Property Owners, a few questions..


Well-Known Member
-what do you own?

-how much was the total cost and how much did location come into play?

-do you pay any taxes on it?

technically i am not on the deed but i assume half the financial stuff for my mother's house (a 4 family 3 decker). since i will inherit it and can live in it if need be it only makes sense for me to help maintain the upkeep and bills. my mother is 69 years old so she's not able to do a lot of the work and i refuse to pay someone to do what i can do myself.

my grandfather bought it in 1950. we came across the original documents during probate and it was $10,000 at the time. he bought it because at the time it was an italian neighborhood surrounded by other italian neighborhoods.

taxes aren't too bad because it's now a pretty shit neighborhood and the property values aren't that great. my share for the last tax bill was a little less than $1500.

it's no longer being rented because of the sheer horror that comes with being a landlord. HORROR. i offered to take over the tenant interactions but my mother seems to think i will create problems because of my track record with interpersonal communication. plus she's just paranoid after the last tenant.

the plan is to get the house the updates that it needs and sell it and get a 2 family house in the 'burbs, where i will probably take the second apartment. i'm so fucking done with the city and all the obnoxious human filth that inhabits it.
-what do you own?

-how much was the total cost and how much did location come into play?

-do you pay any taxes on it?

WTF!! So when your DEA friends gather us up you'll have forfeiture info ready. You are asking people to incriminate themselves about the IRS! How cruel, connected or shortsighted, are you?
my rating to this thread has been added.

anyone want to take a guess? or should i start a poll about what rating i gave it?
WTF!! So when your DEA friends gather us up you'll have forfeiture info ready. You are asking people to incriminate themselves about the IRS! How cruel, connected or shortsighted, are you?
View attachment 2736613

pada you're starting to annoy me more than finshaggy and thats really saying something

cut it the fuck out

my rating to this thread has been added.

anyone want to take a guess? or should i start a poll about what rating i gave it?

I couldn't care less what any of you people have to say.

I told CB the same thing I'm telling you, simply avoid the threads I make. None of you ever contribute anything worth reading anyway, you simply bring the forum down.

It's obvious you want to start some petty arguments -like usual- I'm not interested in that. Grow the fuck up.
I couldn't care less what any of you people have to say.

You should take your own advice and stop asking questions to people who couldn't care less about.

Like you are telling everyone else for posting in your silly threads, you should grow the fuck up and let people post what they want; the very thing you are doing.

See how that works? You post something others consider annoying, they post something you consider annoying... vicious circle isn't it?
-what do you own?

-how much was the total cost and how much did location come into play?

-do you pay any taxes on it?

40 acre farm and 2 rental properties.

Paid $32k for the farm 20+ years ago (worth $300K+ now) and around $15K for each rental around 10 years ago. Location was the deciding factor.

Yes I pay taxes. The money from the rental properties just covers the taxes on all 3 of my properties.
.....snip........... None of you ever contribute anything worth reading anyway, you simply bring the forum down.

It's obvious you want to start some petty arguments -like usual- I'm not interested in that. Grow the fuck up.

Listen you little arrogant COP WANNABE. I just posted something extremely valuable, warning people not to self-incriminate on your data mining attempts. Of course warning people away from you is not valuable to you and your oinker ways, duh!!!

But, wait, WHAT IS THAT SMELL IN THE AIR!! Why yes I know it's it's it.......

butthurt report form.jpg
-what do you own?

-how much was the total cost and how much did location come into play?

-do you pay any taxes on it?

1) A 3 bedroom house.

2) Total was $300k and we wanted to live in the city, but a house there is like $2-3 Mill. We also thought about a condo but for a 3 bedroom and it being in a somewhat decent area, it would of ended up costing around $500k. Also on top of the normal bills there are also condo fees each month, buying a parking spot, etc.

3) Taxes are about $4k a year.

Tips when looking for a home. The older houses need more work usually, but it is very hard to find bigger lots on new homes today. So the demand goes up on homes that arn't being built that size anymore.

First time buyer? Special tax credits if this is your first home.

Currently low interest rates. We currently pay $1400 a month on our mortgage, almost half of which goes back into our home and half interest. Compared to renting, which is 100% interest.

It is a bit scary owning a home, but at the same time security in knowing that something will be bought and paid off for in retirement. Even if we only pay off half the house, it will be savings put a way.
I just read through some of the comments, why are people upset about this thread?

Because this smacks of data mining to hand over to porky for asset forfeiture ...... or a concomitant case of tax evasion.... Remember LEO plays this game where they call in all their sister agencies..... the IRS and Postal boys are a common tool to come in sideways when they can't quite make that foot hold to take your front doors off with explosives (don't ask--I won't tell).

So my cavil is this isn't just irritation this is downright dangerous for anyone who smokes pot in the US or a protectorate of the US. No matter what legal fiction your state is under the Feds can roll us all up at anytime.

That is why the OP is trying so hard to make those of us who rail against the data mining appear to be trolls. This could have HARSH consequences and I'm surprised it's allowed.
curious, if you really wanted to illustrate your point you could go collect all the polls and question threads and put them together in a thread posted with all the links. If someone were to see them all together they may think twice.
curious, if you really wanted to illustrate your point you could go collect all the polls and question threads and put them together in a thread posted with all the links. If someone were to see them all together they may think twice.

You know kinetic I'd like to think that was true. Sadly if a post this bald only gets people posting their financials. I don't think so.... It's just me screaming alone in the forest.....

and of course..... You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to kinetic again.
