70 females submerged in a flood

Waters on a large local river are rising and forecast to crest tomorrow night at a gage height which will put the river over the banks and nearly all my girls completely under fast moving waters for at least 24 hours. I have roughly 15 Iranian Autoflowers with just a couple of weeks left and the rest are Iranian crosses x G13, Chemdawg, Cindy, OG Kush, Diesel but most of those are just going into flower...this is such a resilient plant, I'm sure everything will come out alright but this shit is a little stressful!!!!! It's a risk I took on knowingly...with the river flow controlled by upstream reservoirs, floods don't usually happen except in later winter/spring so was hoping to slide by and reap the benefits of AWESOME river silt that has these ladies going bat shit crazy...hopefully this flood don't wipe me out!!!
Why not pull a few just in case and replant after?...better than rolling the dice IMO
I'm uploading a video to youtube right now of a small part of my 14 mile round trip to the gardens. I'll post a link later so you can see what I'm up against. There ain't no getting out there til the waters crest and fall back below where they are now. Not without a serious risk of loss of life, at least.
Waters on a large local river are rising and forecast to crest tomorrow night at a gage height which will put the river over the banks and nearly all my girls completely under fast moving waters for at least 24 hours. I have roughly 15 Iranian Autoflowers with just a couple of weeks left and the rest are Iranian crosses x G13, Chemdawg, Cindy, OG Kush, Diesel but most of those are just going into flower...this is such a resilient plant, I'm sure everything will come out alright but this shit is a little stressful!!!!! It's a risk I took on knowingly...with the river flow controlled by upstream reservoirs, floods don't usually happen except in later winter/spring so was hoping to slide by and reap the benefits of AWESOME river silt that has these ladies going bat shit crazy...hopefully this flood don't wipe me out!!!

Your first problem was growing "70 females" I assume you are growing to sell? In that case you dont deserve anything in my honest opinion. This plant deserves more respect than dealers can ever give. I hope your not a low life drug dealer but it sure sounds like you are growing a large amount thats PROBABLY not for personal use.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-eT8lMHPpM Here's a link to a video shot when I was heading back upstream after a night of making my rounds...the water was at about 6 1/2' on the fine morning I shot this video (normal summer range is 3-4')...it's at 11' now and heading to 18' by tomorrow night. When I started this thread the water was only supposed to hit 14' so as you can see the situation is looking worse lol...but we'll see how things play out because I remember seeing other floods but don't remember them killing off all the vegetation-the main thing I'm worried about is a flood of this magnitude hitting when the majority of them are close to finishing, then I'll probably be fucked. Trying to keep my head up!!
lesson learned? good luck, cannabis is very resilient.
I agree...this was a known risk although not a huge one..basically happens once every 10 years or so during growing season.. The only other option was corn fields, but the thought of damaging someone else's crop eliminated that thought. I'm faithful that MJ is resilient enough to pull through. If not, lesson learned lol
Thanks for your opinion, bro. It's just something that happens to fit in with my love for the outdoors. Guess I just don't quite live up to your standards. LOL

So your admitting you grow to sell....what a shame, and we wonder why Cannabis is so frowned upon...
So your admitting you grow to sell....what a shame, and we wonder why Cannabis is so frowned upon...

There are a lot of people on this site who grow pot to sell, illegal and legal (@ a state level). Growing a shitload may not be the best thing to do in your particular case, but for some it is. However, in the eyes of our US government we're all breaking the law using mary jane.
So your admitting you grow to sell....what a shame, and we wonder why Cannabis is so frowned upon...


Or not.......:clap:
So your admitting you grow to sell....what a shame, and we wonder why Cannabis is so frowned upon...

People that frown upon cannabis are the not so educated ones. .............Equitable Trust, that weed that is almost finished will be brown mud silt weed. Still ok to smoke being cannabis is not water solluable(sp)
If it's as bad as it seems, I know theres been a ton of flooding this year all over... I would pull some plants if they are decently mature, if not, I would still pull some and make some hash.
So frowned upon? The majority of the mob supports cannabis use...most of the minority doesn't care and the the few remaining only care about pot use because they have something to gain from it...mostly it's just cops and people like yourself who are really just lowlife assholes"

Cops don't make the laws, they just enforce them, so including them in your "lowlife assholes" comment just makes you sound ignorant and stupid. Take it up with the politicians. Incase you were unaware, they are the ones who pass laws and keep cannabis illegal.

Aside from that statement, everyone who grows, medically or not is breaking the law in the eyes of the federal government. No one here should be giving you shit for that.

People these days...
I'd be cutting a bunch of clones right about now....you may end up with small plants at the end of the season, but you'll have plants just the same. My prayers that you come out of this ok.