making bubble hash from semi bud rotted buds????

Unfortunately a few of my plants started getting some bud rot due to the humidity I failed to control. does anybody know if I can still mix it in my bubble bags ?? tons of resin on my huckleberrys. Wondering if I can salvage any ...
yeah, I actually lost one whole plant, and then some of the bottoms of about five others. Potentially about 6oz's of dry. I'm going to let it all dry out and try it in the bubble bags. I'll keep ya updated as to how it comes out. I think it's just the plant matter that started to rot. So I don't see why the resin would be effected by it. Who know's. I'll have a little experiment I guess
well I am just starting to do bubble hash. I did it the other day with the 8 bag system. I had 14 Huckleberry's and there is quite a bit of trim. I'd have to learn how to do the BHO. I realize that's what everybody is doing now. How hard or easy is the process? I guess I could learn how on youtube or something.
well i am pretty sure you cant make bubble with moldy material, but i have heard you can blast moldy material
probably have about 3 to 5 oz's of crappy bud that was very nice before it got all humid and they got all soft and rotty. I did great with the rest of the plants, just let them go too long in the humidity
wait is it bud mold or rotten plants? 2 different things

like bud mold as in it was bag too early? or plant rot as in your flower room was too hot and humid and your buds where tight and where molding while still in the dirt?
yeah exactly. Plant rot from bad conditions. we had a heat wave, and I wasn't equpped with an ac. I just had an 8 inch fan pulling air out and a six inch pulling the heat from my lights. wasn't enough for the heat and humidity..
Throw away the bad chunks and filter the rest after running. Botrytis doesn't leave an aflatoxin and spores and filaments can be filtered out of an oil solution using a 0.2 micron syringe filter. That will remove the taste and smell.
Unfortunately a few of my plants started getting some bud rot due to the humidity I failed to control. does anybody know if I can still mix it in my bubble bags ?? tons of resin on my huckleberrys. Wondering if I can salvage any ...

You can make hash with your plant material even with bud rot, just do some extra rinsing. On the other hand, DO NOT maker BHO with it because it will retain the mold.
You can make hash with your plant material even with bud rot, just do some extra rinsing. On the other hand, DO NOT maker BHO with it because it will retain the mold.

really i have read places that say the complete opposite, i will see if i can find my sources
BAM! What?
Sorry but I do not see anything on the link to imply that BHO does not retain mold! Anyway you made me doubt and I will ask some friends that are considered the best in that field and will get back to you.
On the other hand, I am pretty sure about being able to clean the mold in Hash, enough experience doing it but to tell the truth I never had a lab tests done to check the results. I use technique learned in India and Nepal, where mold is a common problem
can you site a source that says other wise? everything i have found saying it is bad is just people talking shit saying it will kill you, i have blasted bud with mold came out fine. have you frenchy? i know you make hash but your still not all know neither am i but i at least did some kind of research, and the link i gave had a few people that have blasted with moldy bud.... actually the last pictures i posted up in the hash pic thread had mold on it
can you site a source that says other wise? everything i have found saying it is bad is just people talking shit saying it will kill you, i have blasted bud with mold came out fine. have you frenchy? i know you make hash but your still not all know neither am i but i at least did some kind of research, and the link i gave had a few people that have blasted with moldy bud.... actually the last pictures i posted up in the hash pic thread had mold on it
Did the people on the thread you sent me lab tested their products?
Anyway I am not an BHO specialist, just studied it some (mainly in connection to terpenes extraction for the perfume industry), so don't take it for granted but I would study the question if I was you, a lot of people blast away but a lot of it is really unhealthy..... I do not touch butane but I have had my hash tested, did you do the same with your extract?
Mold will not kill you but it can't be good either......
ok so you dont experiment with it and its not some thing you work with first hand... ok just checking
I think FD has covered this in this thread or another, but the only way to ENSURE the spores are removed with butane extractions, is using a” micron-wheel” filtration using .2 micron syringe.

I've researched bho production everyday for almost a year now, every spare moment I got, is totally dedicated to extractions in general, the former 6-7 months focused on BHO exclusively, as of now, currently trying to improve knowledge on specific cannabinoids, and terpenes.