bong water...


Active Member
ive heard from a few people that using bong water to water your plants is good for them... honestly, i dont know about this and it sounds kinda hokie to me, but i was wondering what everyone else thought about it... if u think it sounds like a good idea, well, i wont be dumping it out anymore...

and what about pot ashes in the dirt... bad idea as well?


Well-Known Member
hmm well smokeing around your plants is bad so i would think other by products wouldnt fare well for the plant either but who knows lets see what other people think.


Well-Known Member
ive heard from a few people that using bong water to water your plants is good for them
and what about pot ashes in the dirt... bad idea as well?
I'd imagine bong water couldn't possibly have any nutritional value for a growing plant. To put it another way; would you drink it? :spew:

Same goes for ash, use dirt like all the rest of us (unless your a closet hydro :? )

smokeing around your plants is bad
Squishy I always thought smoke would be OK for the plants. Don't plants recycle co2, smog, pollution, smoke, etc to make oxygen? Isn't that one of the main functions of all plants? I'm not suggesting blowing all your cigs and hits onto a flowering plant. But a little oxygen deprivation can't be that bad, right?


Well-Known Member
yes indeed they do but like you've written in previous posts about clipping off some of the smaller buds because they waste energy that can be focused else where well the same goes here. Why cause your plant to work harder filtering when it can be spending that energy on making buds. Just my two cents.


Well-Known Member
Well i believe it is more of an issue in clogging the.....forgot the name of the tiny respitatory holes under the leafs (stomata?) clogged respiratory cells equals suffication right? because of the tar and shit from smoke...



Well-Known Member
Here's how it works.

Plants, are just the opposite of Mammals. We love fresh clean oxygen saturated air. Anything other than oxygen we take in is a by product that produces waste.

Plants being the opposite of oxygen loving mammals, love fresh, clean Carbon Dioxide, or Co2. Anything other than fresh air with a concentration of Co2 will produce a byproduct, not Oxygen. The only element the plant turns into Oxygen is Carbon, and in the form of CO2. They absorb the Carbon, leaving only the o2 for us to enjoy and live.

We don't like to breath smokey air (unless we're getting high), it isn't good for us, and it's not good for your plants. They would appreciate however, a Co2 Tank releasing at 2Liters per minute/ 3 times a day/ for 15 minute intervals. ALSO since mary jane is able to absorb nutrients and water from the leaves, they can also absorb Co2 from Carbonated Soda. They will love and appreciate you for it.

Bottom Line, Don't smoke around your plants, unless you want your kind buds to taste like Bong Water.




Well-Known Member
Lol so im not wrong i said it was bad for the plants. Its not my fault i don't have a fancy chemistry major like some of us.



Well-Known Member
Tenn sounds impressive. Why can't ashes be good for plants? The ashes from my wood stove are good for my grape vines.


Active Member
i remember reading something on overgrow about a person asking if he could use bong water.. i've wondered that myself also

but like the other guy said, since resin in the buds arent water soluble, they are pretty much little tar particles floating in the water
using this bong water to water ur plants can potentially destroy it
seeing how the resin in the bong water can clog up the roots.

sounds feasible to me


Well-Known Member
1)--Lol so im not wrong i said it was bad for the plants. Its not my fault i don't have a fancy chemistry major like some of us.--
2)--Tenn sounds impressive. Why can't ashes be good for plants? The ashes from my wood stove are good for my grape vines.--

1- I wasnt bragging, just stating that I'm a reputable source on chemistry issues. And my mistake, you did indeed say they were bad for the plants. I apologize.

2- I never addressed mixing ashes into the soil. I have a steel burning barrell that I burn all sorts of stuff in during the year, and in the spring I till the ashes into my vegetable garden. I'm would not disagree that ashes in the soil is bad for the pot plants, but from my studying on the subject, there is no need to put ashes in the soil. The man made chemicals and light are (clinically) proven to produce bigger and better buds. Who needs it?

give it a try though, and let us know how it turns out! I'm always up for a good experiment.



Well-Known Member
charcola is good for removing impurities in the soil, but nothing else, it is not harmful though if there is nothing else in it.


Well-Known Member
that club soda has sugar in it what your looking for is carbonated water, but it dosent really matter it dosent release a significant amount of c02, you might as well just breath on your plants.


Active Member
Bong water uses : ? whats the matter you get your playstation taken away?
I'm all for reducing,reusing and recycling, but the only thing bong water is going to grow is some nasty bacteria that is responsable for the nasty snot you spit out after 1 of your bong-rip-induced coughing fits, if you can't live without your bong do yourselves a favor and don't let the water sit too long. peace


Well-Known Member
Well i believe it is more of an issue in clogging the.....forgot the name of the tiny respitatory holes under the leafs (stomata?) clogged respiratory cells equals suffication right? because of the tar and shit from smoke...


and yeah, that's why smoking around plants is bad... all that smog and shit is clogging up the little stomata so they don't even get a chance to take in the co2

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Tenn sounds impressive. Why can't ashes be good for plants? The ashes from my wood stove are good for my grape vines.
Running water through wood ashes (or any other burned cellulose plant material) is a terrific way to make lye- at least soapmakers have thought so for a couple thousand years. ;) Bongs do a similar thing- mixing water with cellulose ash.

Wood ash is an OK source of potassium, but I can think of a ton of better ways to get potassium on my plants than from wood ash, without the alkalinity!

Bongwater shouldn't be put anywhere near a growing cannabis plant!

Anytime anyone is thinking about putting bongwater on their plants, they should drink a few litres of it first (and no, you won't get a buzz from drinking the stuff... :roll: )