~How to RIU a Joint~


Well-Known Member
grasscity.com said:
It only takes 2-3 tries and your joint will look awesome! This is the basic joint!
Here is what you will need!

A. You obviously need the good stuff! Weed, Ganj, Maryjane, Pot, however you call it, grind that stuff up.

Some may ask, why should I get a grinder? Well, the're 2 main reasons I use one;
-It's extremely easy and fast to use, you don't need no knife or a really flat surface (I've grinded up and rolled joints in my hat many many times
). Also, it's a great way to collect Kief ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kief ),that can than be smoked!

B.You need some good Rolling Paper, in my case, good ol' Zig-Zag KutCorners (easier for beginners) (You'll see a picture of the pack later in the guide)

C. If you are like me and you like to have a filter, you need some good Thick Paper.

Now, we can start the rolling process!


Let's start;

First, let's make the "cut"
(that piece of Thick Paper we talked about earlier), you want to take some good thick paper and cut about 1/8 of an inch, or a little less then a Centimeter, and about a finger length long, depending on the diameter of the joint you want to roll.

You want the cut to be a little smaller then the actual size of the joint, that way it will unwind a little bit, and the space created will allow more smoke to pass thru.

Using cisors makes a cleaner cut.

1.2 Roll it around your finger or around a lighter, just to give it's initial shape. And then roll it tightly. Save it for later, don't worry if it unrolls a bit, it's the initial rolling that is important.


2. You want to hold the paper by one side, with your index, and the space left by your finger will be used for the "cut" (Most of the time)


You want to take your grinded up Weed and sprinkle it evenly all along the paper, don't worry about the stuff falling off, we won't discard it.


4. Alright, here comes an important part when you are starting to roll! A secret kept within initiates! (Not really;)).
You take the sprinkled joint, and you put it in between your thumb and index.

Then you take the Pack of Rolling Paper(Zig-Zag), and you press down on the Weed, to make it really compact. (One hand to hold the joint, the other to press down with the pack)

It should look something like this when pressed down. DON'T BE SCARED TO PRESS HARD. The paper is very sturdy, it won't break.


5. Alright, here's the tougher part, you need to roll up the paper with your thumb, in a rolling up and down motion, makes the Weed inside spreaded out evenly (No pics here again, a motion is hard to capture!)
And then take both your indexes, and put them on each side of the paper.

The paper needs to be on the edge of the Weed, where you can nearly see the green.


Then you want to lick the glue, don't be scared, it can take quite a bit to make it wet.(Use the tip of your tongue!)

And then you want to BRING down the glue, in a rolling motion, down on the paper where the compacted weed is. (USE YOUR INDEXES)

This is how it should look after being rolled.


7. You then take that "cut" we did earlier,

and you insert it at one of the end of the joint (I usually insert it where there's the most weed near the end, that way it kind of compacts it even more.)


. After that, it's the easy part, just using a thin pointer or the ink stick inside a pen, you press the weed in, and then add some more, to make it longer and more compact. Once again, DON'T BE SCARED TO PUSH HARD, THE PAPER CAN TAKE IT!

Do this until it is nearly filled to the top, and don't forget, don't compact it too much at the end and nearly not near the cut, or else it might fall over or break.


9. The final touch, twist it at the end to make it look cool, and BAM, you can blaze up!

Don't forget, you can make all kinds of joint with this technic, big, small, fat, thin!


I sure hope this guide covered everything you wanted to know, and if anything you find to be unclear, leave a reply and I will try to fix it!


was thinking for my 1200 post should be teaching how to roll =Þ
The only problem i see with ur technique is that if u do it your way u gotta use midgrade.. cuz if u use fire when u push down the sticky icky will compress causing smoke not to be able to travel through it.
That was fun!

I'm interested to see if anyone who could not prior is able to roll after this.

Post pics!
Been rolling joints since the 70's and never needed a reinforced, recessed tip before. I learned to roll using the ol' reliable Bambu rollers or a dollar bill. My friend learned how to roll while in jail, he learned by watching himself in a mirror. Funny as a porno flick to watch him, because he learned using a mirror, he rolled all his joints backwards rolling towards himself instead of away.
The only problem i see with ur technique is that if u do it your way u gotta use midgrade.. cuz if u use fire when u push down the sticky icky will compress causing smoke not to be able to travel through it.

honestly i didnt even read all of that or even watch the video it was a joke about 1200