How long till I should harvest?


Well-Known Member
Day 73, I'd say it's done. You'll need a loupe or microscope to tell 100% for sure though (most trichs should be cloudy). If you leave it too long, it will lose it's potency. I just harvested my White Widow yesterday at day 72 :)


diet coke

Active Member
chop it down and get more beans in the dirt.

Have to agree with need more light, or you will need to keep the plant topped and short


Active Member
Hard to tell because of the lighting! Too much red hue to see for sure. Shut off your lights and take a pic using the flash. But my gut says if you're at day 73 you're pretty darn close!


Well-Known Member
Just gonna go by picture but it's like day 73 after I switched it to 12-12. Thanks!
If it is "LIKE" day 73 after the switch... then you have been in bud for about 62-65 days, your plant takes about a week to 12 days to convert to bud from veg, after you throw switch... [growing outside, you count the bud days when you first see buds, so subtract 7-12 days] so your plants look deprived at 7 weeks....I'd say maybe another 3-4 weeks...Leaves drooping, too much water? or too little ..... So, some plants take upwards of 10-12 weeks in bud...
Good Luck!


Active Member
If it is "LIKE" day 73 after the switch... then you have been in bud for about 62-65 days, your plant takes about a week to 12 days to convert to bud from veg, after you throw switch... [growing outside, you count the bud days when you first see buds, so subtract 7-12 days] so your plants look deprived at 7 weeks....I'd say maybe another 3-4 weeks...Leaves drooping, too much water? or too little ..... So, some plants take upwards of 10-12 weeks in bud...
Good Luck!
Sativa typically takes longer than indica. A typical indica strain will usually take about 8 weeks to flower. Sativas are closer to 12....