother posting them unless you ask.

do you have some source that shows that jews have not lived in what is now present day israel for, as i said "all of time"?


New Member
ethnic cleansing is an absurd claim that you are pulling out of your bigoted ass.

ethnic cleansing, war crimes, and genocide is what you did to the aboriginals, and you sit there benefiting from it, condemning israel for defending herself. hypocrite.

have you ever offered to give them their land back? why not?

you're the one who signed up for a pointless war, moron.

which is a different claim than your original claim.

why can you not be honest?

that was gay anal fisting porn between two consenting adults. this is more evidence that you are incapable of honesty.

for example, you speak out against israel taking land by force, while you sit there on land taken by force and genocide.

likewise, you claim not to want more gay anal fisting porn, since you are dishonest 100% of the time, i have no choice but to believe that you want me to send you more gay anal fisting porn.

and i will.

no need to thank me for saving you the time. you're welcome.
Keep supporting terrorists; Israel, Al Qaeda via it's DC proxy Obama... Glad to see where you loyalties are, regardless if jews or muslims kill Americans, you support them either way...

Like I said no child prom or ill let your handler know what kind of CI he has on the books and I don't want to see what mrs. hands does to you...


Well-Known Member
it's common knowledge that echelon's shithole island was not originally populated by pedophile castaways, we can all agree on that. those castaway pedophiles committed genocide against the natives and drove them off their land, no dispute there. echelon benefits from it, does not speak out against it, and does not offer to correct the atrocity.

this much we ALL agree on, even echelon the pedophile descendant.

now, i would like to point out that jews have lived in the region now known as israel since Dog knows when. they have, for as far as we know, always been there. i did not think this was a matter of dispute. a quick search is littered with valid sources to back this claim, so i will not even bother posting them unless you ask.

do you have some source that shows that jews have not lived in what is now present day israel for, as i said "all of time"?
But the onus is not upon myself. Those claiming that Jews have lived in Palestine (even as a minority) must provide a source. However, I am in agreement that Jews have been there for very long time, far longer than other colonialists have been in just about any other colony.


Well-Known Member
Keep supporting terrorists
i do not support pedophile descendants who committed genocide against the aboriginals. you are mistaken.

please do let me know when you are gonna give your ill-begotten land back.

Like I said no child prom or ill let your handler know what kind of CI he has on the books and I don't want to see what mrs. hands does to you...
i never sent you child porn, i sent you gay anal fisting porn between two consenting adults.

you're just seeing what you want to see. must be the pedo genetics you have.


Well-Known Member
But the onus is not upon myself. Those claiming that Jews have lived in Palestine (even as a minority) must provide a source. However, I am in agreement that Jews have been there for very long time, far longer than other colonialists have been in just about any other colony.
i'll settle for "a very long time".

all the looking i've just done suggests they've been there as long as any other group has.


New Member
i do not support pedophile descendants who committed genocide against the aboriginals. you are mistaken.

please do let me know when you are gonna give your ill-begotten land back.

Yes you do....

i never sent you child porn, i sent you gay anal fisting porn between two consenting adults.

you're just seeing what you want to see. must be the pedo genetics you have.
“IN NO OTHER COUNTRY (but Israel) are children systematically tried by juvenile military courts that, by definition, fall short of providing the necessary guarantees to ensure respect for their rights. All children prosecuted for offences they allegedly committed should be treated in accordance with international juvenile justice standards, which provide them with special protection”.

–UNICEF Report, “Children in Israeli Military Detention”, February 2013

The following sums your views perfectly;

"Israel may have the right to put others on trial, but certainly NO ONE has the right to put the Jewish people and the State of Israel on trial" Ariel Sharon; BBC, March 25, 2001
“One million Arabs are not worth a Jewish fingernail”. Rabbi Yaacov Perrin, Feb. 27, 1994 N.Y. Times,


Well-Known Member
“IN NO OTHER COUNTRY (but Israel) are children systematically tried by juvenile military courts that, by definition, fall short of providing the necessary guarantees to ensure respect for their rights. All children prosecuted for offences they allegedly committed should be treated in accordance with international juvenile justice standards, which provide them with special protection”.

–UNICEF Report, “Children in Israeli Military Detention”, February 2013

The following sums your views perfectly;
at least they give them a trial, which is more than can be said about how you pedo descendants treated those aboriginal children.

you raped them, you killed them, you drove them from their land, all without a trial.

are you gonna give them their land back?


New Member
at least they give them a trial, which is more than can be said about how you pedo descendants treated those aboriginal children.

you raped them, you killed them, you drove them from their land, all without a trial.

are you gonna give them their land back?
URGENT APPEAL from Al-Aqaba Village
The people of Al-Aqaba village call upon you to intervene to open Al-Salam Street, which was destroyed and then closed by the Israeli military on 18 April 2012. Israel knows that the people of this small village call for peace despite the injuries and the harassment inflicted upon them and despite the fact that they are deprived of vital services, particularly drinking water; they are denied the right to build; are isolated and blockaded; and they are frequently served with demolition orders for their homes, their roads, their agricultural land, and the entrances to their village.
Palestinian children 'abused' in Israeli jail
After children sign a "confession", they are brought before an Israeli military court. Since 2009, an Israeli spokesperson said, children have faced juvenile military courts. Most often, that's the first time the minor will see their lawyer. The confession is generally the primary evidence against the child, say DCI officials. Other evidence will often consist of a statement by an interrogator, and sometimes a soldier.
• Insulting a soldier or attacking his honor and status as a soldier, which carries a maximum sentence of 10 years.

• Throwing a stone at a moving car with a view to damaging it or harming its passengers, which carries a maximum sentence of 20 years.

Throwing a stone is the most widespread offense leading to prison. In 2009, according to D.C.I., 117 out of 192, or 61 per cent, were due to stone throwing. (DCI: Defense Children International)
Israeli man in police uniform sexually abuses two Palestinian boys

It's disgusting you support the above, especially based on ridiculous religious belief...


Well-Known Member
those little palestinian kids start off with throwing rocks, move up to lobbing bombs, and then graduate to suicide bombing buses full of women and children.

i suppose israel should just sit back and take it like you made the aboriginals do.


Well-Known Member
nice sources by the way.

"" just screams and oozes honest and non-biased :roll:

about as honest as you are.


New Member
nice sources by the way.
"" just screams and oozes honest and non-biased :roll:
about as honest as you are.
If that's the response you can muster when presented with evidence of war crimes, committed by the regime you support based on religious garbage and contrary to the views you express towards your own country America. You hate the Christian right, but you are the "jewish" equivalent...
I will not post any if you lay off the below...


New Member
those little palestinian kids start off with throwing rocks, move up to lobbing bombs, and then graduate to suicide bombing buses full of women and children.

i suppose israel should just sit back and take it like you made the aboriginals do.
Proof or again it's just you talking out of your equine loving arsehole... Let me pre-empt the Israeli spin you're about to reply with;

Misnomers and Misdirection,0

In a rousing speech before Congress on May 24, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected peace talks with the newly unified Palestinian government because it now includes -- on paper at least -- officials from the terrorist (or, in its own eyes, "resistance") group Hamas. In a striking moment, Netanyahu defiantly declared, "Israel will not negotiate with a Palestinian government backed by the Palestinian version of al Qaeda," a statement greeted with resounding applause from the assembled members of Congress.

But hold on a minute. Yes, Hamas, like al Qaeda, is an Islamist group that uses terrorism as a strategic tool to achieve political aims. Yes, Hamas, like al Qaeda, rejects Israel and has opposed the peace talks that moderate Palestinians have tried to move forward. And sure, the Hamas charter uses language that parallels the worst anti-Semitism of al Qaeda, enjoining believers to fight Jews wherever they may be found and accusing Jews of numerous conspiracies against Muslims, ranging from the drug trade to creating "sabotage" groups like, apparently, violent versions of Rotary and Lions clubs.

But the differences between Hamas and al Qaeda often outweigh the similarities. And ignoring these differences underestimates Hamas's power and influence -- and risks missing opportunities to push Hamas into accepting a peace deal.

While Congress was quick to applaud Bibi's fiery analogy, U.S. counterterrorism officials know that one of the biggest differences is that Hamas has a regional focus, while al Qaeda's is global. Hamas bears no love for the United States, but it has not deliberately targeted Americans. Al Qaeda, of course, sees the United States as its primary enemy, and it doesn't stop there. European countries, supposed enemies of Islam such as Russia and India, and Arab regimes of all stripes are on their hit list. Other components of the "Salafi-jihadist" movement (of which al Qaeda is a part) focus operations on killing Shiite Muslims, whom they view as apostates. Hamas, in contrast, does not call for the overthrow of Arab regimes and works with Shiite Iran and the Alawite-dominated secular regime in Damascus, pragmatically preferring weapons, money, and assistance in training to ideological consistency.

Hamas, like its parent organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, also devotes much of its attention to education, health care, and social services. Like it or not, by caring for the poor and teaching the next generation of Muslims about its view of the world, Hamas is fundamentally reshaping Palestinian society. Thus, many Palestinians who do not share Hamas's worldview nonetheless respect it; in part because the Palestinian moderates so beloved of the West have often failed to deliver on basic government functions. The old Arab nationalist visions of the 1950s and 1960s that animated the moderate Palestinian leader Mahmood Abbas and his mentor Yasir Arafat have less appeal to Palestinians today.

One of the greatest differences today, as the Arab spring raises the hope that democracy will take seed across the Middle East, is that Hamas accepts elections (and, in fact, took power in Gaza in part because of them) while al Qaeda vehemently rejects them. For Ayman al-Zawahiri, Osama bin Ladin's deputy and presumed heir-apparent, elections put man's (and, even worse, woman's) wishes above God's. A democratic government could allow the sale of alcohol, cooperate militarily with the United States, permit women to dress immodestly, or a condone a host of other practices that extremists see as forbidden under Islam. So yes, Hamas, like al Qaeda, talks of an Islamic government, but in practice it makes compromises, as its unity agreement with Abbas and his regime suggests. In power, Hamas has tried to Islamicize Gaza, and its rule in Gaza is notable for its repression, but it has not imposed a draconian regime as did the Taliban in Afghanistan, the only government al Qaeda ever recognized as truly Islamic.
In the end, Hamas is pragmatic. It makes compromises with rivals, cuts deals with potentially hostile foreign sponsors, and otherwise tries to strengthen its political position, even if this exposes it to the charge of hypocrisy.

Nowhere is this more apparent that in Hamas's relations with Israel. Especially since the 2008-2009 Cast Lead Operation, where Israeli forces hit Gaza hard, Hamas has often (though not always) adhered to a ceasefire with Israel. In the months following Cast Lead, only a few rockets were launched at Israel from Gaza, and Israeli officials told me those were probably from other Palestinian groups or were otherwise not an official Hamas action. Gazans did not want to go another round with Israel's army, and Hamas feared alienating them.

Yet Hamas tries to maintain its street cred as a resistance organization. It has at times allowed other groups to launch attacks on Israel, and in recent months launched missile salvos itself, risking an end to the de facto ceasefire. Internal pressures within Gaza, particularly criticisms from Salafi-jihadists with ideologies akin to al Qaeda, as well as Israeli attacks on Hamas personnel, have at times led the group to risk further retaliation, but this careful calculation is a far cry from al Qaeda's call for constant struggle.

Hamas needs no reminder that al Qaeda is more foe than friend. Though Ismail Haniyeh, Hamas's leader in Gaza, praised bin Ladin after his death as an "Arab holy warrior," this was largely pandering to his religious base. In fact, the relationship between Hamas and al Qaeda, and between Hamas and al Qaeda-like jihadists in Gaza, is far more contentious. Zawahiri has blasted Hamas for adhering to ceasefires with Israel, not immediately implementing Islamic law in Gaza, and otherwise deviating from the pure faith of jihadism.

To prevent these ideas from eroding its support, Hamas has harshly repressed al Qaeda-inspired jihadists in Gaza, arresting and even torturing some of the individuals linked to these groups, according to Israeli sources. In 2009, one Salafi-jihadist preacher declared Gaza to be an Islamic state; Hamas stormed the mosque that was his base, killing him and over 20 others.

But the biggest difference is that Hamas is a success while al Qaeda is a failure. Hamas has gone from a small group overshadowed by Yasir Arafat's Fatah to a large and powerful organization. Whether we like it or not, Hamas is the government of Gaza -- and terrorism helped them get there. And with the fall of Mubarak and the emergence of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt as an important political actor there, Hamas may gain influence. Al Qaeda, in contrast, is if anything farther from its goals of ending U.S. regional influence and establishing a caliphate than it was 15 years ago.

Despite Netanyahu's rhetoric, Hamas cannot simply be wished away when it comes to the peace process. It represents a large portion of Palestinian opinion, and it has repeatedly demonstrated that it can use suicide bombers, rocket attacks, or other forms of terrorism to disrupt any talks. But the group's occasional pragmatism suggests that under the right conditions it can be convinced not to play the spoiler. Such an effort may fail and involves many sticks as well as carrots, but a similar effort with al Qaeda would be a fool's errand.

Netanyahu's government may be dead-set against talking with Hamas, but treating it like al Qaeda and using this as a reason to not negotiate with moderates like Abbas only convinces skeptical Palestinians that negotiations will never work. Indeed, the failure to restart peace talks only makes Hamas stronger, making a difficult task impossible in the years to come.


Well-Known Member
If that's the response you can muster when presented with evidence of war crimes, committed by the regime you support based on religious garbage and contrary to the views you express towards your own country America. You hate the Christian right, but you are the "jewish" equivalent...
I will not post any if you lay off the below...
i don't even support israel all that much to be honest, i'm just here to point out your selective anger, hypocrisy, bigotry, and anti-semitism.

like i said, it's all fine and dandy that you sit there on stolen land obtained via genocide, but Dog forbid israel defend herself from those thousands of bombs that are lobbed their way.

you're as transparent as a fish tank, and about as smart as one.