Mewk's Tiny PC Grow / 69w CFL / 12-12FS / Soil

That's some great looking bud man!!

I still see white pistils shooting on out of her, I'd probably still give her 2 weeks before a chop. The ambers you have been noticing... are they on the fan leaves or the actual flowers? What's the flowering time on your strain, 8-12 weeks?

I really think she can fatten up a lot more towards the end. Me being a first timer, I did not want to make the mistake that most new growers make by being impatient and chopping the plant down early, besides a little amber never killed anyone... :P
Agreed all the way man.

As it is I'm hunting for some serious couch-lock. So lots of amber will be alright for me. As for the bit I saw, it was on a trimming from one of the bud leaves. The strain states a 45-55 day flower. I've checked back thru the thread and my guestimate is that she started to flower around Day 40, which puts me at flower of 46 days. I'm in no rush to chop, so I'll wait it out this next couple of weeks, hopefully pick up a small bag of weed on the weekend to see me thru.

I hope you're right about her fattening up. The buds look great in the pics, and okay in real life, but I'd like to see a bit more weight go on there.
Sorry for going a bit quiet. But nothing much has been happening in the growbox, well, I'm sure something's been happening, but it's not been easy to spot with the naked eye.

Regardless, I am back... And (only a little excited!!!) I think it's about time we started talking about...


Right, here's some pics of my girl. I've just taken some macro shots, but they're in raw format and photoshop's taking an age to process them, so I'll put them up in a bit. Here's the overall shots of her. I can't see many white pistils coming out, and she seems to be draining most of the life out of the fan leaves. She's only been on regular tap water (left open for 24hrs), so it's not nute burn or anything. Just looks to me like she's gettin a little ripe.

Here's the pics.

Advice please. I wanna harvest for a nice heavy couch-lock.

Sorry, I din't check the pics first. Some of those are hopelessly outa focus.
Here's the macro shots, not sure if they help much.
The trychs are still looking pretty clear at the moment, to me, I'll have another go with my crappy microscope later, but it's just such a bitch to use.

Right, I'm off now, it's the hottest day of the year in somethin like 20years today, I think... So I say it's time for a few bevvies in the park. Big love all, enjoy the sunshine!
Them close ups look nice!

I might be totally wrong on this... Go for 50% amber that should give you that nice couch lock.
Right. Well todays update is a request for a bit more advice.

I'm into unknown territory here, and not sure if all is still going to plan.

So I just checked the plant now, and around 80% of the fan leaves have shriveled up and died, leaving just a little green protruding from each of the buds.

I then got my microscope on her, and I swear, I couldn't find one single milky trich. They're all crystal clear at the moment.

Any ideas on how to play this from here?
If you really want that couchlock feel i would definitely hold off on chopping. The mistake i made was that i stopped feeding too soon because i saw some amber thinking that the amber was going to kick into overdrive and just start taking over and that i was going to be harvesting soon, however that was not the case. I believe that plants (depending on health) will still continue to produce new trichomes up until the very end. When i harvested i still noticed clear trichomes popping up in places i hadnt seen them before so... definitely wait until its actually the ratio you want and not just close to the ratio you want.
Update time.

Okay, over the past couple days, almost everything leafy has pretty much shriveled up to a crunchy nothing. I've been checking the trichomes with little luck, so I let the missus have a look thru the scope, she reckons all she can see is amber, and a few cloudy... Maybe my eyes have just past their potential... Anyways, the buds in places are actually browning off now, and in places getting a little crispy themselves. I don't think it's helped that we've been having tropical sunshine here for the past week or two, checked the temps and they're about 85.

Last night I picked off a bud, and quick dried it... Two smokes down and I was pretty nicely fucked... So I think I'm gonna cut my losses on this one, and take her down tomorrow. Or maybe give her a 48hr dark period, I read that does something good?

To make things more awkward, I'm away from home for a festival weekend from thurs... So if I go and leave her, I'm worried I might come back to a toasted mess.

Just nicked another small bud, and have dried it out... Gonna put it to the test tonight with a second viewing of Running Scared... Saw it last night, what a fucking movie!

Well, any feedback welcome, appreciated, wanted... You get the idea.

Same thing happened to me weather wise and tiny developing flower buds getting brown and crispy. Actually i picked off a shit load of them that they filled up a bowl. I smoked the bowl and still got super high but visual appeal isnt the greatest obviously. But good call on chopping her now because just drawing her out longer for morethe amber when youre noticing that browning will just get worse, especially with the weather.
Hey mewk, It's also possible that the strain just doesn't get as dark in color as some that you are used to.

If you got nice and fucked then I wouldn't be calling it a loss at all :) Looks like some great weed my friend.
Yeh, all things considered, and with the current feedback, tonight the lights will go down for the final time. I'll take some pics tomorrow for the cropping. I'll do my best to grab a wet weight, and then I'm leaving them in a friends capable hands over the weekend, to keep an eye out for them over-drying in a cardboard box.

My mate'll be brought up to speed on how to trim and jar once the branches are dry enough but not too dry. Then she'll keep an eye on the jars and make sure they're opened for an hour or so a day.

By the time I get back on Monday, all should be ready for an early sample. :)

It doesn't look like it's gonna be any kinda killer yield. But I've learnt a lot from my first PC grow. I've seen where the box has its pro's and certainly picked out a few cons. So before the next one goes in (hopefully around early Sept to aim for a Crimbo Crop), I hope to have the box re-jigged, completely light/smell proofed. I'll also prolly veg for a bit rather than going straight to 12/12. Will be growing the same strain too, and might even invest in a usb microscope.

Well, thanks for tagging along so far, you lovely lot. You're help and advice has been invaluable.

Running scared with Paul walker? If so that one is good. I personally would pull it?

Yes mate, the Paul Walker one. Fuck me, that movie kicked my ass in ten different directions. Seriously, I haven't had that much fun sat infront of the box in years. It's not revolutionary or oscar award winning... But if you've not seen it, and you want a rip-roaring rollercoast ride, that just doesn't let up til past the credits... This is your movie.
Hey man, For being grown in a computer case you have to admit, It's pretty dank! With 70 watts of CFL I couldn't really see anyone surpassing what you accomplished by much.
I think you pretty much achieved what everyone is hoping for and better in those types of grows.

Like you said the experience has been invaluable. For the next time you have all the keys necessary to achieve YOUR rendition of dank :)
Thank you Chib, that's a lovely way of putting it. At the end of the day, I'm a happy camper. I've got a load of weed to smoke, we're having the best summer in about the last 100 years, and it's all been virtually free. What's not to love!

Ta for the nice words.
Thank you Chib, that's a lovely way of putting it. At the end of the day, I'm a happy camper. I've got a load of weed to smoke, we're having the best summer in about the last 100 years, and it's all been virtually free. What's not to love! Ta for the nice words.
This is what growing is all about, good times with free weed and friends ;) Oh and a bit of sunshine never hurt anyone!
Lots of reasons to smile today!

So, just noticed, it's my 200th post... Time's gone quickly on here, all in a flash to be honest. I've learnt a lot, I've had incredible support. I couldn't have picked a better forum/site to keep me company through my grow.

The sun's still shining. I'm all almost all packed up and ready to head off to Truck Festival tomorrow, for a few days of booze, spliffs, earning easy money, music an good times.

I was gonna leave the crop until this evening, but preps for the festival have been a bit full on, so I thought I'd best squeeze it in whilst I had a spare moment.

I took as many pics as I could, but please take the weights with a pinch of salt, as I couldn't find my weed scales, and have had to use the kitchen ones, which only goes in increments of 1g.

Here's my girl, basking in her final moments.
Equipment at the ready.

So, one quick hack and chop later... And we have a total wet weight, somewhere in the neighborhood of 63grams. Now again, remember these are just kitchen scales, they go up in 1g increments, and they're not particularly accurate. Plus there's a ton of branch on there still.

Then I went through, and for the kicks, weighed the individual snips after they'd had a bit of a manicure. The photos are a bit shoddy, because I had to get an odd angle to pick up the weight display whilst still using the flash.


Now we all know size means everything... So here's a couple size comparisons so you can get a better idea of how it all turned out.

And here she is in her new cardboard home, for the next few days.

So there we go.
102 days from popping through the soil.
12/12 light setup from the getgo.
3 x 23watt CFL bulbs in a small PC Case.
1 PC Fan blowing into a DIY carbon filter.

I saw someone mention earlier that you can get a real rough idea by multiplying wet weight by 0.25. Which, if I say it's 60g. That makes a dry weight of just over a quarter. Okay, so it's not been the heaviest yield I've seen from a PC. But as I mentioned in the last post, I've learnt a LOT. I will be growing in this box again, starting around early Sept I think. But the box needs a good bit of work done to it first, to iron out some issues.

I really, couldn't be happier. It's all cropped and ready while the sun's still shining. I'm off to work at my first festival of the year, and am gonna pop a couple wet buds into my rolling box, so that by the time we're all set up, I can sit down and have a spliff on me.

I'd like to send out some major love to all that've contributed to this thread, and a few of my other random posts around this site. You've helped me so much, given me some awesome support when I was just filled with doubt. I'm so happy that after a long search for a forum, I picked Roll It Up as my home to grow in.

Peace out dudes and dudettes.

The next spliff is in your honour!
Those are some FAT buds dude!! From the trichome pics all the way to the size comparison pics you can tell that's going to be some dank shit.

Definitely cool to see all of us walking away with some good bud from our PC grows.
Have a safe and totally sick trip.