Have you seen his footprint? It's 2' x 1'. If you can drop a bare bulb in-between two plants - with a floor fan in the middle - and still leave enough room to grow either side, then good luck!
Tillinah, don't let me put you off - try a vertical bulb if you wish - but you will likely find that the bulb will need to be hung high to give yourself enough room to grow, which will defeat the purpose of growing vertically. With vertical growing, you really need the bulb to be hung about two-thirds the way up the plant to take advantage of the 360-degrees of light. Hanging a bare bulb above the plant is actually less efficient than a horizontal bulb with a reflector.
Heat will also be an issue, so a horizontal cool tube reflector (you know the type - they're a cool tube with reflective material on one side) will help with heat while also giving you lots of light.
As for my yields growing with a horizontal 250, it's so long ago (15 years) that I can't recall. I usually had six small plants growing 3x2 and my yields probably would have been around five-six ounces. These days I grow with 1200w of vertical light and consistently yield 3-3.5lb. Check my signature and you'll see my set-up.
5-6oz per plant or total? I checked out your current setup pulling pounds, it's pretty awesome! Is it all for personal use? I wish I had the space where I could do that. For this grow I may end up going the horizontal route until I get a bigger spot to grow in. I'll probably go with one of the hps + cooltube kits that don't have the ballast built in so I can always swap to vertical later.