Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013


made up 15 gallons of food ...hope that was enough

They look really good. Nice bushes.
That snake in the web was for sure worth a double post! lol!

It reminds me of that movie Arachnophobia!

I have never seen anything like that before!

rollie needs to get of his but and fix the damn issues with his servers. Theres a lot of bugs and Spam, And take care of Impmans spam too. lol
Repost for its awesomeness!
To answer a few questions
It was between 3 to 5 inch
I believe it just tangled itself till exhaustion.
Its a spare grill that hasn't been used for over a yr
It was fresh n the webbing would not allow for it to straighten out.
View attachment 2740521
Repost for its awesomeness!
To answer a few questions
It was between 3 to 5 inch
I believe it just tangled itself till exhaustion.
Its a spare grill that hasn't been used for over a yr
It was fresh n the webbing would not allow for it to straighten out.
Do you live where there are Black Widows?
They spin real strong webs, and not always symmetrical, sometimes all caddywhompus looking.
yea ! Theres no mistake in a black widow web. Those things are like rope . I have tons of them, I look for the web then go out at night to spray her dead in the web. Reminds me I have some to go get.
yea ! Theres no mistake in a black widow web. Those things are like rope . I have tons of them, I look for the web then go out at night to spray her dead in the web. Reminds me I have some to go get.
What do you use? Carburetor cleaner?
That's what I used to use, but I seldom found webs, they were usually hiding on the underside of a drawer or something out in the shed.
Do you do by the bucket or milk jugs?
I got 3 plants only, and when I water, I like to use 4-5 gals. to make sure I'm getting good runoff.
Me ? I have a drip system on a timer, 20 mins a day. Theres a few outside of the green house in full sunlight all day and wind that need an afternoon watering on 100 + days with the hose . I wouldn't have the time to hand water twice a day.:sleep: If all of them need some extra water I just push the manual button on the timer. :hug: Were you like way stoned when you drilled all those holes in the red bucket ? :-P did it take long ?
LOL. when I was a kid I used WD40 and a lighter on a wasp nest on the house eave and almost started a fire. Only got 3, didn't see the big one I seen the other day.
LOL. when I was a kid I used WD40 and a lighter on a wasp nest on the house eave and almost started a fire. Only got 3, didn't see the big one I seen the other day.
Aw man......
I remember when I was dating my first wife, her dad was a mechanic too, and he had a trail of ants running down the side of the yard to the garbage can, and he set the fence and a tree on fire with carb cleaner killing them, but when I was a kid, I worked at a part store for a few months, and soon became assistant manager.
It was right as the 'no smoking' laws were being changed in Cali, and the manager and I used to sit in the back doing paperwork, and if we didn't have a lighter, we would take a strand of wire across 2 battery terminals to light up.
Anyway, you know how WD40 works without the straw, well we used to play all the time, like a can of hairspray.
We hired this new kid, and he watched us a few times, and I guess he just wanted to fit in, so one night he grabbed a can, put a straw in it, and before any of us could yell "NO!!!!!", lit his Bic, pointed it at one of the other new kids (A REALLY BIG FUCKER) and let loose.
Needless to say, we had to separate the half bald proby's hands from the dumb kid's neck or call the paramedics.
It was comical, once the shock wore off, this kid had no hair and mustache on one side of his head, and only one eyebrow.
holy shit ! :wall: I threw a sparkler in a palm tree in our front yard on the 4th of july and it was the biggest burning man I ever seen ! :joint: Right about the same era. LOl my dad was pissed !
holy shit ! :wall: I threw a sparkler in a palm tree in our front yard on the 4th of july and it was the biggest burning man I ever seen ! :joint: Right about the same era. LOl my dad was pissed !
LOL, a few years ago, we set off some fireworks (a barrage of rockets from a brick), but being on a hill, it tipped over, and one went into the neighbor's yard and we wasted 5 20 lb. extinguishers putting the shit out because my 100' of hose wouldn't quite reach.
Luckily I had full units I had just brought home because of the date on them, so I just had new ones brought in instead of having the expense of re cert' ing the old ones at work.
I guess I finally pissed the guy off enough to move, and found out he was only renting anyways.:mrgreen:
:hump: This kid one night in the desert picked up all the firework and Mortar tube trash on New Years and threw it in the fire. :dunce: well there was live mortars and half used roman candles. oh crap ! we hit the deck ! charred my buddies trailer. You ever hear of a Sobe bomb ? google it. :twisted:
LOL, a few years ago, we set off some fireworks (a barrage of rockets from a brick), but being on a hill, it tipped over, and one went into the neighbor's yard and we wasted 5 20 lb. extinguishers putting the shit out because my 100' of hose wouldn't quite reach.
Luckily I had full units I had just brought home because of the date on them, so I just had new ones brought in instead of having the expense of re cert' ing the old ones at work.
I guess I finally pissed the guy off enough to move, and found out he was only renting anyways.:mrgreen:

There's been a lot of scary Pyrotechnic shows lately . I like the term "wasted" lol