zimmerman news

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yes im very racist . the whitest kid ull ever meet defending trayvon. and i didnt realize "Boy" was a racist word.
around here its like man or dude. so keep it shut...boy
it boggles my mind some of ur fucking arguments. regardless if the dude is racist or not.
say there both black and fighting. @ what point in a fist fight. can someone fucking LEGALLY pull out a gun
and shoot and kill someone and be like well what? i was losing

Yep, sure can.
Welcome to the real world, happens DAILY!
Well, if nothing else, it was an interesting ride. I'm very surprised it wasn't a hung jury on some charge, I figured there would be at least one holdout who saw things similar to UB and the gang. I still don't know how it actually went down at the moment the physical attack began, I guess we never will know. If Z tried to detain him or struck first, I think he got off light. If it really did go down as he described it, he still got off light.

I think the not guilty verdict was less about Z's total innocence and more of a denunciation of the government's inability to prove anything. There are a few people that should be losing their jobs over this.
yes im very racist . the whitest kid ull ever meet defending trayvon. and i didnt realize "Boy" was a racist word.
around here its like man or dude. so keep it shut...boy

There we go with the racism again, You really are your own worst enemy. You should visit the south sometime, you would be a real hit with the blacks there, you can try to convince them you aren't a racists piece of shit as you call; them "Boy" as they slice and cut you up for good times and well really the world doesn't need racist murdering wannabees like you anyway, so I doubt anyone would miss you.
just cuz it happens daily that make it right? sex traffic happens daily?

so your telling me its cool to enter a fist fight, infact first follow the person and than
confront with a fist fight. and than if @ some point you lose the control in the fist fight.
you are than within you right to shoot him.... get fucking real man. l
it boggles my mind some of ur fucking arguments. regardless if the dude is racist or not.
say there both black and fighting. @ what point in a fist fight. can someone fucking LEGALLY pull out a gun
and shoot and kill someone and be like well what? i was losing
Before you even hit me, as soon as you threaten to do me harm or make me believe you are about to harm me
at the latest as soon as you push me or swing
There we go with the racism again, You really are your own worst enemy. You should visit the south sometime, you would be a real hit with the blacks there, you can try to convince them you aren't a racists piece of shit as you call; them "Boy" as they slice and cut you up for good times and well really the world doesn't need racist murdering wannabees like you anyway, so I doubt anyone would miss you.

what part of any of my shit was racist dude. ur shit making so little sense im bout to stop humoring you by responding lol
just cuz it happens daily that make it right? sex traffic happens daily?

so your telling me its cool to enter a fist fight, infact first follow the person and than
confront with a fist fight. and than if @ some point you lose the control in the fist fight.
you are than within you right to shoot him.... get fucking real man. l
No, I mean people legally shoot other people all the time and get away with it because its LEGAL to do so.

You shouldn't comment on things you are totally ignorant on.
i like how you don't deny the racist smear, but rather attempt to justify it with more lies.

check back and tell me who introduced race to this thread.

pro tip: it was you.

Have you stopped diddling kids yet?

I will respond to your racist smears when you answer that question with a simple "yes" or "no".
Before you even hit me, as soon as you threaten to do me harm or make me believe you are about to harm me
at the latest as soon as you push me or swing

this i agree with. you have a gun and intend to use it... you let tht shit be known. pull that gun out and say look motherfucker. i
do not wish to fight you. however if you would like to proceed id b happy to cap u. end of story
it boggles my mind some of ur fucking arguments. regardless if the dude is racist or not.
say there both black and fighting. @ what point in a fist fight. can someone fucking LEGALLY pull out a gun
and shoot and kill someone and be like well what? i was losing
Law abiding citizens do not go around getting into fist fights, what is this?
high school?
this i agree with. you have a gun and intend to use it... you let tht shit be known. pull that gun out and say look motherfucker. i
do not wish to fight you. however if you would like to proceed id b happy to cap u. end of story
That's called brandishing.
It is against the law.
Learn what it is like to be a law abiding respectful adult.
it boggles my mind some of ur fucking arguments. regardless if the dude is racist or not.
say there both black and fighting. @ what point in a fist fight. can someone fucking LEGALLY pull out a gun
and shoot and kill someone and be like well what? i was losing

Just wait for the book, "Those People Still Scare Me." Most likely you'll find your answer.
lol man no drama you sure got some confidence the bullshit you spew:spew::spew:. im an open minded
non racist mother fucker. and ur a retarded likely fat lonely piece of shit who is entertained by meaningless
i must go pick up the better half now. so no more entertaining that pea brain of urs.

hope you and ur next dog get hit by a bus. (no offence to ur future dog as i love dogs but unfortunately for it,
it will have an Imbecile as an owner.)

live on peeps. keep it green
That's right, if i'm going about my business and you decide to assault me it is my right to shoot you and continue on with my life
Precisely so.
This is called being a respectful adult, law abiding citizen.
If you are not threatening anyone or anything, you're fully within the law to do so.
That's called brandishing.
It is against the law.
Learn what it is like to be a law abiding respectful adult.
Yeah, it's a crime and it's also stipid, you don't pull out a gun and have a conversation, if you pull out your gun you shoot the person who caused you to have to pull it out.
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