First HPS Grow - 600w - Multiple Strains - Closest


Well-Known Member
You're root system in that first picture looks great, let alone the plant. I always struggle with rootbounding and seems like it really slows down my plants compared to other peoples plants.
I have found that my root systems always go to the edge of the pot, but 5 gal. is plenty for me, since I've never had them reach the bottom, usually only 2/3 down.
Here's the roots from my two now, LOL.May1PKtransplant_zps01f82f36.jpg


Well-Known Member
I have found that my root systems always go to the edge of the pot, but 5 gal. is plenty for me, since I've never had them reach the bottom, usually only 2/3 down.
Here's the roots from my two now, LOL.View attachment 2737574
View attachment 2737575
Seriously that's what I want my roots to look like, every time I repot mine are always at the bottom and I know why that's why I can't get my plants as big as other people. What's your secret? haha


Well-Known Member
Seen some amazing CFL grows, but all the maneuvering of the lights seems like a pain in the ass. I love the more hands off approach of HID + soil, it lets me go out of town for a few days and not need to worry about it.


Well-Known Member
Well the title says it all. Since I've gotten more great people here to help I figured I'd make sure everyone sees where I am current at with a little more information. It says part one because I'm only posting a picture of my new seedling that sprouted today, True Blue Berry #3, a little later I'll be posting pictures of the rest of the group. Alright so this is TBB #3, just sprouted today so Day 1. First seed I started in FFOF, it's in a 4" x 4" square pot. I'm just going to transplant it in a week since I seem to always get root bound. It'll go into a 2g Smart Pot. Welcome to the world seedling! Part 2 coming later tonight.


Well-Known Member
Seriously that's what I want my roots to look like, every time I repot mine are always at the bottom and I know why that's why I can't get my plants as big as other people. What's your secret? haha
I let mine dry out until the pot is really light, almost to the point when the plant will start wilting from lack of water, (Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it), then when I water, I water the WHOLE pot, all the way out to the edge.
Not just at the stem of the plant.
I don't feed anything until at least 20 days after sprouting, then it's just regular MG all purpose, or this time I'm trying Veg and Bloom from General Hydroponics.
I don't believe in all the fancy high dollar stuff that they sell to build roots, and don't think I need it really, LOL.:shock:
You can go to the site, and request a free sample, it will be a small tub, but enough to do a 1 plant grow just so you can try something different.


Well-Known Member
I let mine dry out until the pot is really light, almost to the point when the plant will start wilting from lack of water, (Don't worry, you'll get the hang of it), then when I water, I water the WHOLE pot, all the way out to the edge.
Not just at the stem of the plant.
I don't feed anything until at least 20 days after sprouting, then it's just regular MG all purpose, or this time I'm trying Veg and Bloom from General Hydroponics.
I don't believe in all the fancy high dollar stuff that they sell to build roots, and don't think I need it really, LOL.:shock:
You can go to the site, and request a free sample, it will be a small tub, but enough to do a 1 plant grow just so you can try something different.
Yeah I probably water way more often then I should. I'll start trying to get a feel for my pots full and empty. I'll have to go check out the link see what's up.


Well-Known Member
Seen some amazing CFL grows, but all the maneuvering of the lights seems like a pain in the ass. I love the more hands off approach of HID + soil, it lets me go out of town for a few days and not need to worry about it.
I think I only moved my lights 3 or 4 times, because I would raise them quite a bit, then put my plant on a milk crate, then as she grew, a tote, then a box, then the floor, then move the lights and start over.
I didn't want any more holes in the walls than necessary.
Here's a couple pics.Jan4pic4_zps1bbfda3e.jpg


Well-Known Member
I think I only moved my lights 3 or 4 times, because I would raise them quite a bit, then put my plant on a milk crate, then as she grew, a tote, then a box, then the floor, then move the lights and start over.
I didn't want any more holes in the walls than necessary.
Here's a couple pics.View attachment 2737687
View attachment 2737688
Bakatare, when I said I have seen some amazing CFL grows, yours is one of the ones that comes to mind off the bat.


Well-Known Member
Alright part 1 was me just posting the newest seedling, and my plans for it, and it's on day 1. Now I'll post pictures of the rest of plants with days old and plans. So first set of three pictures is Unknown #1, right now it's in a normal 2g pot, homemade soil mix. It is 17 days old from seed today. The second set of two pictures is True Blue Berry #2, again in a normal pot with homemade soil mix. It looks a little droopy, waiting for it to come around from the recent transplant. It is 15 days old from seed today. The last set of three pictures is Plato, it was started in pure peat moss and was recently transplanted into a 2g Smart Pot with FFOF. It is 9 days old from seed. My plan for all of these plants is to veg them to around 2ft, then transplant to 5g buckets with FFOF. I plan on lsting and supercropping as well. The temp ranges from 80-85f. I do not feed currently. The last picture is just a group shot of all four of my babies.


Well-Known Member
bro my first indoor that was female i got 3/4 oz dry, now this is with 4 plants. i have a 2'x2'x4' box and at the end about 526 watts of cfl's. here's a link. i got a 3/4 oz bag, and if i hadn't cut one top early i might had had a oz. hell i would have been a happy camper for a oz from each plant. i bet the next one will be better. good luck.

I was only getting 1/2 to 1 oz per plant with my CFL set-up. I never repotted and was bad soil and more of a learning process. It was dank just low yields. The reason I switch to HPS is for the higher yields so I can smoke comfortably myself and help my family, and the CFLs just weren't going to cut it for my skill level I was at, and what I'm still at.


Well-Known Member
Alright just to quit the CFL talk now this is for my HPS. Let's just say in this thread I crushed all my CFLs and they don't exist and I don't plan on going back to them so I'm not interested in how well you have all done with CFLs.


Well-Known Member
What about LED? Couldn't resist.

Anyway back to OP, what's up Allday? Bakatare asked me to swing by and take a look at what you got going on. I'm going to start reading up on your thread, after I grab a Scotch. Hope these guys are not giving you too much of a hard time.


Well-Known Member
What about LED? Couldn't resist.

Anyway back to OP, what's up Allday? Bakatare asked me to swing by and take a look at what you got going on. I'm going to start reading up on your thread, after I grab a Scotch. Hope these guys are not giving you too much of a hard time.
Thanks man. Yeah everyone has been a big help it's just one question got asked about my CFL history and the whole thread started switching on how I couldn't produce with CFLs and how much they all were and blah blah. After the third time someone saying something it got to me. Anyway yeah thanks for takin the time to help me out, been a pretty rough start. I'm personally a Whiskey man but I don't mind a good Scotch.


Well-Known Member
bro my first indoor that was female i got 3/4 oz dry, now this is with 4 plants. i have a 2'x2'x4' box and at the end about 526 watts of cfl's. here's a link. i got a 3/4 oz bag, and if i hadn't cut one top early i might had had a oz. hell i would have been a happy camper for a oz from each plant. i bet the next one will be better. good luck.
Haha! Hey Giggy. What up bro :??: hollar at me on my thread big dog! I love 2 hear bout anyones grow! Weither it be CFL'S, HPS,LEDS, whatever! Haha


Well-Known Member
i was pointing out that you did better then i did, not for the cfl's. i'm changing to mh myself. chances are if i saw something that would help, then one of the other fellas would have already found it, so i'll give you my moral support. i'll sub up and watch. peace.

Alright just to quit the CFL talk now this is for my HPS. Let's just say in this thread I crushed all my CFLs and they don't exist and I don't plan on going back to them so I'm not interested in how well you have all done with CFLs.


Well-Known Member
Well, Allday. It looks like there off to a nice start. I will keep an eye on um, and let you know what I think. And keep in mind to checks out my ladies.. ;) I'm running 37 strains now. So I 4 sure need everyones input!


Well-Known Member
i was pointing out that you did better then i did, not for the cfl's. i changing to mh myself. chances are if i saw something that would help, then one of the other fellas would have already found it, so i'll give you my moral support. i'll sub up and watch. peace.
It wasn't anything personal you just happen to be the person to set me off on a wee little rant lol. It's all good man and if we can help each other out all the better.


Well-Known Member
Alright all caught up. You are doing great, just keep on your toes and keep the pics coming.

As long as it doesn't look like this, you're all good!



Well-Known Member
Well, Allday. It looks like there off to a nice start. I will keep an eye on um, and let you know what I think. And keep in mind to checks out my ladies.. ;) I'm running 37 strains now. So I 4 sure need everyones input!
Thanks bud. I thought I was on a rough start but that's reassuring. If you're growing 37 damn strains I'm defiantly coming over to check out your girls. You never know my college classes for plants could help, even if it was a year ago haha.