As I have expressed many times before; I believe the applicability and advantages of trellising and scrogging, are a tremendous advantage to cannabis cultivators and can be done with nearly any materials available, and in any manner that suits the growers interests and goals etc. I can't perceive a right or wrong way of going about any of it. There may be a more efficient manner of achieving your goal, or a better way to avoid potential problems given the resources and materials used, but experience with various materials and resources equals improvements in efficiency, not necessarily "right or wrong". Many here can help, and will give priceless wisdom learned through experience. Even with little scrog cultivation knowledge, some folks have much to offer in regards to efficiency. Efficiency can often boil right down to available resources and knowledge of how and where to make improvements however, It can also boil down to plant science and biochemistry, or understanding of modern botany and available technologies, or perhaps heating and cooling, or energies and electricity. Improvement comes with knowledge of any or all of the above. I myself contribute a few decades of "cannabis trellising" and "scrogging" of all sorts, with all sorts of materials, and having done so in multiple places from Alaska to Florida. From start, to date, this community has grown. The science behind Scrog cultivation has advanced. As more enter the thread here, we grow in experience, education, knowledge, and wisdom. I am happy to help, and so very pleased that we have a community of helpful, knowledgeable, contributors to "public" education. State your goal, and we will pass along what we know may help you achieve it most efficiently. Bring back your results, and post them here for others to see and learn from!