What really pisses you off?

Nah, I too work retail predominantly and can say it happens EVERYYYYWHERRRRRE. I hate that too.

Now I'm listening to I hate everything by George Strait now...
Here's something that kinda pisses me off...

'picture of yourself' thread is of all of us posting ourselves and gets 5 stars. This thread that I started for fun gets 5 stars in no time (glad u like it). The 'picture of your pet' thread is of our lovely, devoted gorgeous pets (our babies!) and is still on 4??!! Maybe some people just don't like animals!?! Hhmm,idk I'm a bit stoned now.
You know what really grinds my gears, MapQuest. Had to get a root canal this morning so checked MapQuest for directions, I needed to find Bldg.300 in the right hand side of Park Dr. Guess what, there are no buildings on the right hand side, it was on the left and it wasn't #300 it was #200. 15 minutes late, thanks MapQuest.
A lack of common curtesy, for example I get pissed if I hold a door open for someone and they walk through without acknowledging you, fecking pisses me off!
A lack of common curtesy, for example I get pissed if I hold a door open for someone and they walk through without acknowledging you, fecking pisses me off!

Yes! I fucking hate that shit. I used to hold it in, now I say something. 9 times out of 10, they are either scared into apologizing or were completely clueless to the fact that it happened. Every so often then say something wise back... at which point I tell them they have some balls for mouthing off to a 6'4" 230 pound dude.
Have you tried heroin? :joint::bigjoint: cn

No but I spent 20+ years on morphine sulphate. Do you really think a longer half-life would make a difference with steady state dosing of MS and equianalegesic dosing? I never thought it would. Frankly there wasn't enough MS to make me not remember the shit I saw. If I took enough to stop the memories I'd not breathe again.
A man raising a hand to a woman. I tend heavily to my own business, but if I see you raise a hand to a woman, I am more than likely going to become your business. Shit does not fly in my book.


No but I spent 20+ years on morphine sulphate. Do you really think a longer half-life would make a difference with steady state dosing of MS and equianalegesic dosing? I never thought it would. Frankly there wasn't enough MS to make me not remember the shit I saw. If I took enough to stop the memories I'd not breathe again.

What's a coupla acetyl groups between old campaigners?? cn
A man raising a hand to a woman. I tend heavily to my own business, but if I see you raise a hand to a woman, I am more than likely going to become your business. Shit does not fly in my book.



I raise a hand to women all the time. How else to wave? cn

hey bay-bee
A man raising a hand to a woman. I tend heavily to my own business, but if I see you raise a hand to a woman, I am more than likely going to become your business. Shit does not fly in my book.



I hate being on my cell, can someone please load up the song "slap my bitch up"?
Sheeple the ones you can't save theres just nobody in there therefore they are systematic Zombies and need to be dealt with an head shot :cool:
I hate how so many people are just so out of it and in a zombie-like state nowadays. I mean if you really pay attention to people's actions and what they say, much of the time it's extremely awkward. But when everyone revolves their life around their cell phones, facebook pictures, prescription meds, fast food, television, video games, gambling, drinking, and so on... it's not a surprise. People are stuffing down processed food and sugars, preservatives, candy, cheese, meat, sodas, chemicals... rarely if ever eat plant-based foods/exercise and wonder why they're depressed, anxious, overweight, diabetic, etc. It's not because of genetics, it's because you simply don't take care of your body. If you're depressed, either something happened/is happening in your life that is causing it, or you have nutritional deficiencies. You don't have a "chemical imbalance" in your brain, your brain just can't work efficiently off cheeseburgers, hot dogs, grilled cheese, pepsi, fruit loops, donuts, you get the point. And no, popping some low-quality multivitamin certainly doesn't mean you're healthy, not that supplements could replace diet anyways. In fact, there's not even any evidence that suggests depression is caused by a "chemical imbalance". It's some bullshit made up by big pharma to convince you to take their drugs. Most doctors don't know shit about health or nutrition, they write down symptoms, GUESS on a diagnosis, and look in a book for what meds to give you. The fact that most people think cancer is such an incurable disease is one example of how uninformed and misguided most of the public is due to the media and poor lifestyle habits that result in reduced brain functioning.