Well-Known Member
so what do you think mr buck whats your take on the verdict since your obviously the smartest man on RIU ? is it true that he was MMA style whooping his ass?
you must be insanely drunk because i never said they interrogated zimmerman before the scuffle. where did you get that idea from?
its odd that his nose is broken and theres no other wounds to the face.. and theres a cut or scrape on the back of his head not consistent with your head being banged agains the cement
the kid didn't even do shit he was walkin in the fuckin rain.. zimmer got closer enough for himself to get attacked he was lookin for a confrontation. shit doesn't fuckin add up
how do you do that? but tend to not get involved with the law.. or politics.. but in my head there is something very funny about this case.. I mean who is Zimmerman to say this kids suspicious and start following him, and get close enough to get attacked anyways.. he wasent seen breaking any laws he was walkin down the street right?
a young kid? when you have to be the toughest and most ruthless at times as a young man.. fight or flight is part of all beings he was beign followed eventually there come a point where you stop turn around and say WHAT MOTHER FUCKER? kid was goin to get some skittles for Christ sakes. and another thing is.. kids do not rob houses all alone by them selfs.. professional theifs probably don't either most the time
if someones on top of you bashing you head in there going to have control of your arms.. how did he get his gun? if he was getting whooped like that he wouldent be able to get his fuckin gun..
that would be literally impossible to reconcile with the timeline, much less physical reality or zimm's own reenactment of the events.
thanks for proving that you are an idiot.
wait wait wait, are you saying someone following you is legal justification for hitting them?I don't see him trying to beat the living daylights out of someone randomly in the dark by yourself.. the girl that was last on the phone with him said he saw some weird dude following him since when is it illegal to walk around at night and why should you have to answer to anybody if you know your not doing anything wrong you would be pist I would.. h ow do you know he was "Caseing" homes? that's ridiculous. kids don't rob houses at night anyways they do it during the way while people are at work..
You said that he stated " then I went towards him" as evidence that he knew where TM was all along and was headed directly for him. He is saying that after the fact, which means that he did indeed know where TM was, but only after TM presented himself. He isn't speaking as if he were still unaware where TM was. Its after the fact so him saying " Then i went towards him" means nothing.
maybe dope feins might, did you watch the whole trial? did you hear the police call? he said he didn't wana give his address out loud or someshit wtf is that? idk dude I don't know everything about the case all I know is that its some bullshit..