does attitude not ship to the us anymore?

Tried to order seeds multiple times and order isn't going thru. It is saying please select all 3 of the shipping options. what the hell is going on?


Well-Known Member
that prick in chicago probably figured out how to intercept your orders as you are making them!
The fucking prick.


Well-Known Member
Try sending it to someone you trust on the east coast, if your order goes through, snd hsve them send it to you. New York doesn't intercept packages like Chicago.


Well-Known Member
Hey OP,

I have no idea if you're in Chicago or not. I don't order from them personally, but I've recently chatted with people who have ordered from them within the last few days and there's been no problem. Maybe their web site has a glitch. Try again tomorrow or the day after...

If you want to order immediately and carries the strain you want, I can recommend them highly.

Good luck!


Active Member
There are 3 options for shipping, you have to select the packaging, how u want ti sent and any extra's just look the page over better your missing something, it got me the first time too...