Auto Blue Mystic Twin Grow


Active Member
Hello fellow growers , Curious-Kittys brother deciding to grace you with a new grow diary!


2x Auto Feminsed BLue Mystic (from Nivana)

Plant Magic Soil 50l

Small carboard plainted pure white the mesurements are roughly H 136cm x W 43cms x D 45 cm

150w dual spec CFL with a euro reflector

2x 11 Litre Square Pot

Plant Magic Oldtimer Organic Bloom 1L
Plant Magic Oldtimer Organic Grow 1L

1 Small PC Fan wired to an old Nokia Battery Charger.

40x Loupe

No repotting
NO p.h level checks.
No tempriture checks.

I will be defolicating during this grow!

More info on defolicating and a pretty good guide to defolicating can be found here! >

both beans have been germing for only 24 hours because they are both supporting healthly 1 inch long tap roots. SO about 3 hours ago i potted them both into there final 11 litre pots so as soon as i see them pop above the soil that will mark the start of the Auto BLue Mystic twins grow!

I will be posting weekly updates unless unexspected occurances pop up during this twin grow. Thanks for following an i look forward to bring you the udates of yet another auto twin advenureious grow!

And as always you can always check my signiture for links to my grows from the past.


Active Member

First picture of the twins and this marks the start of the grow. they are offically 1 day old. and im kinda shocked that only after 24 hrs in a wet paper towel that they have broken threw the soil surface so fast. but eager beans are happy beans in my already looking forward to tuseday next week as that will mark week 1!


Active Member
Cheers Javadog, im hoping either 1 or both these beans can make it into the relms of milky/amber trichomes as im curious about the more body type buzz BM offers. il admit the milky trich buzz off my last grow was pretty dam good but im a sucker for a butt nailing coutchlock type buzz.

but seeds have to do since i cant get me hands on a good healthly bug free clone or some freebie beans lol. but im content an confident these babys will grace me with yet another fine harvest in the coming months.


Well-Known Member
I think that you are on track.

Do you have a second area to maintain mothers and clones?

I am starting about 10 breeds from seeds right now. Plants from
clones seem to have a denser/stronger start, and I expect to take clones
from my new breeds to work with.

Good luck,



Active Member
i can dream that i had a tent for cones or to experiment with but alas the only grow area im luckly to have on offer is a Small carboard plainted pure white the mesurements are roughly H 136cm x W 43cms x D 45 cm[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

the same i post at the start of all my grow diarys which helps give follwoers an readers a pretty good mental image of my budget grow setup. Now i think about it the last harvest i did a single BM which produced over a zip means on auto grows ive gone nearly 2 out of 2 harvestess where ive managed to pull over a zip per seed. which is why i say ive a good beudget setup since them results are documented on here and are the rsult of just a dedicated grower using only a 125 cfl dual spec bulb.

if money wasnt an issue well we all no if there was no issues we al would proberly upgrade to help boost are harvests.


Active Member
it just dawned on me that my pots are not fully filled with soil due to me running out as i buy enough soil to cover lal the grows i intend to do an last time my single BM was tilting towards the end of her grow because i didnt top her up with soil. but she survived an gave me a nice high high in return so i thinkt hat will be the same case with this twin BM grow.

Im to eager for tuesday to come around so i can compare my twisn to the alst BM grow to see if there doing better or the same as my single BM was at week 1.

now off to get another dose of this remarkablely euk summer sun before the weatherman realises uk aint suppose to have HOT summer sun for this many days in a row.


Active Member

both are looking well happy they are aproximately 2-3 inches tall. There under 24hrs lighting but will be going into 18/6 lighing next week when they begin there first dose of nutes. I might try running one with a dose of grow nutes an then bloom nutes as i have not really been using grow nutes because of the auto flower side of these babys. but now im twin growing i might have 1 with both nutes an the other just bloom to see if there truely is any big difference overal.

That really is all ican update you with because its only week one. but i will say they already look biggest since this picture was taken yesterday an tere already bigger.

So tune in next week for more on the uto BM grow show!

As always if your new an have questions fele free to post them, i do include as much info about any grows in the very first post which normally can answer your curious questions so be sure to check their incase the answers yous eek are there already!

Have a nice week and il catch you all in a few days!


Active Member
cheers i dunno why my my week 1 pciture is not showing up on here guess the sites having issues with images yet again, i checked imageshack an theres no issues with uploaded image links on there so i guess rollitup is having minor issues with media uplaoding.

bith babys are content ive had to use some support ties and a pen to prep up one of them due to them oddly growing out an sideways instead of directly upwards but your see my temp prop up job when tuesdays update comes around if ive not melted thanks to the still shocking uk heat outside.

The summer heat is working great for the babys since it keeps any cold winter breezes from wandering into my Groom which i miss cause of the lack of humidity we have here in uk


Active Member

The auto grow spurts have begun, the additional heat here in uk hasnt effected the babys as they seem happy, and content.
I had to prop one of them up as it was growing sidewys outwards, instead of directly upwards. But but a few basic holdhold bits n bobs covered that without any hassle.

As long as they are happy when next weeks update rolls on by, then i will start them mini nute feeds. Im unsure if im gonna have 1 fed on just bloom nutes and the other on grow nutes an then bloom nutes., to see if that actually makes much difference overall. but il have made up my decition by next week as im to busy vegitating in the summer sun to be bale to concertrate much this week.

Stay tuned for week 3 adventures of the BM twins


Active Member
Subb'd. Really interested in this defoliating technique going to be used.
MY past grows show results while using the defolication method.

This last grow i defolicated an got a zip

I also had to defolicate often with this old twin auto norther lists grow

So you can see defolicating does help as it give your lower bud sites more light coverage.


Active Member
Weekend teaser!
I totally forgot to add mesurements of the babys. Their both sitting tall at 3.5 inches an pretty bushy with nice bright green leafs happly stretching outwards!

I fed them the day after posting week 2s update.

each baby was fed 5mls of Grow Nutes mixed into 1 litre of water.

but instead of feeding them 1 full litre of water with the grow nutes mixed in, i feed them each half a litre of just water to give them an there bottom roots a healthy drain an feed so to speak.. then i fed them the remaining half a litre with mixed grow nutes. Today they are showing no signs unhappy feelings towards the addition of their first big water an nute feed.

As i rarely ever used the grow nutes due to autos living upto there names when they begin flowering. I will be also following this gorw with a curious mind, to see IF infact adding grow nutes does have any noticeable improvement in the end results.

An i am determind to harvest one of these young ladys in the infamous amber/milky trichome world!

Time to get my tweet on.
Have a nice summer weekend!
MY past grows show results while using the defolication method.

This last grow i defolicated an got a zip

I also had to defolicate often with this old twin auto norther lists grow

So you can see defolicating does help as it give your lower bud sites more light coverage.
If I drink coffee in the morning it tends to make me defolicate! :confused: peace...bongwater


Active Member
If I drink coffee in the morning it tends to make me defolicate! :confused: peace...bongwater
you want a strong coffe in the morning.

go get the following an try this on for a strong coffe in the morning, few peple have revealed it puts unwanted lead in there pencils better than viagra so ya never no the truth.

1 big jar of Nescafe orginal
1 big jar of sugar 5kgs will do.
then mix 9 spoons of coffe with 8 spoons of sugar and very little milk and the normal hot water. let it stand for a few minutes so its all fused together an see fi that that recipt dont wake you up faster than that bird you though in the pub last week witht he tight skirt an short low cut top who your wife dislikes.

That would fit if you think of the action as giving the plant a haircut?

its a palnt not an anooying little gobby teenage brat with there heads stuck up there own butts. tyvm.

peeps forget ive had 4-6 already sucessful auto grows using defolicating so im aware of how its done an the overal outcome from a first hand perspective.


Well-Known Member

All apologies for any unintended offense.

I was riffing on the potential meaning of the word "defolicate",
taking "haircut" to stand for de-follicate.

I did Google up the word, to make sure that there was not a
cultural difference. My Mom cracked me up big-time once when,
discussing mathematics, she referred to a "rhomboid". Well,
I later found that that was indeed an archaic term for a rhombus.

I think that you want to use "defoliate".

Onward and upward,



Active Member
baking heat + uks unpredicted summer = lack of air/humidity and regular sleep will effect the mood of most as uk aint had this kinda summer sun in a few years.