oh, lads i had a bad one the other night!.
i was driving round at half one in the morning in a car with no insurance (fucking dumb enough as is) i had half a box of fresh cheese on me and i was pretty stoned to boot. i'm always on the lookout for plod because they all pretty much have anpr these days and they will pull you in 2 seconds if they can see no insurance on the car.
so i was nearly home when i see the yellow and blue poking out of a side street, just as i go past the cunts a taxi pulls out on me making me have to slam on, the plod nearly goes up me jacksi and i'm like "i'm getting it". 40 seconds later i am about to pull up outside my house but then i see another police car pulling out from the side of my house, i fuckin shit one and thought they had kicked my door in or something, so i carry on driving. get round the next corner with 2 police cars following me and what do i see, two police vans blocking the road!, i quite literally shit my pants and accepted my fate, pointless trying to run, the car is a one liter and the cars behind me are a bmw 330 and an x5, i'm wearing flip flops and the car is down to me anyway.
so i'm sat there for like 30 seconds (it seemed like 30 minutes). when one of the vans starts slowly edging towards me, the driver put his window down and i did too, i said "everything alright?, he starts like "yeah we are......" i saw the gap and fucking went for it!. got through, one of the cars followed me and i went down a one way street the wrong way, when i got to the end i pulled out turning right and expected them to follow me, they turned left so i'm like wtf? i did the next left down a dead end country lane thinking i'm gonna have to just dump the shit, just as i turn in there is another one! fucking everywhere the bastards, i could barely squeeze through but i did. i ragged it to the end of the road and jumped out throwing my stash into a random bush and then turned round, i expected them to be waiting for me at the end because it was a dead end, but when i came back down it they were gone.
so i get back to by my house and then another fuckin bus full of them pulls out on me so i had to stop as he come round the corner, as i look up at the guys sat in the back they are all just looking down on me like as if to say wtf are you up to?!?!. i wonder if they were talking about me to each other on the radio?. i got home with my heart beating out of my chest and needless to say didn't sleep a wink. i went back out at 7 the next day and drove past my amazing stash, the box was just in the middle of the floor lol, not very well hidden at all, i had to wait til a couple of dog walkers and early morning joggers went past and grabbed my shit and moved swiftly on. that shit was too close.
the strange thing was i never heard about anything happening from anybody, there was no chopper out but something major must have happened because it wasn't just normal plod, the matrix is like the heavy squad where i am and they don't normally drive round willynilly, fucked my night up anyway. probably took a few years off my life too.
anyway, stay safe people and try not to do stupid things like that lol.