Leafs on the ground?


Well-Known Member
I have heard that this is not a very good thing an to remove the ones touching the ground cuz there susceptible to disease and shit is this true?


So even iif the leaf is on the ground still leave it?
hey if i were you i would just remove it, but your not me. so its really up to you. i have notice in the past that bugs love the leafs that are on the ground touching the soil. just remove it and throw it in a compost pile.


ps another reason why i would remove it, i like to clean the lower part of the branches nothing really good grows down there, i feel like its a waste of energy

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Are they healthy-looking or yellowed? Plant got enough water? Pot dried out enough between watering? Drooping leaves are your plant telling you something, don't just jump and cut them off you lose your fastest and most reliable indicator of overall health, it's the only way you can see what's happening down there in the pot/soil. Only cut them if you are sure you've treated the plant for whatever it is showing you to treat it for, you'll have to look at more signs though to know if treatment has been effective.

Healthy happy plants don't droop leaves onto the ground. In a deficient plant it happens because the plant is metabolising the leaf to make up for the deficiency, or at least try to. Cutting it off will only make the plant take it from somewhere else, whereby making your problem a little worse really.

A pic would help everybody help you better mate.


Well-Known Member
Ok ill see if I can find some pictures. But while I do my plants are healthy at least as healthy as a noob cold think there green no yellowing unless its in the lowest portion of the plant that gets no light(this is normal from what I have read) and te ones that are sagging is cuz of the weight on the branch not due to a deficiency at least nothing I can see. But the pros can really let me know what's going on.


Well-Known Member
This is the amnisa in the ground planted same time as the pots.

And this is a amnisa in the pot.

i can't really finder many good pictures showing what I'm talking about
this was from a few weeks ago but you can see how low the leafs are to the ground? This one in particular is the one that's always has leafs on the ground cuz it's so short and bushy

Alexander Supertramp

Well-Known Member
I have heard that this is not a very good thing an to remove the ones touching the ground cuz there susceptible to disease and shit is this true?
Yes it is true. Many of the pathogens that can cause a plant harm are soil born. And the leaves are the place many of them enter the plant. I would remove them.


Well-Known Member
Ok thank you I have been removing its thought I would ask before I continues cuz I'm not trying to stunt my plants


In a crooked little town, they were lost and never found

Sorry I've had that song stuck in my head since this thread started and I had to get it out...

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
They look great! Ya cut them, i bet it's only the ones not getting much light really low down, right? They would fall off soon anyway. Plants look happy.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Appreciate it! And it's the lower leafs but there getting light there jus on the lowest branches so they jus sag down more and then after awhile will start to touch the ground. They pretty much jus hover over the ground anyways. But once there is alot of growth they touch

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Appreciate it! And it's the lower leafs but there getting light there jus on the lowest branches so they jus sag down more and then after awhile will start to touch the ground. They pretty much jus hover over the ground anyways. But once there is alot of growth they touch
No Problemo! So yeah a little trim will do no harm, they're not drooping because of a problem so go for it!