DMT and dying

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
I want to re-claim 'meth pipes' to their original purpose! I saw them advertised as Cannabis Vapourizers back in the early 90's, they were invented for weed and hash originally. MESSY as hell, but if you have a steady hand and a GOOD blowtorch kind of flame, and the patience to heat it just right, it really brings out only the best flavours in whatever you smoke. Just keeping them clean that's a bastard.
I had a very nice colour-changing one, but I got rid of it when the meth craze hit here, my mates were thinking I'm one classy meth toker just from seeing it in my bong display :/

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Yes, I like to sandwich between weed, light the top of the weed and cherry dimitry till gone, then hold till ur about to pass out
Also my preferred method. Psychedelics without weed just aren't the same and I did it this way first time because there is no other way to get the weed into the system while the DMT lasts (if you have enough of a hit hehehehehe). I sometimes put it ON TOP of the herb, use a steady blowtorch blowing sideways ABOVE the cone and suck the heat down onto it, no direct flame at all. I love watching it melt and absorb into the reefer, at that point it's TOOOOOOOOOOOOOKKEEEEEE kabooom....


Well-Known Member
So ur not gonna enjoy drugs while ur living in fear of not having a memory of ur death.....someone give this guy more drugs please....


Well-Known Member
There's actual studies showing psychedelics relieve anxiety about death in the terminally ill. I imagine it would do that exceedingly well if you were actually dying.
I disagree.....dramatic situations when tripping are dramatic times ten....I wouldnt wanna face death while tripping....I dont think my mind could handle that


Well-Known Member
But I have seen the show and the study where they talk abt cancer patients that are terminal taking mushrooms to help them accept their coming death.


Well-Known Member
Best thing for DMT is the volcano vaporizer. Break through every time.

If DMT is like death.. well death must kick ass.


Active Member
if u have a bad trip u will think u r going to die, dead, or worst niether dead or alive, just a man trapped in his own self created reality. as much as u had to say, i dont know if i completly follow, like that one dude said its probley bologna


if was ever in a situation where some jackass pushed me infront of a subway train or something and I was twisted up @ the hips, still alive..but only because I was pinned.. I would tell them to search for all the dmt they could find...then give me the best.. and some top grade nug. id tell them to go to my house and grab my biggest bong, with the huge slide... I would then tell them to pack some bud in the bottom, but not too cough some blood then be like "now put all the crystals in there, then put more bud on top...then id be like "noo I forgot the hash topping..." but alas id rip that thing and go out with a hnnngghhhh

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
if u have a bad trip u will think u r going to die, dead, or worst niether dead or alive, just a man trapped in his own self created reality. as much as u had to say, i dont know if i completly follow, like that one dude said its probley bologna
Bad trips on DMT... not something I've ever heard about. Never met a person that's had N,N-DMT and walked away not wanting to do it again. You'd have to be really, really, really square and insecure. As for going overboard, also, highly unlikely as breakthrough is breakthrough it doesn't go stronger than that no matter what, and the price for the stuff is extremely high if it's pure so trust me we all try and judge it just right, smoke it just right, get it ALL. A little waste with DMT is a big waste money wise.
But that's just me and the circles I move in I guess. Can't even imagine a bad DMT trip. Had one on acid once (had no reefer and it got waaaay messy) and two or three TOUGH but not bad ones on shrooms...


Well-Known Member
Only bad trip i ever really had was my first time eating shrooms, I'm guessing cause I had no clue what I was gettin myself into with hallucinogens and ate way to much...but now i kno what to expect iand ts smooth sailing , I defiantly wouldn't recommend someone's first trip be DMT tho


Well-Known Member
People freak out on DMT all the time, it just frequently makes people stop usin drugs so you're less likely to meet them.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
People freak out on DMT all the time, it just frequently makes people stop usin drugs so you're less likely to meet them.
Freaking out, sure.

Let me elaborate: I define a BAD trip as one that has absolutely no advantage to the user whatsoever. To me psychedelics are more than recreational. They're like mirrors to different aspects of the self.

To me a bit of a freak-out is not too bad a thing in my personal experience. Psychedelics have really kicked my ass into gear a lot of times already. You get uncomfortable about an aspect of yourself, but soon as you see the way to change it passes. And one ALWAYS makes the change.

I've seen many little freak-outs. We have this hardcore meth epidemic around here. And not meth like you guys know, this stuff is about the lowest grade dirtiest most nast and addictive shit on the planet. Hillbilly Meth, or Budget Meth I don't know. mates in need of a kick in the sack willingly put DMT in their meth pipes. Freaked the hell out sure. But left the pipe for good.

Mr Duck, I am fortunate to be part of a very strong psychedelic culture. Literally everybody I know smokes weed, 95 percent eat acid often, at least half have had Changa or another form of DMT. You know about a music movement, Psychedelic Trance, or Psytrance at all? In summer we have gatherings of 4000 to 5000 people almost every weekend. EVERYBODY gets cooked. So I did mention 'in the circles I move in' for a very good reason.

We're all mutants here lol...

