triggaman said:
Fuckin right man, its like U are reading my mind. I believe if I can get the whole world stoned, wars would stop and help coax the public's head out of their asses to realize my weed is the key. the key that will open the minds and stop the insanity of the government's frantic Christian superiority that has been fuckin the world up since the beginning of human history.
and if I can make bank on that, its all the better. we should hook up man try to make our dream a reality. i dont plan on just growing weed for a living, i have many other talents, weed just makes me the happiest.
well u can always move to a state where u can grow legally with med card and supply the dispenceries i know 2 people who live in cali and they sell to dispenceries they dont get as much $$ as they would on the street but it is all legal they get like 2500 a lb.... ohhh and i know quite a few people i work with who make 100 k a year that served an apprenticeship and now are journeyman ironworkers..plumbers..electricians...pipefitters they were making next to nothing b4 they got into the trades and now make anywhere from 38-44$ an hour so it is done all the time in this country.
I have an electrical technician degree, and I was in the electricians union apprenticeship for 3yrs and I was in the UAW - the Union for Auto Workers for less than a yr, and in neither field was I paid, nor told that I would ever make $100,000 per yr. even as a journeyman.
maybe a contractor bcuz they work big jobs for themselves, but never a journeyman, theres a lot of other ppl above journeymen (including master electricians, master carpenters etc. and foremen, supervisors, managers, engineers.) journeymen are only a step above apprentices.
and in order for him to grow weed, he himself would actually have to get a MMJ card. Im from ohio and I know for a fact its extremely difficult to get one of those, even for legit medical conditions.
If U wanna save up to move outta ohio, then by all means do it. figure out a game plan and stick to it, just dont make ur motiviation "to grow weed as a career" it to prove to yourself that you can do anything U put your mind to and you will see a much larger picture than "the whole world stoned".... fuck the world...anything that happens to mankind is caused by mankind right? U cant undo the Ozone holes, or the downward spiral of our american economy. But U can pave the road for a brighter future for yourself and your family.
Ive worked for different employers in my field, including Best Buy and Mitsubishi, and I was never told I would make $100,000 per yr. I barely see $35,000 with my degree. but thats only bcuz - I failed to plan and persistently work my plan - when I was younger.
Go out there and see what else is in the world son. I guarantee there will be a time U will take a break from growing, maybe not from smoking but Im sure that once growing consumes ur life and U have no friends U will regret it.
U will look back and realize that U coulda actually done something progressive to change the world, but U were too high to do anything.