need pofessional opion?????


Well-Known Member
dear friends

a friend of mine is two weeks away from harvest in his grow room. he called me and asked why do i have seeds here and there on one plant in his room? should he remove the plant in dwc or let it go to cure? he found just a few seeds on one plant. what should he do? please help. thank you


Well-Known Member
Too little - too late. Your "friend" had a hermie at some point. Being only 2 weeks from harvest, pulling the plant now would do nothing but lower yield and quality.


Well-Known Member
The seeds will not, but you have a hermie ( both female and male plant ) in that room. So every cola should be affected with pollen and therefore they will create seeds. If you take out a plant now it wont help you at all.


Well-Known Member
re Thanks but these seeds are soft and wet inside and have not opened to pollinate or dose this not matter because they are already their ?


Well-Known Member
re Thanks but these seeds are soft and wet inside and have not opened to pollinate or dose this not matter because they are already their ?
Sometimes there are seedlets, so to speak. I encounter them in consumption activities. But, I guess you just keep going.

Too late, as they say.

Also, in the last few years I've consumed boatloads of clinic boo, a gram at a time, just sampling variety.

Every GREAT once in a while, I will find a fat and speckled seed that will germinate. Now that is after curing, etc.
I have no idea what a bush seed would look like wet.

Oh, sister ganja, sometimes a brother, as well. :)


Well-Known Member
The seeds havent matured yet...they prolly will by it wont affect anything other than ull have seeds in ur weed....I mean im sure uve had a sack w seeds in it before....its still medicene just not top grade....count it as a bonus cause everytime ive grown a seed from a plant that was pollinated by a herm they turned out u have a new cross of strains now


Well-Known Member
are they seeds or pollen sacs on the one plant? he/she might not have popped pollen yet. got any pics of the suspect.


New Member
You won't know the damage until you break open a bud. I've seen just a few seeds in an all female harvest do to mother nature. Sometimes a female plant will produce a seed or two without pollination. Mother natures way of keeping the perfect plant flourishing. If you have a shem the seeds will be either female plants or more shems. Not all female. I would suggest being in a grow room with limited space, using clones from a good female. If you must buy seeds order, from the Single Seed Centre and buy feminized seeds. They guarantee their seeds and stand by their guarantee.