Caregvier to Caregiver


Active Member
Is this still ok under Michigan law? Ran into a problem and will need to find a fellow caregiver to help me out but obviously dont wanna break theses silly rules.
All i'm going to say is, its okay if the other cg is someone you know and trust. Don't do mmj biz with strangers...
the way i understand things is that the only transfer protected by state law is from a caregiver to his or her own registered patient. so caregiver to caregiver would not be legal.
yeah how the hell is someone supposed to get the genetics in the first place to even become a cg without first being illegal
Section 8 permits anyone who meets the requirements of a "caregiver" in the definitions in sec. 3 to become a caregiver to any patient who has a recommendation from a qualified physician, without limit, registered or not. If you were to become the patient's other caregiver, or for that matter one of several, under sec. 8, then yes, you can engage in assisting in medical use with that patient. Protection under the law is different from section 4 registry, and should be considered.
Oh the bullshit of our system is at its finest hour here and now , no transfers are legal as stated outside of your state registered patients but how the hell as stated does a caregiver acquire if need be ? They dont by law as this is how it is setup in a sense , your on your own so to say and the patients at your mercy as the state requires .

The last time I knew though a patient has all rights to acquire meds one way or another and this should be noted yet , as a Caregiver/Patient you have better odds if found to be caught in a tight situation with LEO . It is bullshit yes but in the real world outside of governmental agencies and there rules and regulations you will find many glad to help you and yours . Best of luck and I hope Karma treats you well my friend ..
So happens i am a patient and caregiver but what sucks is im not paying dispensary prices lol $470 for a oz of top shelf.
yeah how the hell is someone supposed to get the genetics in the first place to even become a cg without first being illegal

I understand the courts ruling on transferring MEDS, but does that also apply to seeds and cuts? As a caregiver is it illegal for me to buy genetics? If so, how in the hell did they anticipate the program ever working? Is there a magic bean fairy that drops seeds off for us?
Look. As a patient you are permitted to acquire from any source. Patients can acquire and subsequently give permission to grow to the caregiver of their choice. If you are a caregiver, just have the patient get what you need.

What is so difficult about that?
I understand the courts ruling on transferring MEDS, but does that also apply to seeds and cuts? As a caregiver is it illegal for me to buy genetics? If so, how in the hell did they anticipate the program ever working? Is there a magic bean fairy that drops seeds off for us?

The reality is that they dont care. In fact they are hoping you cant..........
the grey area or the loop whole with the law it this. the law states marijuana from patient to patient is legal but caregiver to only his patients. now just because your a caregiver that does not make your rights as a patient null and void thus allowing you to conduct patient to patient business with out abiding by the caregiver law. unless you are not a patient and only a caregiver then you need to do something about that, 12 more plants and a whole different sets up laws for you to conduct legitimate business as both patient and caregiver. hope this helps
I thought patient to patient was also a No No as of April 1st?
the only way a P can secure meds is from his/her own designated CG, or thru a designated dispensary. no C to C, no P to P unless its your designated source of obtaining meds.

theres a big grey area when switching to being a P with a CG to a P that is allowed to posses plants. 21 days of limbo before your "legally" allowed to grow for yourself. myself, ill run out (well almost ran out) of meds in 21 days waiting period.
Look. As a patient you are permitted to acquire from any source. Patients can acquire and subsequently give permission to grow to the caregiver of their choice. If you are a caregiver, just have the patient get what you need.

What is so difficult about that?

P2P transfer is not allowed, patients are "expected" to know where their meds came from(IE: their caregiver).

Any time I have green on me, I'll forfeit it before I give up where I got it from. I am a patient, and my own caregiver. I am never near my 2.5 limit (on my person, or my residence).
the way i understand things is that the only transfer protected by state law is from a caregiver to his or her own registered patient. so caregiver to caregiver would not be legal.[/QUOTS]

Although the Affrimative Defense permits any patient to name any qualified person as their caregiver, and to include more than one. There are options.
Greg, Change the game brother. Play your cards and get us in on case law eh? Ever hear of Irwin Ravin? He was a good friend, and I hope you look him up if you dont know the name.

RIP Irwin.

Greg, Change the game brother. Play your cards and get us in on case law eh? Ever hear of Irwin Ravin? He was a good friend, and I hope you look him up if you dont know the name.

RIP Irwin.


I'm doin' my damndnest. Irwin looks to have been an interesting individual.