There were none when I was there, and (from what I understand) there still aren't any in Pueblo itself. The city council voted to keep them out before there were any, if memory serves. But, there was never a shortage of herb. If you ever get dry, take a spin through the dog patch and you'll find something.
As for the weather, that's one of the things I liked most about Pueblo: the winter's milder than up north (from the Springs, up). Though it does get pretty hot in the summer. I remember topping 100 degrees for stretches at a time, and the only relief to be had was taking as cold of a shower as possible a few times a day. It would even get so hot, I'd wet my cat and she'd love it. But, that's not to say there's not snow. It can still hit, pretty well too, though less frequently and usually less intense than other parts of the state got.