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Well-Known Member
All of that is so dependent on the grower and how she is treated, I would say if you treat her just right she yield's 4-6 oz. She is one of our favorite's. Nice hybrid for daytime, gives you energy and a nice little buzz with some pain relief. She will always have a spot in our room.
looks amazing, hahaha I wish to grow it one day!


Active Member
Congrats Sir, about the most stress you can have comes with the new place. Now you are locked in for just 30 years. Fun starts the day you close escrow. Stress comes to visit the same day. Best decision I made for growing was to designate a single room with a locking door to grow in. Keeping the electrical wiring correct was the second most important and setting up the carbon filter/cooling ducting was the 3rd. After those items it was just fun-city. You will need to spend some money to get it started so you may want to keep your day job for a while. Good luck!:leaf::peace::weed:


Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks man. Good vibes are always on the house when you are a chill dude like yourself.

Hell yeah...some Biggie! Quality stuff my friend. :D Every time I hear some Biggie it makes me want to spark up a blunt....hehe.
LOL... me too, me too..haha.

I was in 9th grade when that shit came out, and I remember telling all my friends how” awesome” he
I really only liked the first album though.

He had a couple others that were cool, but man, that first album = classic.


Well-Known Member
Congrats Sir, about the most stress you can have comes with the new place. Now you are locked in for just 30 years. Fun starts the day you close escrow. Stress comes to visit the same day. Best decision I made for growing was to designate a single room with a locking door to grow in. Keeping the electrical wiring correct was the second most important and setting up the carbon filter/cooling ducting was the 3rd. After those items it was just fun-city. You will need to spend some money to get it started so you may want to keep your day job for a while. Good luck!:leaf::peace::weed:
Thank you so much my friend, solid advice from a solid guy.

I hope my statement was not misinterpreted...

With my disease(s).. Both of my doctors and my physical therapists encourage that I apply for disability.
I absolutely refuse to accept disability until I can no longer bear the pain.

Even though challenged with my issues, I simply am work-oriented.

My post was meant to display, I'll no longer need to fund my weekly visits to the local dispensaries, which are tight as is.

Growing my own will allow me to drop my hours at the restaurant, and a few things already are in place.

Just to clarify...

Sir_dabs is growing for the love of cannabis, not for profit.
Edit: There is one more purpose of my pending grow...

To get the fuck off these pharmaceuticals I have to take, just to feel somewhat comfortable.

The fact that my well-being is in the hands of Corporate monster Pharma, does not sit well...

Edit #2 The phrase” everyday will be a Friday”=
The proverbial
” If you are doing something you love as your career, you will never work another day on your life”
(or something like that, I'm super dabbed.. Haha)
Peace my friend and thank you for the kind words.


Well-Known Member

I like blueberry, smoking of the devil it's what im about to load in le bong

but everytime ive had DJ short's strains it's lacked in all areas- but im sure it was A-Gayness Center's fault =3


Well-Known Member
It is brotha...haha..

It's, too funny that we share the same opinions of these places...haha.

Said the exact same shit About A wellness' ”Dj Shorts Blueberry”
pretty sure they are way

I do like the nicer inventory of concentrates, that are labeled correctly (rare)
And...I can ALWAYS barter with any one of the bud

just say..
” oh, well, usually it's only 22$ if I buy two, cheaper when I buy more”

That gets me the discount every time. ;)
Ps, don't even buy their flowers bro, they

Or...have you had anything worth it over there?..maybe I'm missing something?


Well-Known Member
I went to A-Wellness like, three times.

Big mistake. Just, happens man. but fosho I never will go back.

Over priced. Lacks in every department..unfortunately. I don't see how "oh these strains are the best, patient favorites and award winning buds" exists

who knows. maybe the dudes hook up their loyal patients or tight customers and that keeps em going in... and then going down the street with the rest of the money for better shit lol


Well-Known Member
Rae, if you had to pick a favorite? Fav to smoke and fav to grow.:bigjoint:
Today is probably not a good day to answer this because we have been through hell and back this cycle. We have battled everything, bugs, deficiencies and today two root balls fell apart when we were trying to move Wifi and Pre-98 Bubba to their new pots. That keeps happening and not sure what the problem is. My gut tells me the girls have not been bone dry, the only thing I can think of. Anyway, to answer your question, it's hard to name one for each as I have several faves. Right now for growing TOG (Tahoe-OG) and death-star. TOG because she is so pretty and is a warrior, she has not had any issues this round. D-starnfor the same reasons,mshe is just a beast, she can take alot and is so sticky and chunky buds. As far as smoke, well I typically vape and do edibles, love the taste I get out of vaping. My regular go too for vape is wifi followed closely by Death Star. They both have different effects and just depends on my mood. Wifi is a fav because I get a nice energetic buzz and doesn't make me super sleepy. This has really helped me push myself further physically for my recovery, I am 10 months post 3 level neck fusion.

I am also excited about BCS (black cherry soda, blueberry and sour Kush) as these are new strains for us, BCS smells like juicy fruit, blueberry is a funky blueberry patch and sour Kush is sticky! So each new cycle always brings about a greater understanding of this plant and all that she has to offer.

Circuit, what are your faves for each? Also have you always done hydro or have you done soil too?


Well-Known Member
I went to A-Wellness like, three times.

Big mistake. Just, happens man. but fosho I never will go back.

Over priced. Lacks in every department..unfortunately. I don't see how "oh these strains are the best, patient favorites and award winning buds" exists

who knows. maybe the dudes hook up their loyal patients or tight customers and that keeps em going in... and then going down the street with the rest of the money for better shit lol
Lol, again, share the same opinion..

Plus, it fucking stinks, not ” good stink” either, it smells like horse-shit (literally)


Well-Known Member
Haha^Seriously Chef, this place is okay in regard to concentrates, but it's sooooo fucking small inside there too.It's about half the size of your standard 7/11...Super small dispensary, but packed full of's like a ” instant-headache” as soon as you walk in..sensory overload.All flowers suck, great selection of other peoples concentrates, and tons and tons of edibles and glass and horse-shit stink.Only people that have been in there could truly understand what we speak of.I thought it was decent until I went right down the street and around the corner..;)Like I said, the only reason I went there, was to” work” their pricing ...lolThey try and label grams for 45$for” non-patients” ...I'm always able to get em for around 21$ per g, but, again save a buck and take it around the corner...hehe.


Well-Known Member
Fucking truth there dabsalot'

How are they still in service?? I'm not trying to personally attack... but who keeps em in service?

Ever drove by Acme Smoke? It's like a refined shitstorm of A-Wellness

First time in bud tending bitch, and I mean it, couldn't fucking budge a gram down to $10 from $12
two strains looked smokable... otherwise it's A-Wellness for hipsters or some shit


All from reg seed under cfl by a first timer armed with nothing but google and little spending money and not much at that. I love these plants :weed:


Well-Known Member
Hehe, Constiello!
Brutal honesty bro...haha.
I'm not sure how either one of the two shops stay rolling?
Acme Smoke...hahaThat place is redonkulous, I've never even seen a car parked in their gigantic parking lot.
How can they even afford the rent?

Tree House needs to get that expansion rolling = Finally would be abundant amount of real fuckin medicine in the Springs. I've said it before, there is not one better place for solid genetics.The one and only spot that could come close is CannaCaregivers..And I've never even been there!..haha.
However, they have won best meds competition every year (I believe), someone step in, and correct me if I'm wrong, since Amendment 20 was passed. And I know they are now selling their seeds now, pretty sure most of their popular strains are comprised of their own genetics. Now, if what they advertise is true (exclusive strains only available at CC).

Sourced from Colorado Springs Independent..
Canna Kush 22%.
Power Kush 23.9%.
Elnaz ?
Kill Shot?
^Supposed exclusive strains.

Constiello? ever been to this place?.. I've wanted to at least check them out, but I hate going to shops I've never been to before, because I ALWAYS feel obligated to buy something, even if I don't want anything..Sooooo awkward...
I've only walked out of one dispensary without buying anything..Cannabis Therapeutics on Filmore...Never ever go to this place, you will find nothing but a bullshit budtender that thinks their ditch weed is some super powered medicine..biggest joke in the city.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to share the image of my first time making Hashish (hand pressed)
And the progression as it cures, I've changed the shape a bit. I shaped it into a puck.

And I'm curing kind of the same way flowers are cured. Glass jar, air tight, burp twice daily, but I leave it exposed to air about 30-45 minutes at a time.
Looking to cure for 3 months minimum, maybe a whole year.

The bubble hash I made to create this puck of hashish was approximately made 3 weeks ago. So its about a month old today.
Day #1

Day # 8

Approximate Day #30