Lint and Fuzz on my Leaves


Well-Known Member
Ive been noticng little bits of fuzz collecting on the leaves of my plant, I guess it's just from the air in my house, since my grow area is kind of open its hard to filter the air, what can I do?

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Maybe you can get a piece of pantyhose and put it over the hose on your vaccum cleaner. The panty hose will prevent the weed from actually entering the tube, but the lint should still get sucked up. Or get a balloon, blow it up, rub it in your hair really well till its statically charged, and hold it near your plant and see if any of the lint is attracted to it.
Ive been noticng little bits of fuzz collecting on the leaves of my plant, I guess it's just from the air in my house, since my grow area is kind of open its hard to filter the air, what can I do?


Well-Known Member
The balloon got a lot of the bigger bits off, there are still some little tiny ones that are being stubborn, but hey the ballon took off shit that my fan and me couldn't blow off. If I'm still seeing this a lot later on in my grow, I'll try the other one out. After all I dont want that kind of HAIR in my bud.:roll:


Well-Known Member
Ionic breeze air cleaner will pull your fuzz out of the air but you have to clean it at least every two days.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Great! Glad it worked!
The balloon got a lot of the bigger bits off, there are still some little tiny ones that are being stubborn, but hey the ballon took off shit that my fan and me couldn't blow off. If I'm still seeing this a lot later on in my grow, I'll try the other one out. After all I dont want that kind of HAIR in my bud.:roll: