White 13 month old viciously shot in face by black teenager.


New Member
Obama's right, he IS exactly like traytray...

Lurking in the dark with his identity in question until challenged, then striking out.


Well-Known Member
If you accept that Drug Warriors are terrorists, that stat skews sharply without any need to contort into minimizing or defending shootings by kids. cn
Yes, but I don't. The winner define the losers as terrorist. And since we seem to be in a tie, thus a bit of confusion. :)


Well-Known Member
Considering how broadly they define toddlers and how narrowly, terrorists ... you may want to be a more aware/engaged consumer of information. Jmo. cn
I don't think we need to extend the terms. I am very serious. Toddler Terrorist is what this war is about. It is why it won't end anytime soon. The Jihad warrior production is stepping up world over, as our fine President make one last attempt to calm us in the struggle. He not saying it's over.

He is saying if we DECLARE WAR on something as nebulous as Stateless mutts, we can never tell the childern we are so peaceful, us Americans.

Fear this:



Well-Known Member
once again Buck, you are the one that is making it about color, nowhere in redneck's post is pigmentation mentioned.


Well-Known Member
once again Buck, you are the one that is making it about color, nowhere in redneck's post is pigmentation mentioned.
i think you meant blacksun, but it really doesn't matter if you've bothered to read either blacksun's or alabamaredneck's posts at all. both of them are pretty fucking racist individuals.


Well-Known Member
i think you meant blacksun, but it really doesn't matter if you've bothered to read either blacksun's or alabamaredneck's posts at all. both of them are pretty fucking racist individuals.
I have seen a lot of racism lately. I see a lot of new accounts spouting very pointed openly racist remarks. I assumed they were trolling accounts by some bored members. I pretty much ignore that stuff because I don't think it's real. I call you out by name, because your brand of racism is very real and harmful. I'm hoping to educate the ignorance out of you.


Well-Known Member
I have seen a lot of racism lately. I see a lot of new accounts spouting very pointed openly racist remarks. I assumed they were trolling accounts by some bored members. I pretty much ignore that stuff because I don't think it's real. I call you out by name, because your brand of racism is very real and harmful. I'm hoping to educate the ignorance out of you.
Good luck with that...


Well-Known Member
I have seen a lot of racism lately. I see a lot of new accounts spouting very pointed openly racist remarks. I assumed they were trolling accounts by some bored members. I pretty much ignore that stuff because I don't think it's real.
so you ignore actual racism and instead focus on me for what reason now? please elaborate on this racism you see coming from me.

you often get really confused and mistake my acknowledgment of american history and project your own racism in order to cover up some of your repugnant views about title II or hate crimes, so please don't do that again. please just explain how my beliefs are racist.
Americans are racist. It oozes from them like slime, and you can see it even in the way they report race crimes. Basically the tittle of this topic is pitching Black versus white and instigating hate in those who are already racist, or inclined to be that way, or an environment where they may be easily influenced to become racist.

That's the Americans for you! The news is all trivial bull shit and all they really care about is "brownie points", cuzz the retards are retards. If you're not a retard then that's good.


Well-Known Member
Many countries are racist, but I would pick Japan then Saudi as the top race dogs.

Sorry, strike that. The entire world is racist as most kids are taught to be.


Well-Known Member
so you ignore actual racism and instead focus on me for what reason now? please elaborate on this racism you see coming from me.

you often get really confused and mistake my acknowledgment of american history and project your own racism in order to cover up some of your repugnant views about title II or hate crimes, so please don't do that again. please just explain how my beliefs are racist.
OK, for me, it started when you were championing that Arizona (?) law that created a tax funded after school program for blacks only. Poor brown, poor yellow, red or white need not apply. You justified this claiming that blacks need it more. Yes, you give reasons why you feel this, just like any racist justifies their own beliefs. This history you speak of as your reasoning why you are racist is comparable to what women endured being told they can't. Women had to overcome this perception, now blacks need to overcome your perception of them.

The damaging aspect that you don't see when you paint an entire race (based on skin color) with such a broad stroke, is when you tell the young black man that dropped out of high school and has 5 babies with 4 baby mommas he doesn't take care of that it's not his fault he's a loser, it's whitey's. You would tell the young white man in the same situation the truth, that he created his situation. You ignore the successful black man as if he's an anomaly.

The mind set you have, along with the Farrakhans and Sharptons race pimps, have created an atmosphere like we see in Detroit. All failures are not their fault, successful blacks are sellouts (unless they are preachers), the government doesn't do enough for them, and there is a conspiracy with white men to keep them down. You believe this, Farrakhan believes this, and a generation of young men are being told this enough to believe this. What do you think chances of accomplishment is if you go into your adulthood believing it's not possible?

Your brand of racism is obviously a kinder, gentler form than the white supremacy brand, but is far more damaging. We point and laugh at the skin head and mock him for his beliefs. We fear your brand because if you don't go along with your beliefs WE get accused of being the racists. The irony of being called a racist because we don't want racist laws, is lost on close-minded do gooders who feel their brand of racism is helpful instead of harmful.


Well-Known Member
so you ignore actual racism and instead focus on me for what reason now? please elaborate on this racism you see coming from me. you often get really confused and mistake my acknowledgment of american history and project your own racism in order to cover up some of your repugnant views about title II or hate crimes, so please don't do that again. please just explain how my beliefs are racist.
You promote treating people differently because of their race. That is pretty much the definition of racism.


Well-Known Member
You promote treating people differently because of their race. That is pretty much the definition of racism.
No. We have to some Americans that were brought as slaves. It is not race it is culture and class. The Civil Rights are not in place, yet. That is why. They were slaves and not the only slaves but the ones that were singled out as sub-humans.

It is very similar to the Jews in that way. None of the other slaves were treated as a class based on skin color. No.

It was all accent and manner based and those changed. Skin color can only change for breeding populations in various climates in about 25K years.

So, this racism toward blacks is not a people of color thing. It is not a white dominance thing. It is simply an inequity of a slave class that anyone can see. (not everyone, alas)

The things Obama talked about this week are real. Now you can get the same thing, Haoli, by just going among the locals in Hawaii. You are white and you are therefore fucked.

I don't call it racism or zenophobia, it is the effort we all share to integrate ourselves in the American culture.

So, race baiting, like I see here, from both sides is against the big fat middle of the problem.

"Why can't we all just get along?"


Ursus marijanus
Americans are racist. It oozes from them like slime, and you can see it even in the way they report race crimes. Basically the tittle of this topic is pitching Black versus white and instigating hate in those who are already racist, or inclined to be that way, or an environment where they may be easily influenced to become racist.

That's the Americans for you! The news is all trivial bull shit and all they really care about is "brownie points", cuzz the retards are retards. If you're not a retard then that's good.
The real problem is groupthink, (the act of) not looking at individuals. The first sentence of the quote is a salient example of this common failure of critical thought. cn


Well-Known Member
No. We have to some Americans that were brought as slaves. It is not race it is culture and class. The Civil Rights are not in place, yet. That is why. They were slaves and not the only slaves but the ones that were singled out as sub-humans. It is very similar to the Jews in that way. None of the other slaves were treated as a class based on skin color. No. It was all accent and manner based and those changed. Skin color can only change for breeding populations in various climates in about 25K years. So, this racism toward blacks is not a people of color thing. It is not a white dominance thing. It is simply an inequity of a slave class that anyone can see. (not everyone, alas) The things Obama talked about this week are real. Now you can get the same thing, Haoli, by just going among the locals in Hawaii. You are white and you are therefore fucked. I don't call it racism or zenophobia, it is the effort we all share to integrate ourselves in the American culture. So, race baiting, like I see here, from both sides is against the big fat middle of the problem. "Why can't we all just get along?"
So where is the disagreement?


Well-Known Member
So where is the disagreement?

Oh, still confused. No disagreement or agreement in a discussion, is there? Just discussion, no winners, no losers.
(except the obvious few)

You are thinking of a childish right-fight, I bet.


Well-Known Member
No, you just stated nothing that disagrees with my statement and then try to turn it into an argument. Perhaps you're over compensating for having such a small penis?