Jeezus , think about it. dudes walking around with there nasals blown wide open and frying balls. Think of all the other pain ancient indians had though, no dentistry, no modern medicine. snorting DMT would be the least painful aspect of their disease ridden and painful short lives. Hallucinating kept them alive and able, i bet, in many ways.
And I may be on to something here as far as religion goes.
Impmans theory of the universe: Psyconautical exploration may suggest: that most religion derive from 'shamans' , priests, enlightened ones if you will, and the use of these hallucinating practices. Hallucinating practices that probably derived and develped from the need for pain medication. What takes away pain more than mushrooms or DMT or , or mescaline?? And anyone with a chronic pain would be chronically using Hallucinagens and most likely developing a tolerance NONE of us would understand. Using DMT daily over a period of months or years would probably open you up to some very spiritual ideas and practices.
Maybe taking lower doses of DMT over a period of 6 months, slowly developing a tolerance of some note, and then getting a ego loss dose by chance or try , you may no longer be certain of what you see, hear, smell, touch is DMT or reality or if they are even separate states of mind.
We speak often of tolerance and such... loosing ego and the mind.... maybe thats why the acid wave impacted culture so much. Hallucinating and altering our state of mind is in the DNA, surely life was hard and short 1000 BC and along comes a substance that makes you laugh and feel energy. I submit hallucinagens were used much more often than the modern christian church (which wrote history) would have us believe.