making bubble hash from semi bud rotted buds????

i just remember something when i first started blasting that one of the perks was, that it didnt retain the mold in the butane, if you did happen to have some bud mold. i can not fine the exact source, but what i have found through digging on the internet are the people that dont mess with bho will tell you no dont do it and the people that do blast say other wise. even in the link i posted the 2 people that said no no also where not oil smokers and another guy said that for the past few years he would collect the moldy nugs in the freezer for bubble hash.

no there is no possible way for me to have my stuff tested, i would love to. if you know of a lab that would accept my package from texas i really would send my stuff off. not because i think it is superior to anyone else i am just curious how good it is.

and i think it would be interesting to send a little piece of the stuff i blasted that had a little mold in it to actually get a scientific analysis of it so we could know actually what is up because there is a lot of unknown in the oil world
I have a confirmation from a friend working in a lab, filtration is the only way to ensure that you will not get mold in your BHO, I have not a confirmation on the size but Sirdab's size sounds right.
When you work with water the mold just float, very convenient.
still hear say on both of our parts till we see something that backs it up, either way i am not advocating blasting hash with mold in it.

aside from the mold, are there labs that would take a sample and test it and send the results back? minus the sample of course
In Cali most of the labs do.
The hear say from a Lab nerd is a little more than just empty talk but I will try to get more details for you.

now i am not calling you a liar, i have read around and you seem to be well respected in the hash making community.

and how could i send a sample to one of these labs, is there one you work with that would take a sample and how much of a sample would i need to send?
PM me if you are serious about this i wouldnt want the lab getting in trouble for accepting a sample from texas
now i am not calling you a liar, i have read around and you seem to be well respected in the hash making community.

and how could i send a sample to one of these labs, is there one you work with that would take a sample and how much of a sample would i need to send?
PM me if you are serious about this i wouldnt want the lab getting in trouble for accepting a sample from texas
I don't think any lab in Cali would want to receive out of state samples, you go federal if you do....
i mean wouldnt alcohol kill any spores?
I will also ask about winterizing, but it is not a problem of live or dead spores, blasting the spores with butane would do the killing well enough I would think, the problem is the "dead bodies" in the extract that will need a special type of filtering
now i am not calling you a liar, i have read around and you seem to be well respected in the hash making community.

and how could i send a sample to one of these labs, is there one you work with that would take a sample and how much of a sample would i need to send?
PM me if you are serious about this i wouldnt want the lab getting in trouble for accepting a sample from texas

I live in SoCal and I use a lab up in San Jose for our testing. They are pretty efficient.
i would also like to know the answer because i winterized the stuff i was talking about.

Winterizing would remove some of the spores, as after the 25 micron filters builds a cake, it actually filters finer than 25 microns. The spores are as fine as about 8 microns on the skinny end, so we use a 0.2 micron syringe filter for the purpose, which also takes out any bacteria.
Careful Twitch^... Careful please!

I'll pm you with ”why”..if needed, but..

no need for an explanation, sounded like a bad idea the more i thought about it lol. thanks for looking out

i have a friend that lives in AZ that said he would drive over if i could find a lab in lower cali.
how would someone search for one of these places that can test it?
well I am just starting to do bubble hash. I did it the other day with the 8 bag system. I had 14 Huckleberry's and there is quite a bit of trim. I'd have to learn how to do the BHO. I realize that's what everybody is doing now. How hard or easy is the process? I guess I could learn how on youtube or something.

I think bho is easier to make... everyone makes it sound harder than it is make your first run and you will see how easy it is...