Alright i'm officially staying away from cali connection people - untill i grew every strains of the legit breeder that i like haha. You can't ask a grower to say he wont try a strain, just for the sake of it
Seems like Bodhi, GGG, Conoisseur, Sannies, DNA/RP and of course TGA (and affiliates) is all i'm growing for the next ten years - Kaliman anybody? I am looking for that original cheese
Thanks a lot for all the kind advice, for those who told me CC wasnt that bad i aint personnal, as a grower you need to make choices and if i had ask a question and didnt took a decision based on what was said i guess i would have lost everybody's time.
I had a good cheese pheno growing some GH cheese but that was a one in a milion thing. I guees the ods with CC are a bit bitter but what really change my mind is Pacificplanter words. The fact that Swerve end up being a douche bag does concern me. I'm a firm beliver in expressing my freedom through action just like Sartre teaches us. Buying his seed would just mean supporting somebody like that.
While breeder like Sub have shared their Supersoil recipe to the masses - i know one could argue over the interest he had to do so building up a fan base still i'd lilke to believe he did so in all honesty trying to help his fellow grower - others arent even taking care of creating new stuff but spend more time building up their brand on phony genetics that wins shit that's ben bought. I've said it i LOVE a well grown hawaiian snow, but how could super lemon haze win the HTCC 3 times in a row. How many lemon strain out there would smash that strain in a second?
Thank god for the internet that allowed us to create such community where we get the REAL information. I would be stupid to buy 15$ plus seed half the people tell their weak when i can have acces to strains everyone tells you is fire!
Thanks again guys for all the advice i really appreciate all of them, time to spend some time reading those strains and breeder review section