Babies are going to be the new "gold standard" to get rid of inflation!


Well-Known Member
Issuing credit and
Creating debt notes
Convincing people to accept them in exchange for their goods and services and money.
Whatever their doing, their not doing a good job!

If I had the power, I would fire the Federal Reserve because they are a private bank and unconstitutional.



Well-Known Member
I guess I'm misinformed. I thought the Federal Reserve was just printing as much money as the government wants to get loaned.

You can't print money silly
Learn what money is- it can't just be printed or created with a computer, if it could then we could all be rich, but it can not be
Don't believe the propaganda

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
You would be a part of the online government. With that being said, you would help dictate to the people what they shall do. But whos talking about threats of force? I'm not threatening anyone, I'm simply trying to come up with reasonable solutions to some very real problems.

But your right, the online government would pass laws that should be followed but most of the laws would be the same except they would be made by people like you and everyone else.

I'm just saying that I believe it would be a better government than letting the politicians and the elites rule. If you believe in "power to the people" than this would give all the power to the people. If you believe the politicians and elites have our best interests at heart and they could do a better job than the people than this form of government would not be for you.

I guess I'm misinformed. I thought the Federal Reserve was just printing as much money as the government wants to get loaned.

Maybe your right, everyone would be upper class then. There will always be poorer people and middle class and richer people, even in the best societies. But My plans would get rid of the poorest people and turn them into richer people.

Do you have a better idea to get rid of monopolies and get rid of inflation?

What if I didn't want to join this "online government" and I just wanted to leave people alone? Would your government force me to belong? Oh by the way, YOU were talking about force, but apparently you didn't realize it. Peace.


Well-Known Member
You guys have to understand that I don't have the power to pass these things into law. And even if I did have the power, I wouldn't want to impose anything on anyone. I just believe these things would be good for the whole world and I'm glad that I have come up with these ideas, as alternatives to the corruption.

There might never be an online government and inflation might never be controlled by the amount of babies born. I'm just trying to come up with innovative solutions to the problems that I see.

But I bet that these solutions would bless everyone beyond belief. I'm sure that you would love Me if I did make these things happen because it would take a huge burden off of all the people.

I'm just trying to help in ways that I can.



Well-Known Member
You guys have to understand that I don't have the power to pass these things into law. And even if I did have the power, I wouldn't want to impose anything on anyone. I just believe these things would be good for the whole world and I'm glad that I have come up with these ideas, as alternatives to the corruption.

There might never be an online government and inflation might never be controlled by the amount of babies born. I'm just trying to come up with innovative solutions to the problems that I see.

But I bet that these solutions would bless everyone beyond belief. I'm sure that you would love Me if I did make these things happen because it would take a huge burden off of all the people.

I'm just trying to help in ways that I can.

I was trying to help by telling you to take some time to educate yourself as to what money is and is not, and how it can be created and how it is not created.
But a short effortless answer as to my opinion of your ideas in this thread would be that, I do not support slavery, democracy is an awful idea
I am open to discussion and debate if you are also, if you are not, then the above is my short answer


Well-Known Member
You can't print money silly
Learn what money is- it can't just be printed or created with a computer, if it could then we could all be rich, but it can not be
Don't believe the propaganda
I guess I was schooled wrong with the conspiracy videos that I've watched.

What if I didn't want to join this "online government" and I just wanted to leave people alone? Would your government force me to belong? Oh by the way, YOU were talking about force, but apparently you didn't realize it. Peace.
You wouldn't have to join the online government. I believe that this online government should first be experimented on a small state or small country that wants to try it. If it worked out good than maybe other states or other countries would adopt it because it helps the people. It would be a thing that would be adopted and not imposed upon countries. Only if it improved the people way of life. I'm sure it wouldn't be perfect, but I'm sure it would be much better than the current governments.

You wouldn't have to participate in the online government. You wouldn't have to do any voting on your laptop, tablet or smart phone. You wouldn't be obligated to vote, but I'm sure it would be encouraged. It would be like voting today, you don't have to do it if you don't want to.

I just wish that the world could be a better place, and sometimes that takes force but I don't want to be the enforcer. I'm just like you guys, I want to live in the best world possible, a place where I'm happy and also a place where everyone is content and happy. If there was no force than there would be anarchy. I don't like police as much as the next guy but I do believe police are necessary. And there still would be police in an online government to keep the peace. But there wouldn't be a war on drugs. I think the people would decriminalize all drugs because their is no victim so no crime. But that's an assumption of Mine, I don't know what the laws would be like, the people would make the laws. But there still would have to be checks and balances.



Well-Known Member
I was trying to help by telling you to take some time to educate yourself as to what money is and is not, and how it can be created and how it is not created.
But a short effortless answer as to my opinion of your ideas in this thread would be that, I do not support slavery, democracy is an awful idea
I am open to discussion and debate if you are also, if you are not, then the above is my short answer
If you don't believe in democracy then what do you believe in? Monarchy?



Well-Known Member
you just got done with a hate rant against the constitution in another thread, so it's clear you're lying here.
Says the guy who disregards his countries founding document and the rights of it's people in favor of a corporate document that enslaved that same countries inhabitants


Well-Known Member
Says the guy who disregards his countries founding document and the rights of it's people in favor of a corporate document that enslaved that same countries inhabitants
the 14th amendment is not a corporate document and you hate the constitution.


Well-Known Member
beardo is also riddled with venereal diseases that affect his ability to think clearly. he hates america and the constitution and has had to move often due to being a pederast. keep your children away from beardo.


Well-Known Member
the 14th amendment is not a corporate document and you hate the constitution.
Yes, it is
The 14th amendment is an amendment to the corporate document used to found the corporation that took over the country when it became a corporation and the second constitution was issued changing the wording and using capitalisation
the constitution for the untied states was our founding document, the one you cite is the constitution OF THE UNITED STATES


Well-Known Member
The constitutional republic
We truly would be slaves to the elites if we were not protected by our constitution.

This thread is like riding a city bus, you always see f'd up sh!t on a city bus.

Carry on.
This threads not that bad.

beardo is also riddled with venereal diseases that affect his ability to think clearly. he hates america and the constitution and has had to move often due to being a pederast. keep your children away from beardo.
So he has a vagina?

Maybe that's where his "beard" really is?

I'm JK of course!



Well-Known Member
beardo advocates for slavery and does not inform his partners of his venereal diseases even though he is obligated by law to do so he ignores the law even though we are a nation of laws governed as a constitutional republic he hates the constitution so he ignores the laws and spreads venereal diseases to unwitting partners and has had to move often because he is a pederast and ignores the laws due to hating the constitution and he wants to make slavery legal again.


Well-Known Member

Buck, your statements are untrue and slanderous
I have never slandered or made vile accusations of you


Well-Known Member

Buck, your statements are untrue and slanderous
I have never slandered or made vile accusations of you
stating that my true statements are untrue is libel and i will thank you not to let your venereal diseases cloud your judgment.


Well-Known Member
Can we get back on topic?

What do you believe the pros and cons would be to having an online government where the inflation was controlled by the amount of babies born?
