Plant with odd growth, Help needed


Hey RIU user's, I'm currently seeking help with friends grow of mine, were working together on a plant at his new place. We've run into some strange growth issue's though. We looked on our own to find a solution, but at this point I'm going to need some user's help. I can take pics if it helps but they aren't too clear so I don't know how much it'll clarify things. I'm going to describe it as best as possible. The most notable issue I've been having is slow growth. It's currently on day 11 and is only 2 inches in height from soil. The stem is at the right height as well not over exposed or anything. I'm using MG soil but it does have nutrients in it which are at .21 .7 .14. However I thought it was nute burn or def. so I went and removed every single little ball of nutrients, which are basically in little Listerine mint type capsules, Then flushed the soil and repotted it back into the pot. Idk if that's a good thing to do but I thought it was best. After that the plant did start to grow a lot better, yellowing went away slightly as well. But checking it today which is again day 11 the new leaves which are the 2nd and 3rd nodes I think are starting to yellow slightly again, not as bad as before though. What seems to be the strangest thing, is that my plants 2nd set of leaves have curling to them but it looks irregular, deformed like and the tips are curling down-wards slighty but not in a over watered kind of way, they are really sturdy leafs and stems but the ends curl down a tiny bit. The colors seem fine on those leafs but the curling is very strange. The tips of those leafs have almost un-noticeable yellowing on the tips but they really are hard to see so I don't think its nute burn. I'm extremely confused by this plant, It's an ak-48 from nirvana seed bank. This plant has also been on 12/12 from seed, I'm using 5-2700k cfls at 1300 lumens a piece, 1-5000k cfl at 1200 lumens and 1- 18in fluorescent cab light at 1070 lumens, I have a oscillating fan in the grow room and 2 out-take cpu fans, not too strong but they change temps by 5-10 degrees at best so it does help having them. Please any help would be much appreciated.. Thanks in advanced : )


Staff member
im pretty sure the nutes are released into the soil by adding water so removing little balls from it wouldnt be much help . people are going ot ask for photos so i would suggest putting them up


Ok thanks for the reply, I'm currently trying to add pics but it keeps giving me these red (!) and won't allow me to upload them


Maybe there's too many concurrent users on the site right now so its causing uploading and downloading issues but I hope to have pics up soon


Staff member
Maybe there's too many concurrent users on the site right now so its causing uploading and downloading issues but I hope to have pics up soon
lol no weve been having system issues lately , nothing to do with how many people uploading and downloading


Alright I uploaded them finally. So if you could please take a look I'd appreciate it, and please no video's as it's completely irrelevant to my issue


Well-Known Member
im pretty sure the nutes are released into the soil by adding water so removing little balls from it wouldnt be much help . people are going ot ask for photos so i would suggest putting them up
He's using miricle grow soil, it has like gel caps of nutes, the capsule dissolves over time with water and releases nutes, they look like little BBs


Yeah he's got it exactly. But I literally removed every single one from my soil, I saved them to add in later use but the purpose of flushing was to wipe any lingering nutes from the caps


Staff member
Yeah he's got it exactly. But I literally removed every single one from my soil, I saved them to add in later use but the purpose of flushing was to wipe any lingering nutes from the caps
yeah but its already in the soil like i said , its most likely from the nutes in MG , how close are your lights to your plant


Ok, I'm quite new to this so I just instinctively thought flush=cleanse but ill make sure not to do that in the future. My lights are on a power strip so some are further away but the 2 in the center are about 2 inches from the top of the plant, I checked the heat by putting my finger in between and its fairly cool, I can touch the bulbs without it burning either and the fan is constant, the fans about 8 inches away from the plant, oscillating as well. I really don't think heat would be the issue though.


Staff member
it may not be an issue but you gotta cover all bases of questions even if they seem silly or like a dead end, cannot solve an issue without knowing all the connecting steps towards an answer,
your milk carton does it have sufficient holes in the bottom for good drainage


No, I understand I'm glad your thorough. The carton has half inch holes on all four corners of the base, none on the bottom though.


Staff member
heres what i think, i think you dont have enough sufficient drainage on the pot i would suggest some perlite soil mix, and a nice container i bought mine at canadian tire for like 60 cents View attachment 2738217 these are ones i have, they go up in price for how big they are, than i suggest and this is my opinion that the nutes in the soil are TOO strong for a baby plant. I dont ever give nutes until about 4 weeks in. So i suggest you get regular soil and perlite that doesnt have as much as MG soil nutes have heres some info on making soil and perlite
and heres one specifically with the MG brand so perhaps this will help make sure ot read all the pages as users are quite helpful


Staff member
Overall I wish you much luck on your grow, remember its plant and to treat it as such they bounce back quite often and are very resilient im sure this can be solved


Ok, thank you sunni : ). I'm deff going to get new pots but as far as drainage goes, What are the effects of having poor drainage? The plant seems to be strong and sturdy, the curling in the leaves are stiff as well, where as over watering tends to have weak looking curls and stems. Regardless I'm going to get real pots but I'm just curious as to how it effects the plant.


Staff member
Ok, thank you sunni : ). I'm deff going to get new pots but as far as drainage goes, What are the effects of having poor drainage? The plant seems to be strong and sturdy, the curling in the leaves are stiff as well, where as over watering tends to have weak looking curls and stems. Regardless I'm going to get real pots but I'm just curious as to how it effects the plant.
it can affect the plant in many ways including over watering along with root rotting but what i think the main thing thats happening is that because its not getting enough drainage the nutes are not running through but rather sitting in the pot , even though you tried your best to remove them all and its just constantly giving the plant nutrients because they are not running through with water as it should be