NOT GUILTY ...zimmermen

Oh so true, especially when ursine dimensions meet monastic duty cycles. cn

Did you try a Furryhair Series to solve it?
And you know what's been a SUPER pain in the ass for me over the last week? Trying to find the first 3 coefficients in the 2nd solution for xy"+y=0 using power series. It looks soooo innocent... soooo simple... but no... I can only find C2 (I set c1 to 0)... I give up... fucking ODEs!
well i was thinking

could federal law step in and hit him with a hate crime
I was great this country would be without the federal government we currently have. Or without our president Hussein. Or a federal government and leader that actually supports our constitutional rights. I know, i know...smoke another one silly me.
you could actually try to lodge a legitimate complaint against him, rather than resorting to xenophobic asshattery about his name, over which he had no control whatsoever.
I agree, your right about the name. But posting a dozen pages of the things he has done and plans on doing that is destroying our country is not going to sway your support for this scary individual even slightly, is it? You hardcore Obama fans don't seem to give a fuck no matter what he pulls. It's like he's impervious to doing anything wrong. Even though his actions effect all of our rights, freedoms, way of living and future, negatively. Do you care about having ANY rights at all? I have no personal problem with you Buck, but what i say is true. If im wrong, please educate me and explain to me why you think he is a great leader and should be our president.
I agree, your right about the name. But posting a dozen pages of the things he has done and plans on doing that is destroying our country is not going to sway your support for this scary individual even slightly, is it?

why start off by insulting me? you act like i've been living under a rock since he got elected. let me inform you that i've been here the whole time, not under a rock.

*You hardcore Obama fans don't seem to give a fuck no matter what he pulls. It's like he's impervious to doing anything wrong. Even though his actions effect all of our rights, freedoms, way of living and future, negatively.

be more vague and refuse to cite specific examples all while spewing xenophobic hatred at the name he was given, and your argument will be even stronger.

Do you care about having ANY rights at all?

last i checked, we all still had our rights. but do tell me about the news, and how we no longer have ANY rights at all.

I have no personal problem with you Buck, but what i say is true. If im wrong, please educate me and explain to me why you think he is a great leader and should be our president.

why should he be our president? he applied for the job and got it. it's no easy interview process either.

in the future, should we start disqualifying legitimate presidential candidates because their name sounds too foreign to you?
Dont be an idiot. No can u compare the rape of a woman to this..zimmerman hand picked this kid cuz he was black.and shot him cuz things weren't going his way....he instigated the whole situation hes just a bully that got fucked up by a kid....if u believe hes innocent then u believe that a person that starts a fight and is losing has the right to shoot the other person....ur logic is retarded wasn't. Chasing Zimmerman with a was the other way around......if u cant fight or take an asswhopping like a man then dont go looking for trouble!
Dont be an idiot. No can u compare the rape of a woman to this..zimmerman hand picked this kid cuz he was black.and shot him cuz things weren't going his way....he instigated the whole situation hes just a bully that got fucked up by a kid....if u believe hes innocent then u believe that a person that starts a fight and is losing has the right to shoot the other person....ur logic is retarded wasn't. Chasing Zimmerman with a was the other way around......if u cant fight or take an asswhopping like a man then dont go looking for trouble!

Samwell, is that you? .... Let me guess .... You can't get the enter key to work and too proud too ask?
Dont be an idiot. No can u compare the rape of a woman to this..zimmerman hand picked this kid cuz he was black.and shot him cuz things weren't going his way....he instigated the whole situation hes just a bully that got fucked up by a kid....if u believe hes innocent then u believe that a person that starts a fight and is losing has the right to shoot the other person....ur logic is retarded wasn't. Chasing Zimmerman with a was the other way around......if u cant fight or take an asswhopping like a man then dont go looking for trouble!

Stop watching HLN and MSNBC, there is ZERO evidence that Zimmerman followed TM because he was black. That is the sole intellectual property of the race mongers in the TM camp. Just as there are folks on the Zimmerman side of the debate that are letting race motivate their arguments, make no mistake, the same thing is happening on the other side, and they're EQUALLY ugly and ignorant.

As to the other, in the great state of Florida, as well as 31(?) others, you CAN start a fight and still use deadly force if you feel your life is threatened.

I do agree with the last line in your post (spelling errors aside).
why did martin need to know his place but not zimm?

zimm should have stayed in his car, why not comment on that? why only comment that martin needed to know his place?

zimm never said he had a gun and martin never said "you're gonna die".

martin had every right to defend himself from a creepy stranger that followed him in the dark when he was doing nothing wrong and had every right to be there.

martin hung around because it's his neighborhood, he was staying there, and tried to defend himself from a creepy guy that was following him in the dark in his own neighborhood without identifying himself.

i will not address the baseless lie you keep trying to spread another time.

Stop injecting racism into my arguements. EVERYONE needs to learn not to attack someone or you might end up 6 feet under. Some learn by being told. Others learn by getting shot because people carry guns.

What lie would that be? Zimmerman did say that Trayvon said You're going to die to him(or something extremely similar, as in same sentiment).

It wasn't Trayvon's neighborhood. He was at his daddy's girlfriends house.

Defend himself from what? What damage did George do to Trayvon? I'm sure George's face caused the scrape on trayvons knuckle. Otherwise he had no other injuries(except of course the gunshot).

Trayvon did have a right to be there. He did not have a right to beat the shit out of George.

You won't make George pay. He has been found not guilty, the civil rights case should not occur, and a civil trial will get thrown out. Those are my opinions. George will pay in other ways. He will be seen as a pariah just like Richard Jewell.
Does it really matter ,his life and his parents are ruined and will always be in fear. Better off doing the time for his crime so he can put it behind him.
Does it really matter ,his life and his parents are ruined and will always be in fear. Better off doing the time for his crime so he can put it behind him.

To be completely honest, would be assassins are the ones who should be in fear. This guy has been proven to be an excellent marksman under duress, he has his weapon back, he is expecting attack and the full power of the legal system has his back. Not to mention, he seems to have a devoted, extended family that are most likely, ALL armed to the teeth. And I'm sure he'd be much safer in prison. Yeah, right.
texas u can legally carry a gun on your hip once u are 18 and u are allowed to kill your gf or wife if u find her in bed with someone else is law u are legally insane for 30 mins u can kill them and get away with it

Well, just recently someone was acquitted in Texas after he shot and killed a prostitute because he was dissatisfied with the service he received for the evening.
To me it doesn't
seem like either people are completely innocent. Just because the guy was 17
doesn't make him an innocent kid, I knew plenty of sketchy 17yo when I was
17. Not to mention his gang related material on his social networks, being out
late, and bein on peoples private property in a neighborhood he didn't live in.
Let's face it, black people are going to paint him up like a little angle who was
completelt pure of sin and never did anything and I highly doubt that's the
case. BUT at the same time Zimmerman, who's not a white guy, had no real
right to pursue him. Sure, he was the neighborhood watch but all he's suppose
to do is watch. And he initiated the confrontation by chasing him, which he
shouldn't of. The real questions boils down to was Zimmermans life in danger?
Just because the kid was 17 doesn't mean he couldn't get one up on
Zimmerman. I've seen some pretty big 15yo. He wasn't fighting a bag of skittles he was fighting a person who was on
top of him fighting him. If Martin had killed Zimmerman he would of
been tried as an adult. Also, being a big proponate of Federalism I
support these defense laws because they are the laws that Floridians
decided to inact. The governemt doesn't make the laws, the people vote
for them. Maybe this part of Florida has a crime problem and guns are
needed for protection. Either eay those the writen laws of that land and
until they change that's how it is.

1 - TM was JUST 17, by 3 weeks.
2 - Ever look at YOUR kids' pages? If you answered "yes" you are wrong..they have secret pages and'd be shocked.
3 - Late at night? Hmmmm 7:30PM late at night?

Have you ever wondered why TM didn't used the ice tea as a weapon when he could have? Additionally, GZ could have EASILY gotten those abrasions from rolling in the grass and hitting his head on sprinkler heads that are about every 5 feet on a Florida lawn. I cut my foot on one last year..a nasty cut that was almost needed stitches..looked surprisingly similar to the larger abrasion on GZ head.

Fearing for his life and about to lose consciousness at the hands of an enraged, violent attacker, George Zimmerman does what anyone who wishes to live would do, and he reaches for his concealed handgun, firing a single shot to neutralize the deadly force being wreaked upon him.
This represents the purest form of self-defense there is. It is exactly why people who believe in good over evil carry a gun to protect themselves from the well documented violence that plagues our country, in order to save our lives from a life threatening attack. Period.
Based on all evidence available to them, the professional law enforcement officers did not hold George Zimmerman on charges later that night. They saw it for what it was: cut and dried self-defense.
And so it was for a few weeks until the race-baiting industry saw an opportunity to further the racist careers of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, the Black Panthers. President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder, et al, who then swept down on the Florida community refusing to admit that the 17-year-old dope smoking, racist gangsta wannabe Trayvon Martin was at all responsible for his bad decisions and standard modus operandi of always taking the violent route.

ted nugent.
Dude it happend to OJ and the white people were mad.
Now to this guy and black people are mad.
This entire fucking news story is to blind us from real matters.
You know how much rascial confrontations happen everyday that don't make the news?
Come on people. We have to move on as a Species. Not races. We are all one big family and shit like this is ridiculous.

Fuck this story. They're be another next year.... Pathetic.
and what happend he died and wife kept all the money before the case was over no conviction money returned

What the what? BM is very much alive, one son hung himself and the other has stage 4 cancer. When it comes the despicable, what goes around comes around..often times to what you love most.