zimmerman news

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I am proud of the ladies on that jury. Despite the pressure they were under, they did the right thing. The prosecution had no evidence, just a bunch of guesses and appeals to emotion.

Now Zimmerman can begin the rest of his shitty life.
Only if he moves to Alaska or some place of that nature.
Whar the fuck is wrong with the usa and their bogus fucking juorors lately...they let casey anthony walk zimmerman abd put people who didnt even commit crimes on death row. Seriously
no worries, sunni.

he's still a social pariah who will be shunned forever.

aint that the fucking truth dude. last thing he ever wants to do is be seen by ppl. lol he may be "free"
as in out of prison. but hes not and likely never will be safe to go anywhere. hell get his come upents lol
Whar the fuck is wrong with the usa and their bogus fucking juorors lately...they let casey anthony walk zimmerman abd put people who didnt even commit crimes on death row. Seriously
Casey Anthony should have got the chair
Zimmerman is an asshole but it's good that justice prevailed and he walks, you have a right to defend yourself in the US and it is good to see that recognized, if you attack someone they have the right to shoot you, if you attack someone you should be put down on the spot, it keeps things safe and civilized
Do I think trayvon was thr best kid ever no. he had some issues and diid wrong foings however there's no reason to be shot point blank by some trigger happy wanna be cop who couldve easily taken him out without deadly force. He didnt deserve to be murdered YES MURDERED!!!!!!
aint that the fucking truth dude. last thing he ever wants to do is be seen by ppl. lol he may be "free"
as in out of prison. but hes not and likely never will be safe to go anywhere. hell get his come upents lol
I hope if someone fucks with him and attacks him he shoots them and gets off again he could make that "his thing"
Whar the fuck is wrong with the usa and their bogus fucking juorors lately...they let casey anthony walk zimmerman abd put people who didnt even commit crimes on death row. Seriously

we dont just let em free sunni, they also get insta fame and a steady income for interviews and fucking memoirs.
casey anthoneys gonna be entitled, "how to silence a screaming baby."
and zimmermans " how to silence a darky."

both should rot in eternal hell
Whar the fuck is wrong with the usa and their bogus fucking juorors lately...they let casey anthony walk zimmerman abd put people who didnt even commit crimes on death row. Seriously

yeah, casey anthony got lucky as well.

aint that the fucking truth dude. last thing he ever wants to do is be seen by ppl. lol he may be "free"
as in out of prison. but hes not and likely never will be safe to go anywhere. hell get his come upents lol

mother fucker will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life, and he did that to himself.
beardo bro.... dont defend zimmerman. hes a fat mexican whos ego was hurt when a 17 yr old fucking KID
was whooping his fuckin ass so he killed him like a pussy and now hes free. ya lets applaude that fucking guy....NOTTT .

not a good day for justice system... a bad day... to add to all the other fucking bad days its had.
I'm telling you I NEED changer machine. LOL GZ is not a hero. He is a vigilante that thinks he's a cop. And Al Sharpton makes more money and the wheels on the bus go round and round. I love the avatar where the girl is jumping up and down.
beardo bro.... dont defend zimmerman. hes a fat mexican whos ego was hurt when a 17 yr old fucking KID
was whooping his fuckin ass so he killed him like a pussy and now hes free. ya lets applaude that fucking guy....NOTTT .

not a good day for justice system... a bad day... to add to all the other fucking bad days its had.
Zimmerman is an asshole and a wannabe hero wannabe cop and probably shouldn't have been out looking to save the day but I am happy he walked because I believe he was patroling his neighborhood trying to make it safe and prevent crime and I believe Trayvon hit him and Zimmerman shot him which is within a persons rights. I am disappointed with the education system and economic situation that produced Trayvon and Zimmerman but I am glad to see the right to self defence upheld. If someone assaults you you have the right to shoot them and that makes for a better society so I'm glad that was reaffirmed here.
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