PLEASE HELP MY BABYS!! whats wrong with them? I HAVE PICS!

IMG_20130709_220629.jpgIMG_20130709_220559.jpgIMG_20130709_220541.jpg These girls are 16 days old in MG soil in 1 gallon growbags at 75-80 degrees constant fan on them lighting is 3 4700K 3000 lumens 200w equivilant, 3 2700k 100 w and, 2 6000k floro tubes with a total of 20,000 lumens. I gave them a very weak dose of MG all purpose 24.8.16 prob a qaurter of what it called for on the back of the package. over the next few days they started to really look messed up and one dried up really bad so i turfed it. I know its pretty obvious that its nute burn but im also curious about PH problems.. Ive just grabbed some Marinis seaweed liquid fert apparently its supposed to help them when in shock or drought yatta yatta boost immunities will it help with replenishing the burn? anyways have a look at the pics.. do they look healthy? should i change anything? thanks for any help you guys can give.:leaf::leaf::weed:


Well-Known Member
What soil are they in?
The far off pic is of no help, but the other 2 pics are looking like a burn starting.
You normally shouldn't have to feed for 3 weeks or more.
Once you know you overfed, all you can do is flush and hope for the best.
**EDIT I just went back and saw you're in MG soil too.
DO NOT flush.
Just water when they need it, and do NOT feed for at least a week.
Check out my last grow where I used MG soil and nutes, I didn't start feeding until day 25 from sprout.


Well-Known Member
less is more and unfortunately MG already has more which is activated when ya water them, not much you can do except let them recover on their own, make sure they're really thirsty before ya water em. just remember its a weed and will take some abuse. ps i'll add ya to my list for the ganja gods to look out for.
yeah there is a 8" fan just out of frame so you say do not flush ? why is that? could i feed them the seaweed (kelp) fert its only 2.2.7 in say a week seems more like a non toxic root boosting mix lol its 100% organic. is the burn gunna be finished are will it keep progressing even though im not putting more nutes in?

Thanks for the quick replies


Overfed nute burn. water only and let them get real thirsty befre doin so, get your ph right and away you go Im in UK and have hard water, I use lemon juice to adjust my PH cos am stingey, but last year agve my girls a citrus taste
is there a chance that the nute burn will just keep continuing as i water them every 2-3 days? im using those grow bags so they kinda of air out quicker then a pot id say and i water based on how the bag feels for weight.. i know im off topic but im scared i wont react right to a symptom and they will all die setting my back 3 weeks


Really depends on how high the concentration of nutes are in you the substrate. If its not too toxic then the nutes will dilute as the plant takes what it needs. If however the nute concentration is too high you should flush the substrate but you run the risk of drowning them then (depending on how much liquid the soil holds, sorry but I have no idea what this MG stuff is. I don't get it where I'm from but from what I can see from these forums are that they are not the best thing to use but I can be wrong)
yeah i have been reading the same I think im officially done with MG soil can anyone tell me if its possible to just transplant in a few weeks into some different soil.. I was thinking some premier soil cause its just up at the canadian tire here and mix it about 25% perilite and about a half in" on the bottom of the pots for better drainage how does that sounds? I was also thinking getting rid of the grow bags does anyone have any thing bad to say about growbags? also i seen this little freakin white bug in my soil by my root while i was poking around possibly a thripe whats best for these little buggers? thanks all
Listen to Bakatare. Just water. No fish food. If you do it they will be really damaged. Only water when the pots/bags are light and dry.
I tried to flush one to see if it would survive the thing looked like a wet dead noodle in about 2-3 hours.. should i transplant out for MG soil for next transplant? thanks btw gave u some REP


Well-Known Member
is there a chance that the nute burn will just keep continuing as i water them every 2-3 days? im using those grow bags so they kinda of air out quicker then a pot id say and i water based on how the bag feels for weight.. i know im off topic but im scared i wont react right to a symptom and they will all die setting my back 3 weeks
The number one failure in growing Cannabis is over parenting.

Check if they need watering by digging a hole in the topsoil if the top two inches are wet then she is fine.

Don't overfeed, better to wait for signs of needing food then giving and learning from there.

I tried to flush one to see if it would survive the thing looked like a wet dead noodle in about 2-3 hours.. should i transplant out for MG soil for next transplant? thanks btw gave u some REP
He said not to flush it... :wall:

Stop over parenting, follow the aforementioned advice for this grow. Eventually the nutrients will wear off and balance out just don't add more and don't drown the poor girls anymore.
IMG_20130711_184129.jpgthanks man I suppose ur right ill give em a few more days to re-coop before I start to worry again haha its my first time though and i wanna make it to home base.btw heres and update pic on my best looking girl!


Well-Known Member
yeah there is a 8" fan just out of frame so you say do not flush ? why is that? could i feed them the seaweed (kelp) fert its only 2.2.7 in say a week seems more like a non toxic root boosting mix lol its 100% organic. is the burn gunna be finished are will it keep progressing even though im not putting more nutes in?

Thanks for the quick replies
Reason I say don't flush, is because MG already has mild nutes in it, that are the little white/ clearish balls you can see in the soil.
They are water activated, so if you try to flush, you will just let more nutes loose.
That is most common reason IMO why people don't like MG, is due to overwatering, and dissolving the balls, letting the nutes out.
I don't usually water my seedlings for AT LEAST 3 weeks, and even then I jnow I'm doing it early, but when my plants get bigger, I wait until they start to show some discoloration from being hungry before I feed.
I am not giving a set feeding schedule this time around, especially snce I've had a lot of rain, and my plants have actually only had water from me 3 times since the 15th of last month.
Here's a couple charts that you can copy/ paste and save, they will help you out later on.:mrgreen:

I guess if you're REALLY worried about it, and have a lot of time on your hands, a day or so after you water, look for any of the little clear balls that might have floated to the top, and pick them out with a pair of tweezers, I didn't do this since I had no burning issues, except the one time I did it myself, not paying attention, but I was always noticing them collecting on top of the soil after I watered.

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Well-Known Member
I tried to flush one to see if it would survive the thing looked like a wet dead noodle in about 2-3 hours.. should i transplant out for MG soil for next transplant? thanks btw gave u some REP
OK, I intentionally skipped answering your above post but will try to help with both in one answer.
Like I mentioned previously, don't condemn the soil, you may get to like it later on.
I used it last year for 2 plants, just because I had it, and since I had no problems, I continued with the plant in the link I gave earlier over winter, and also the 3 plants I have outside now for summer.
I know several guys here that also use MG, as well as a few that who no longer use it (because there ARE better soils out there), but have nothing bad to say about it, but warn about overwatering.
As far as the grow bags, that's entirely up to you.
Myself, I've heard nothing bad about them.
One guy here even has some that have velcro so they're easier to work with.
You CAN t-plant into diff. soil when you pot up, but by then, your nutes will most likely have settled down, or you will have gotten better control over your watering.......
Either way, you shouldn't have a burning issue by then.
Just straight tap water until then, unless you have water that is undrinkable.
I have hard water that is always leaving the calcium and lime deposits, but tastes OK, I know the PH is at 7.9 because I checked it before, and I used to PH it, but after getting lazy/ forgetting half the time my last grow, and not having issues, I quit doing that even.

BTW, thanks for the 'rep';-)


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2733410thanks man I suppose ur right ill give em a few more days to re-coop before I start to worry again haha its my first time though and i wanna make it to home base.btw heres and update pic on my best looking girl!
I realize you're eager to learn, and also trying to nip your problem in the bud (NO pun intended), but Blue is right.
Over caring for your WEED can be sometimes more detrimental than forgetting about it.
I realize you're eager to learn, and also trying to nip your problem in the bud (NO pun intended), but Blue is right.
Over caring for your WEED can be sometimes more detrimental than forgetting about it.
I was hesitant to join this sight but im glad i did thanks alot to those who have given answers you guys rock happy grows to you guys :joint:kiss-ass