
100% Authentic A$$Hole

But if you are a human being that suffers from depression, anxiety, mood swings, bi polar, aids, cancer, gerd, crohns, diahreah,nausea, hepatitis and so many more shit that basically any human being experiences in their lifetime...

Well then, Marijuana is here to help you:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
can't speak for the others (except twisty - lacy says he is traveling) - i just haven't much to add....

other than: Happy belated birthday Zekedogg!

i was off a-whoring on some other threads! :hump:


Well-Known Member
Well I've been really busy this week so far, went to Toronto Monday, London yesterday, and today the cable guy came (8:00 to 11:00, showed up at 11:00) and had to get into the utility room. Well my veg area is a curtained off corner of the utility room with my clone cupboard below, so I had to get up at 6:00 AM and take it all apart and put everything out of sight in the bloom room, and then put it back up again. Of course I knew this was a possiblity so I had it set up for relatively easy dissassembly. Took a lot longer to take down and clean the room then it took to reassemble. All back to normal now, but I will have to harvest, transplant and clone within the next day or so because being out of town so much I've gotten behind.


Well-Known Member
twisty dude says hello to everyone here at riu.
He is visiting ontario and likes it very much:)
Hey all.... :) Made it back from, Toronto,Brampton & Cambridge... I tried to log on to RIU to get a hold of jimmy, but it wouldn't recognize my password...and of course the guy with all my phone book & email #'s screwed off early....It sucks to be able to read some post, and not be able to reply...(I get how you must of felt LACY)....1ST DAMN DAY SOME ASS gets some Chinese food at some roadside spot, so for the 1st couple of days the only bowl I saw was the can.......Just try drumming for six hours with the squirts......WTF is that TO 45 degree with humidity shit...I was freaked getting home about my plants...6 days no water....:o:o:o......but alas they're huge in a bit after I shake off the 8 hr. car ride...Glad to be back with the RIU gang....

**ps. Thanks lacy for relaying my message..your email was the only 1 my reefer soaked brain could remember.....

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Welcome back...drumming with the squirts...well, at least it wasn't deep knee bends!
Hey all.... :) Made it back from, Toronto,Brampton & Cambridge... I tried to log on to RIU to get a hold of jimmy, but it wouldn't recognize my password...and of course the guy with all my phone book & email #'s screwed off early....It sucks to be able to read some post, and not be able to reply...(I get how you must of felt LACY)....1ST DAMN DAY SOME ASS gets some Chinese food at some roadside spot, so for the 1st couple of days the only bowl I saw was the can.......Just try drumming for six hours with the squirts......WTF is that TO 45 degree with humidity shit...I was freaked getting home about my plants...6 days no water....:o:o:o......but alas they're huge in a bit after I shake off the 8 hr. car ride...Glad to be back with the RIU gang....

**ps. Thanks lacy for relaying my message..your email was the only 1 my reefer soaked brain could remember.....


Well-Known Member
Welcome back...drumming with the squirts...well, at least it wasn't deep knee bends!
Even if it was Ebola...a reunion with a band that I played with about 20 years ago was one of those memories that will never go away...When you remember every little break, lead or fancy ending you had so long ago, and it seems like yesterday, you realize that you had a very special sort of certain enjoyment, not just the music.....but the people.. and anyone thats had a band knows that next to war & marrying (wrong person), the next biggest fights are in bands...
It was like the the end of a song they'd all be grinning and nodding their heads......