Male or Female?! :REPOST (better pictures)


New Member
Hey guys i have a plant for a two months and i'm not sure for that is it a boy or girl :/ i will insert some pictures and if somebody could tell me is this a good plant and is a boy or girl i will be very thankfull??!!! DSC04905.jpgDSC04906.jpgDSC04907.jpgDSC04911.jpgDSC04916.jpgDSC04918.jpg


Well-Known Member
female, see those hairs growing out. that's the clit, pic is very bright . what the best I can see f


Staff member
cant see shit captain take better photos, or go look at pics of male vs female plants


Well-Known Member
they will show for sure 6-12 days after u flip. ive not seen conclusive pre flowers in veg in the 3 plud years ive been growin. boys usually show 1st

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
cant see shit captain take better photos, or go look at pics of male vs female plants
LOL sunni....yeah I honestly cannot see any signs of gender on those pics......sorry but anyone saying "female" is just flipping a coin.....still to young to say..... or the pics are just not showing the female preflowers...... but at least I don't see any balls, so that's a good thing.