USA - Probably the most ****ed up country on earth

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Here is my view on 'war crimes' committed by US soldiers/gov't durring war. If the death/destruction of entire foreign cities, regions or even entire nations saves the life or limb of 1 US soldier, its a good thing.

Your view will never lead to a peaceful world.


Well-Known Member
It is impossible to have world peace as long as there is any coercive government. To think otherwise is to believe in a fantasy. Peace.
You just have this slap backwards. We must have govt and it must seem coercive to some. People are just too fucked up.

We need policing. This is a balanced system where no one gets all they want but everyone is free to chase that. It is no less than the Maya of Illusion that Buddha spoke of. Nothing has changed at all in 5000 years.

Governance happens because of the chaos of us hairless monkeys.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You just have this slap backwards. We must have govt and it must seem coercive to some. People are just too fucked up.

We need policing. This is a balanced system were no one gets all they want but everyone is free to chase that. It is no less than the Maya of Illusion that Buddha spoke of. Nothing has changed at all in 5000 years.

Governance happens because of the chaos of us hairless monkeys.
Government doesn't "seem" coercive. It IS coercive and often the cause of chaos.

"People are fucked up." So why would we want to let them rule over others ?

We need policing. Nope, we need responsibility. Authoritarian policing is arbitrary and lumps the assholes in with the responsible. Holding INDIVIDUALS responsible is sensible. Dictating what others must do if they are not harming anybody is coercive.

This is not a balanced system. It is skewed far far far towards authoritarian. A balanced system would be one where victimless crimes are not prosecuted by the apparatus.

Also, I'm not opposed to systems where the persons involved are all there via their own consent. In that sense I'm for some form of accountability and "governance" if you will. I said I opposed COERCIVE GOVERNMENT. Don't you?


Well-Known Member
OP lives in the armpit of America (even looks like one on a map, smells like one in real life). I forgive him for his views.



Well-Known Member
Government doesn't "seem" coercive. It IS coercive and often the cause of chaos.

"People are fucked up." So why would we want to let them rule over others ?

We need policing. Nope, we need responsibility. Authoritarian policing is arbitrary and lumps the assholes in with the responsible. Holding INDIVIDUALS responsible is sensible. Dictating what others must do if they are not harming anybody is coercive.

This is not a balanced system. It is skewed far far far towards authoritarian. A balanced system would be one where victimless crimes are not prosecuted by the apparatus.

Also, I'm not opposed to systems where the persons involved are all there via their own consent. In that sense I'm for some form of accountability and "governance" if you will. I said I opposed COERCIVE GOVERNMENT. Don't you?
I oppose applying labels when we don't know, really, what we are talking about.

You want the pie in the sky. Fine. You don't get it, you bitch. Fine. Self Rule.

People are fucked up and need governance (not a ruler) and policing because there is no tooth fairy. We cannot simple wish for responsibility when all the facts say, in whole, there isn't any.
And I will submit, when the chips are down, you are not taking responsibility, as an American, but blaming your fellow citizens that stepped up to service, no matter what happened. They still stepped up. Self Goverance. Who else? A Pope? Been there. A King? Been there. Warlord? Been there. Gang? Vicious Father?

Since WE and I elected these folks fairly and openly, if you feel coerced into the long term experiment of self rule and the "good of the many," American Way, it is I myself who coerces you.

You are an actual anarchist, I guess, if you think a hierarchy will stand for no governance and "responsibility."
Doers just brainwashed. Don't make fun of him guys.

Now you are catching on. I don't care what you think and I don't care if you think that no one care what I think.

Get it?

I, no doubt get a whole lot more than you do. + I do care what others think.


Well-Known Member
I, no doubt get a whole lot more than you do. + I do care what others think.
“Think you a little din can daunt mine ears?
Have I not in my time heard lions roar?
Have I not heard the sea, puffed up with winds,
Rage like an angry boar chafed with sweat?
Have I not heard great ordinance in the field,
And Heaven's artillery thunder in the skies?
Have I not in a pitched battle heard
Loud 'larums, neighing steeds, and trumpets' clang?

And do you tell me of a woman's tongue,
That gives not half so great a blow to hear
As will a chestnut in a farmer's fire?
Tush! tush! fear boys with bugs."

― William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew


Well-Known Member
“Think you a little din can daunt mine ears?
Have I not in my time heard lions roar?
Have I not heard the sea, puffed up with winds,
Rage like an angry boar chafed with sweat?
Have I not heard great ordinance in the field,
And Heaven's artillery thunder in the skies?
Have I not in a pitched battle heard
Loud 'larums, neighing steeds, and trumpets' clang?

And do you tell me of a woman's tongue,
That gives not half so great a blow to hear
As will a chestnut in a farmer's fire?
Tush! tush! fear boys with bugs.

― William Shakespeare, The Taming of the Shrew
Wow something Doer posted that actually makes some sense. Great post man!!


Well-Known Member
This has nothing to do with what you posted, which was this: "car explodes before impact, no skid marks after a 60 degree turn... Grow up, do you not understand how this world works?" This is just more narrative for my explanation of what happened: he involved himself in something substantial, thought he was being investigated for some reason (perhaps because he knew he had done something wrong), and was certainly stressed the fuck out.


Well-Known Member
Apart from my own experiences when deployed, here are some great articles on why you cannot solely rely on signals/electronic intelligence, Mark 1 EYEBALL will never replace a drone or satellite.

These are just a few, this happens regularly and IMO should be avoided at all costs. We are now starting to see a slight reduction in collateral damage as DOD have taken over the drone program from the agency...

One reason for this is collateral damage was never a concern when dealing with the CIA's decision makers. It's not their troops on the ground in uniform, unfortunately for allied soldiers our enemies do not differentiate between, Country, Military, NGO, ANA or Aid Workers...
I don't think belligerents have any obligation to take on additional risks themselves in order to best minimize collateral damage in combat operations. Can you point me to one? Collateral damage is unfortunate, but it is certainly not an "atrocity," and certainly not a war crime.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I oppose applying labels when we don't know, really, what we are talking about.

You want the pie in the sky. Fine. You don't get it, you bitch. Fine. Self Rule.

People are fucked up and need governance (not a ruler) and policing because there is no tooth fairy. We cannot simple wish for responsibility when all the facts say, in whole, there isn't any.
And I will submit, when the chips are down, you are not taking responsibility, as an American, but blaming your fellow citizens that stepped up to service, no matter what happened. They still stepped up. Self Goverance. Who else? A Pope? Been there. A King? Been there. Warlord? Been there. Gang? Vicious Father?

Since WE and I elected these folks fairly and openly, if you feel coerced into the long term experiment of self rule and the "good of the many," American Way, it is I myself who coerces you.

You are an actual anarchist, I guess, if you think a hierarchy will stand for no governance and "responsibility."
Who else should rule? You. You should not have a ruler, you should own yourself. Me. I should not have a ruler, I DON'T have a ruler. I own myself or try to. If you want a ruler, good for you, don't impose that ruler on me and we are fine.

Of course I'm taking responsibility, it is when people follow arbitrary rules and their OBEDIENCE to the rules becomes more important than evaluating the end goal of the rule that people are shirking personal responsibility.

If voting could change anything, it would quickly be made illegal. Your vote is for the most part a losing proposition. The two party system is designed to make you think you have a choice.


Well-Known Member
Who else should rule? You. You should not have a ruler, you should own yourself. Me. I should not have a ruler, I DON'T have a ruler. I own myself or try to. If you want a ruler, good for you, don't impose that ruler on me and we are fine.

Of course I'm taking responsibility, it is when people follow arbitrary rules and their OBEDIENCE to the rules becomes more important than evaluating the end goal of the rule that people are shirking personal responsibility.

If voting could change anything, it would quickly be made illegal. Your vote is for the most part a losing proposition. The two party system is designed to make you think you have a choice.

You just described reality without giving any alternative. You need governance, not a ruler. Why you go there? I need governance, obviously.

WE govern each other. It is no fun. Good people killed every day.

You don't like it. But, it is the best there is. And you know your ideas can't work. We have discussed it.

It cannot withstand the first wiff of empathy. It simply won't work. That is why we are here. We learn. We abandoned a lot that the world still suffers from. We adapt. We improve the infrastructure, and we can improved ourselves, more or less.

Not everyone can fend for themselves and no one will agree to when the road should be fixed vs the library painted.

We vote.

Unfortunately, you can't cast you mind back to the beginning of this or you would appreciate it more. It almost didn't happen well, a bunch of times and it is very likely not to last much longer. There is no up from here. Just fantasy world.

Can you even describe anything else but this personal utopia, mind set, which you have already, by the way? You just can't push it on the world. So, you are in the trap of the Intellectuals.

Hold the tokes longer? That's what I do. :)