OFFICIAL: Auto-flower Solo cup contest - Sign up here!

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Well-Known Member
thanks for the stab at me, how nice of you, yeah i dont do ANYTHING for riu at all
If that is what you think I meant, then IDK what to say, but when I typed it, I had no intention of you perceiving it that way.
I thought we squashed our issues from the other night, but maybe I was wrong.


Staff member
If that is what you think I meant, then IDK what to say, but when I typed it, I had no intention of you perceiving it that way.
I thought we squashed our issues from the other night, but maybe I was wrong.
i thought we did too until you came at with me that comment ,


Well-Known Member
i just know it was a stab at me lol
If you read any of my earlier posts, I mentioned that this is the first contest I have seen done, much less by a mod.
I was simply stating that most see mods as 'those who enforce rules and delete spambots'.


thanks for the stab at me, how nice of you, yeah i dont do ANYTHING for riu at all

let me be very clear for a second here

Just because i am running this contest does not mean i am more dedicated to this forum or do more for this place.
the global mods here do ALOT of shit for this forum, they get rid of all the assholes you guys dont want around, they ban all the spammers, they personally delete all of the spam and that is just some of the stuff that they have going on

global mods are much busier than the average moderator like me, the reason they do not do things like this is because they have a much fuller plate than i do so they simply dont have the time or energy to do if even if they wanted to. on top of all that remember, not only is sunni taking the time out of her real life to global mod this place but she ALSO is going to help judge this contest, I think people like her deserve more respect and thanks than I do. without her, NONE of what im doing would be possible, plain and simple. I know some may get mad at the mods here for stupid shit but just remember, NONE of us get any money or any type of monetary gain for doing this stuff, we do it out of LOVE for this forum, nothing more. So the next time you see a mod trying to ban spammers or deleting posts or 'making someone abide by rules' you should think to yourself 'hey if it wasnt for this person/people, there wouldnt BE a so maybe send them a thank you once in awhile:)

hopefully everyone is doing okay otherwise, i just wanted to get that off my chest.
thank you sunni and all the other mods that are taking the time out of their day to judge and watch over this forum/thread. I PERSONALLY really appreciate it and everyone esle should to


Staff member
If you read any of my earlier posts, I mentioned that this is the first contest I have seen done, much less by a mod.
I was simply stating that most see mods as 'those who enforce rules and delete spambots'.
you did not state "those who enforce rules and delete spambots" you said

It's nice when a Mod will take time out to spend time, and share with the members, not just be the 'figure that makes us abide by the rules'.
much much different than what you're claiming right now,never the less i will drop it


Well-Known Member
let me be very clear for a second here

Just because i am running this contest does not mean i am more dedicated to this forum or do more for this place.
the global mods here do ALOT of shit for this forum, they get rid of all the assholes you guys dont want around, they ban all the spammers, they personally delete all of the spam and that is just some of the stuff that they have going on

global mods are much busier than the average moderator like me, the reason they do not do things like this is because they have a much fuller plate than i do so they simply dont have the time or energy to do if even if they wanted to. on top of all that remember, not only is sunni taking the time out of her real life to global mod this place but she ALSO is going to help judge this contest, I think people like her deserve more respect and thanks than I do. without her, NONE of what im doing would be possible, plain and simple. I know some may get mad at the mods here for stupid shit but just remember, NONE of us get any money or any type of monetary gain for doing this stuff, we do it out of LOVE for this forum, nothing more. So the next time you see a mod trying to ban spammers or deleting posts or 'making someone abide by rules' you should think to yourself 'hey if it wasnt for this person/people, there wouldnt BE a so maybe send them a thank you once in awhile:)

hopefully everyone is doing okay otherwise, i just wanted to get that off my chest.
thank you sunni and all the other mods that are taking the time out of their day to judge and watch over this forum/thread. I PERSONALLY really appreciate it and everyone esle should to
I think this is getting a lot more attention than necessary.
I apologize for offending Sunni when she thinks somehow that my comment was directed towards her.
I mentioned no names, and simply was trying to point out the fact that AK is going above and beyond the call of duty IMO.


Well-Known Member
Hopefully my apology will be the end of it.
If not, I will bow out so as not to continue cluttering up the thread with crap like this.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the stab at me, how nice of you, yeah i dont do ANYTHING for riu at all
honestly the mods here are the best ive encountered on all of the growing forums ive been on
very hands on with the members
most are just here to learn a thing or two like everyone else
thanks for everything AK and Sunni and Beech and umm .... whoever else i over looked
i honestly didnt think it was going to be this big a turn out
i think its awesome and should get lots of giggles from it


Staff member
honestly the mods here are the best ive encountered on all of the growing forums ive been on
very hands on with the members
most are just here to learn a thing or two like everyone else
thanks for everything AK and Sunni and Beech and umm .... whoever else i over looked
i honestly didnt think it was going to be this big a turn out
i think its awesome and should get lots of giggles from it
yes we havent had a contest in a while it should be very fun. hopefully no one ruins it for the rest of peoples sakes, as it takes a lot to get these things running including but not limited to getting permission from the owners lawyers.


Well-Known Member
Well Thank you aknight3 for setting this up.

I want to be the first Un-Official entrant. I want to be post and participate, but can't meet all the parameters of the contest.

First I planted my seeds 7/16. Want to grow outdoors and just can't give up 2wks of summer where I live.

Second I'm in an 18oz, needed cups for clones and there are no 16's in my town, had to come home with cups.

Here we go

Strain: G-13 Labs Pineapple Express
Grown in 18oz solo cup perlite hempy with a soil cap.
13-07-16_d00_PE_auto 001riu.jpg13-07-16_d00_PE_auto 003riu topped off.jpg13-07-16_d00_PE_auto 004riu perlite.jpg13-07-21_d05_PE_autoriu.jpg

Last photo was this morning.
The other 2 cups are the same strain and will be transplanted into 2gal hempy buckets, all will go outdoor in a couple weeks.
currently in veg box with Bay 11 clones and moms, 18/6 light.

Looking forward to seeing many monster auto cups.


Well-Known Member
just leave some soil out
about a inch
i have hefty 18 oz and solo 16 oz
and the solo fits in a hefty tight with about 3/4-1" to the top of the 18oz
those are add looking cups
square ?


Well-Known Member
just leave some soil out
about a inch
i have hefty 18 oz and solo 16 oz
and the solo fits in a hefty tight with about 3/4-1" to the top of the 18oz
those are add looking cups
square ?
I got those and can't use em. 18oz. Squared bottom SOLO. I got a guy at walmart to check the back and find me one 50pk of CLEAR 16oz cups.View attachment 2745254


Well-Known Member
I got those and can't use em. 18oz. Squared bottom SOLO. I got a guy at walmart to check the back and find me one 50pk of CLEAR 16oz cups.View attachment 2745254
Yea it's a square bottom 18oz..... I live in a small mountain town, and I needed cups for clones, couldn't go home empty handed. They did have styrofoam but I won't go that route. The cup has already settled an oz. But I don't mind being excluded from the prizes, just don't cry foul when see my outdoor cup explode !!!!

Really you won't have to worry about me, I've only tried autos once before, and I killed them, yea I killed em' good.


what up :) just got done going to a funeral and then I spent from 8pm until just now (12:08AM) in the woods with my girls doing some MUCH needed work that i have been putting off.

I buried my cousin today, She died of an overdose. 30YEARS OLD. 2 guys wanted to get back at her so they fed her drugs until she stopped being concious and then left her in a bath-tub. fucking scumbags. ROTTING in a drab cell for the rest of their life ISNT enough for scumbags like this, they should be lynched.

on a brighter note. i hope everyone out there is doing well tonight. i am seriously dirty from head to toe so i gtg get a shower but il be back to answer questions and all that fun stuff in a bit

for the gentlemen who asked if he could use this thread to post pics. YES!!! you can. i welcome it:) talk to you all soon
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