Club 600 Summer Competition - Picture of your favourite Toke Spot


Well-Known Member
looks like I would be asleep on that in like 10 seconds flat! tooooo comfy, lol.


Well-Known Member
Ugh one of my smoke spot candidates got destroyed last night in a wind storm,,, that would be inside my corn patch :-( rest of the garden is fine, I should just post it up before a tornado comes along and kills it.



Well-Known Member
Friends house, last place other than home I got high. Yes its blurry on purpose, yes I have more, YES they get much better and NO you cant see them. No they arent dykes, the one on the right is my wife. :)


Well-Known Member
not my plate and friend isnt into anything illegal these days so doesnt really matter , lol fuck the police
Reminded me of this guy :D
PS. Damn nice alusash! What part of the earth are we looking at? ;)


Well-Known Member
Wow thats just awesome. Bet you have some nice wildlife stories. I wanna try that smoke spot out!


Well-Known Member
here's mine, about 15 minutes from our house....I dropped my pipe in the lake just before i took these so i dragged out one of my jars of White Rhino.
My Walt Whitman slouch
we were the only humans on the lake
Fog burned off and yes it's that blue.


Well-Known Member
That is beautiful james! Super jelly!
Those are some sweet ass glasses too :-)

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to james2500 again.
