Babies are going to be the new "gold standard" to get rid of inflation!


Well-Known Member
Says the pot grower in love with the head prohibitionist.
and what a prohibitionist he is!

a record number of dispensaries, more medical states than ever before, and two recreationally legal states that are on track to proceed as their voters dictated with no federal interference!

what a shitty prohibitionist, guess we should have voted for ritt momney instead.

No, but title II attempts to do something that is prohibited by the 14th amendment. Equal protection under the 14th amendment could mean that the government is supposed to PROTECT a persons right to use their private property in the way that they choose. Which would include the right to open a business, not open a business or run the business as they see fit, not how you or I would have them run the business.

What title II does, aided by an expansion of the bogus "interstate commerce clause" is not protect a persons right to determine the use of their property, instead it dictates how it will be used. How does dictating what a person will do with their property "protect" the rights of property ownership?

It seems that the 14th amendment and title II might be at odds.

Note: This comment is authorized in THIS thread due to the inter thread converse clause.

title II and the equal protection clause are the opposite of "at odds".

if you have a business that is open to the public, you can't say "oh, well, it's not open to THAT part of the public" because it causes harm to others. your rights end when they cause harm to others.

and before you open your historically challenged pie hole, the harm to others is not some esoteric notion, it is historically and empirically documented.

if you don't want darkie in your hotel or restaurant, there is a simple solution: call it a private establishment and do not advertise that you are "open to the public".


Well-Known Member
What if people decide to save their money under their mattresses?

That money would be taken out of circulation.
Then you would have deflation.

So a baby is born and the online government gives him 100 million. the baby, being stupid and not knowing any money management skills, blows all 100 million on diapers and creamed carrots.

Now what?
That's a good point. What if people saved their money under their mattresses? I have never thought about that one. I don't see how you could go about controlling that one. The only people that would want to put money under their mattress would be the people that reached the maximum potential of wealth, and there could be a law that makes them keep their money on the books to keep things fair.

Deflation is probably better than inflation though. I'm sure they would eventually spend the money though. You cant take it to your grave with you, you can only leave an inheritance.

The online government wouldn't be giving the baby the $100 million dollars, but maybe a trust fund would be setup to give the baby X dollars per month to supplement the parents income. Maybe the other half half of the money would go towards building infrastructure and the rest could be put in a trust fund.

But I'm not trying to make up the laws, I'm just trying to figure out the best way it would work. It is My theory and I haven't worked out all the bugs, but I highly doubt it will ever be implemented because there is too much corruption and the ones with the power wouldn't want a system like this because it would level the playing field and more people would be rich and there would be no elites like there are today.

I believe these are all good ideas that the online government could work with. I don't know all the solutions to all the problems but I do believe these could help.



Well-Known Member
That's a good point. What if people saved their money under their mattresses? I have never thought about that one. I don't see how you could go about controlling that one. The only people that would want to put money under their mattress would be the people that reached the maximum potential of wealth, and there could be a law that makes them keep their money on the books to keep things fair.

Deflation is probably better than inflation though. I'm sure they would eventually spend the money though. You cant take it to your grave with you, you can only leave an inheritance.

The online government wouldn't be giving the baby the $100 million dollars, but maybe a trust fund would be setup to give the baby X dollars per month to supplement the parents income. Maybe the other half half of the money would go towards building infrastructure and the rest could be put in a trust fund.

But I'm not trying to make up the laws, I'm just trying to figure out the best way it would work. It is My theory and I haven't worked out all the bugs, but I highly doubt it will ever be implemented because there is too much corruption and the ones with the power wouldn't want a system like this because it would level the playing field and more people would be rich and there would be no elites like there are today.

I believe these are all good ideas that the online government could work with. I don't know all the solutions to all the problems but I do believe these could help.

Or you know, just use an actual commodity backed currency, I don't know what commodity would be suitable but I'm an advocate of "sound money" (fuck you Ron Paul for overusing that term).

Your plan would still cause inflation, unless as NoDrama mentioned, you were also to shred currency upon a persons death.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
and what a prohibitionist he is!

a record number of dispensaries, more medical states than ever before, and two recreationally legal states that are on track to proceed as their voters dictated with no federal interference!

what a shitty prohibitionist, guess we should have voted for ritt momney instead.


title II and the equal protection clause are the opposite of "at odds".

if you have a business that is open to the public, you can't say "oh, well, it's not open to THAT part of the public" because it causes harm to others. your rights end when they cause harm to others.

and before you open your historically challenged pie hole, the harm to others is not some esoteric notion, it is historically and empirically documented.

if you don't want darkie in your hotel or restaurant, there is a simple solution: call it a private establishment and do not advertise that you are "open to the public".

Despite your attempts to move the goal post...Obama is a prohibitionist and he's the head of the executive branch. That's where the buck stops for the DEA. People are still losing
their homes in seizures, the USA still leads the world in imprisoning people, cops are still shooting dogs (and people) and weed is still schedule I. You're just silly.
Medical marijuana ain't jack shit either. If you have to get "permission" to have a substance, some form of prohibition is still in place.

Romney? I suppose you could have done what Goldman Sachs did and "vote" for both Obama and his brother Romney.

Of course title II violates property rights.

The very term "property rights" means that SOMEBODY owns the property and real ownership means THAT person (the owner) controls the property. A reduction in "ownership" can be caused by ANOTHER PARTY (GOV'T.) seizing some or total control over the subject property. The Federal government became that other party when they instituted title II which told people, "here's what you MUST do with your privately owned property.

You can't simultaneously provide "protection under the law" of a persons private property right ownership interest AND dictate to them how and what they will do with their property. Cognitive dissonance much?

Before you can say, "my best friend was black". I'll stress that it's not a very nice thing nor is it a good business decision to discriminate based solely on race. The thing you overlook is none of us have a right to tell other people what they can do with their property, which includes their body and their justly acquired property.

Private property protection doesn't discriminate against any race. if you are white, black, brown or green if you own property you and you alone should be the person making the decisions concerning how the property will or won't be used.


Well-Known Member
Or you know, just use an actual commodity backed currency, I don't know what commodity would be suitable but I'm an advocate of "sound money" (fuck you Ron Paul for overusing that term).

Your plan would still cause inflation, unless as NoDrama mentioned, you were also to shred currency upon a persons death.
As I have stated in this thread, gold, silver and precious metals could still be used as a standard too. But as long as the food, housing and basic commodities are cheap enough than the price of gold wont matter too much because the buying power of the currency would suffice. You cant eat gold.

As I said, the government should have a savings account where a portion of the total monies in circulation is stored. Maybe 1% of the total currency could be stored as an insurance policy for the government and the people. And if someone died than X amount of dollars would be taken out of that savings account and no one would lose their money and inflation would be prevented. But I believe that more babies would be born relative to the amount of people dying so not much money would be taken out of the government savings account.

Do I make sense? Does My plan seem like it will work?


desert dude

Well-Known Member
Its very simple, just let the babies be the new "gold standard" to get rid of inflation!

This is how it would work; every time a baby is born then maybe $100 million dollars could be added to circulation. But it wouldn't have to be $100 million dollars, that amount could be dictated by what the online government decides.

This is the best way that I can think of to get rid of inflation. There would never be an inflation problem ever again if this was implemented.

Also, there should be a cap on how much money rich people can own. I don't believe there should be any billionaires so maybe there should be a $900 million dollar cap on wealth per person. This would level the playing field.

How much money would you add to circulation every time a baby is born?

What would be the pros and cons of this new banking system?

I think the government should just give every US citizen $100M, then we could all retire and just party.


Well-Known Member
I think the government should just give every US citizen $100M, then we could all retire and just party.
I would vote for you to be the president!

No but for real, you need some kind of incentive to keep people working. And then everyone would blow all that money and get back in debt.

EDIT- A 100 year trust fund would be a better idea of delegating the money out. And if the person lives past 100 years old than keep paying them the money. The idea is to keep people out of debt and having productive lives where commodities are cheaper so we all can live a rich life.

But what do My ideas matter anyways? Its not like anyone is going to pay attention to what I have to say.



Well-Known Member
Can you eat babies?
Well, technically...

LMAO, no you shouldn't eat babies. But that's not the point, the point is that if the banking system was set up My way then there would always be the same X amount of dollars in circulation per person. It would get rid of inflation because the money would always be consistent in the sense that there would always be the same X amount of dollars per person. I don't know how many times I need to say it but I'll say it again if need be.

In conclusion, you shouldn't eat babies or gold! LMAO!

EDIT- The prices of commodities might change though do to supply and demand. I would hope the prices would go down but that would depend on supply and demand, BUT inflation would disappear altogether. This is the best way I can think of to keep the money value constant.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I would vote for you to be the president!

No but for real, you need some kind of incentive to keep people working. And then everyone would blow all that money and get back in debt.

EDIT- A 100 year trust fund would be a better idea of delegating the money out. And if the person lives past 100 years old than keep paying them the money. The idea is to keep people out of debt and having productive lives where commodities are cheaper so we all can live a rich life.

But what do My ideas matter anyways? Its not like anyone is going to pay attention to what I have to say.


You said - No but for real, you need some kind of incentive to keep people working.

When the incentives are derived from a consensual exchange both parties benefit. When the incentives involve coercion and include the threat of force...keeping people working under the threat of force....hmmm....what do they call that?

You said - And then everyone would blow all that money and get back in debt. The federal government would never blow a bunch of money and get "their slaves" in could never happen, right?

You clearly haven't smoked enough weed when you have formed your ideas. My suggestion is start in bed and consume heavily ALL day.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
That's a good point. What if people saved their money under their mattresses? I have never thought about that one. I don't see how you could go about controlling that one. The only people that would want to put money under their mattress would be the people that reached the maximum potential of wealth, and there could be a law that makes them keep their money on the books to keep things fair.

Deflation is probably better than inflation though. I'm sure they would eventually spend the money though. You cant take it to your grave with you, you can only leave an inheritance.

The online government wouldn't be giving the baby the $100 million dollars, but maybe a trust fund would be setup to give the baby X dollars per month to supplement the parents income. Maybe the other half half of the money would go towards building infrastructure and the rest could be put in a trust fund.

But I'm not trying to make up the laws, I'm just trying to figure out the best way it would work. It is My theory and I haven't worked out all the bugs, but I highly doubt it will ever be implemented because there is too much corruption and the ones with the power wouldn't want a system like this because it would level the playing field and more people would be rich and there would be no elites like there are today.

I believe these are all good ideas that the online government could work with. I don't know all the solutions to all the problems but I do believe these could help.

“If any man’s money can be taken by a so-called government, without his own personal consent, all his other rights are taken with it; for with his money the government can, and will, hire soldiers to stand over him, compel him to submit to its arbitrary will, and kill him if he resists.” ~Lysander Spooner


Well-Known Member
the ribs are great. cn
Yeah, talking about baby back ribs.

You said - No but for real, you need some kind of incentive to keep people working.

When the incentives are derived from a consensual exchange both parties benefit. When the incentives involve coercion and include the threat of force...keeping people working under the threat of force....hmmm....what do they call that?

You said - And then everyone would blow all that money and get back in debt. The federal government would never blow a bunch of money and get "their slaves" in could never happen, right?

You clearly haven't smoked enough weed when you have formed your ideas. My suggestion is start in bed and consume heavily ALL day.
Yeah, there should be some kind of incentive to keep people working. It would be a good incentive and not a bad incentive, for example, if they work than they could make more money to buy more property and support a bigger family if they choose. In My economy you wouldn't have to work but you also wouldn't be that rich. I talked about the trust fund that people would have and that trust fund could be a $2,000 dollar a month paycheck. So the people that choose not to work would make about $24,000 dollars a year from the trust fund. But I would hope that people would want to make more money then that and make a million dollars a year or so. Than they could really enjoy life. That's the kind of incentive that I'm talking about. But the numbers that I'm using are just arbitrary numbers and the real numbers would be chosen by you, the online government.

Whats up with you people and this notion of force? The only thing I would dictate is a peaceful world. The only force that I would impose would be to keep the peace. The world is never going to be perfect and I cant make it perfect but I could make it a million times better than what it is. And yes, there would be force and that would be the authorities to bring justice when there is major crimes that need justice. I don't like police any more than you, but police are needed when a murder is committed or things of that nature.

But your right about the current Federal government blowing a bunch of money to get their slaves in debt. Its an atrocity what our government has done to the people. I believe most of the upper echelon of government officials should be locked up and throw away the key. But My theory is to build a new government and learn from the older ones. My government would make these current governments obsolete. The people deserve much better than to be slaves to these governments. My government would be controlled by all the people over the age of 18 or so and not controlled by a few elites. There would be global peace in My government, for the most part anyways. My government would help the people help their self. My government would stay out of peoples business at all costs except when they break the righteous laws. My government would be the optimal government for a free society.

If only My government were real, lol! I truly believe that a few states should implement the online government or maybe even a few small countries should implement the online government to test it out as an experiment.

Remember Me when the online government is a working reality that is blessing all the land.


Rob Roy

Well-Known Member

  • You ask - Whats up with you people and this notion of force?

    You may want to familiarize yourself with the Non-initiation of aggression principle. Some of your notions are contradictory, but I'm not sure you recognize it. It's good you want a peaceful world. Keep in mind nearly all governmental edicts rely on violating the aforementioned principle. You are seeking to make the perfect government but that is impossible. Governments that rely on force are systemically flawed from the onset. You can't make a dog meow.​



Well-Known Member

  • You ask - Whats up with you people and this notion of force?

    You may want to familiarize yourself with the Non-initiation of aggression principle. Some of your notions are contradictory, but I'm not sure you recognize it. It's good you want a peaceful world. Keep in mind nearly all governmental edicts rely on violating the aforementioned principle. You are seeking to make the perfect government but that is impossible. Governments that rely on force are systemically flawed from the onset. You can't make a dog meow.​

What would be your ideal government?



Well-Known Member
I'd EMP your "online Govt" for the lulz.
The only thing that would be online would be the voting, debates and forums.

The rest of the online government would be very real, more real than the current governments because it wouldn't be such a joke.

You could destroy a lot of things from an EMP but My government would still stand.

But My online government might never be a reality in My lifetime. I would love to see it in action but whos going to implement it? As of now, its just a pipe dream of Mine that I believe would bless the world beyond belief.
