Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
poll: have you ever had carrots?
What color were they? How did you feel afterwards? Would you do it again? Would you share? Do you care? Do you like the bear? Why is life not fair? Who has the best chair? Why do people stare? Answer me if you dare? Who has the best pair? Why do people despair? Who has the most hair? Who likes their steak rare? Why don't I have any flair?....................................................


Well-Known Member
Damn search isnt workin again so i cant get to the music thread....but this is good and i wanna post it somewhere ;)


Well-Known Member
Feet first then I work myself upwards~
I go shampoo, then face, then conditioner, neck down to toes, then rinse out the conditioner. Face is step two because if you go shampoo and then conditioner right after, you end up washing your face last and that means right after your feet or ass....and thats not cool :):):)


Well-Known Member
I go shampoo, then face, then conditioner, neck down to toes, then rinse out the conditioner. Face is step two because if you go shampoo and then conditioner right after, you end up washing your face last and that means right after your feet or ass....and thats not cool :):):)
Lol.. True, but I pre-rinse the bar of soap i'm using before I go ass to face, haha ~safeguard in bulk, all body, since i'm bald, no need for shampoos & what-nots

Autistic Austin

New Member
I was my hair every other day so it's not always the same routine exactly but I do hair, facewash, rinse that, about that time the soap bar should be ready , then use soap to lather, then spread on loufa, wash body and face again, then rinse and wait till the cold water starts (20 minute showers FTW)