Should young black men and boys be afraid of white people?

Buck, Im still waiting on your explanation on how the pigmentation chemical creates all the physical and physiological conditions I alluded to in my previous post asking you of such.
nope, my family came over on boats from russia, germany, and poland around the 1900s.

Once again showing you know nothing about history. Maybe your kosher family weren't slaves they were busy selling slaves if not for labor work then sex.

Not just blacks were slaves buck don't be racist now.... Europeans and Eurasians were bought and sold as slaves all over the world including Africa well before America was even founded. Funny how you like to ignore this fact while stirring the pot.

affirmative action prevents racial imbalance against all races, it doesn't just favor one race.

Affirmative action is bullshit in 2013 and has been for a long time who is the government to tell people who they can hire.

Tell me how it is good that one person that is more qualified to fit the bill doesn't get the job because someone of another skin color applied?

It also gives off the notion that other races are lower then whites and need that helping hand. You love pushing that helping hand it helps your agenda.

Just like the hate bill What about Whites even eric holder said they are not covered under the hate crime bill. Well unless they are gay.

i know is that it was an after school study program for blacks only. they are free to assemble how they see fit, and working hard and doing better in school is never a bad thing.

If the color was reversed and it was an all White school you would be screaming racist , racism , bigots.. Saying they should burn the school down or something along those lines.

Why is it ok for one race but not another?

especially lately. at least desert dud and kynes hid it well for a while, the kids out of school for the summer are just offensive.

I really can't speak for them but judging by desert's posts he seems more like a libertarian then a racist you just brand him that because he doesn't follow out of your JDL book.

As far as kynes I remember you saying he knows an anti-semitie when he seems one and that he was smart. Once again someone disagrees with your agenda so they must be evil horrible vile scumbag people. Well at least in your eyes...
"especially lately. at least desert dud and kynes hid it well for a while, the kids out of school for the summer are just offensive. "

Buck, you resent Kynes because he is smarter and a better writer than you. Jealousy is an ugly trait.
Those stats are racist!! Seriously though, you could make an argument that minorities are convicted at a higher rate than whites for the same crimes so that would skew the numbers a bit. Not enough to even them out, but I figured I'd get that out of the way before the white guilt crowd showed up.
Statistically, whites are three times as likely as blacks to be convicted when charged and receive on average twice the sentence. Blacks are much more likely to be charged, tho.
the welfare state is the distraction he waves with one hand while trying to hide the real problem in his other hand behind his back. just ignore it. it's a retarded argument that makes no sense. the "welfare state" (LOL!) is extended to all races, he just wants us to believe that only blacks are dumb enough and lazy enough to get ensnared by its evil nature. it's a racist argument on its face that ignores the roots of the issue entirely. best not to listen to a word that asshats like him have to say. he is clearly plagiarizing or summarizing someone else's argument from some white supremacist source. either that, or he is the originator of this very racist, idiotic, reality-ignoring theory.
I see welfare as destructive to all families, regardless of race. Substituting Uncle Sam for a live in father is a bad idea. But how do we ensure that the truly needy are provided for? This is a dilemma that we have yet to resolve.
affirmative action is not telling someone that they are not good enough, it is the leveling of the playing field. i believe the whole telling them they are "not good enough" is the hundreds of years of prior history that you are ignoring. why? because you're a dumbass, i would guess.
Affirmative action, by definition, is UN-leveling the playing field. Otherwise, it wouldn't be an affirmative action. Once again, you are promoting treating people differently based solely upon race.
Or, we could ask the wild men of Borneo. That too would be a completely different question.

translating: NO NO NONONONONONONONO! let's keep the focus on how scared i am of the blacks! the blacks are scary and the whites are awesome!! it was so nice of the whites to bring the blacks over as slaves! they should be grateful! they have no reason to complain!
Affirmative action, by definition, is UN-leveling the playing field. Otherwise, it wouldn't be an affirmative action. Once again, you are promoting treating people differently based solely upon race.

you're allowed to have your own unique take on things, even if it doesn't correspond to reality and the highest court in the land sees it the other way.
Once again showing you know nothing about history. Maybe your kosher family weren't slaves they were busy selling slaves if not for labor work then sex.

Not just blacks were slaves buck don't be racist now.... Europeans and Eurasians were bought and sold as slaves all over the world including Africa well before America was even founded. Funny how you like to ignore this fact while stirring the pot.
could you please provide any reference in history period where any other race, other than blacks, that was persecuted the way blacks were and lasted as long as the blacks, especially in recent history? could you also show reference where another race was stripped of their mother (primary) language by another race, taught strictly to fight against one another, killed for learning or showing signs of intelligence etc for centuries?

as for the question to the title, just studying "america's history" alone could easily answer that question. tell me what other race in america is considered 3/5 of a person?
give special privilege to a descendant

I would give relief to those who need it regardless of descent. I agree with your basic premise that no group should be privileged and reading between the lines your disdain for such things as affirmative action I also tend to agree.

However, viewing this in a racial scope is incorrect imo. I see ethnic lines as generally parallel with class lines which is fairly obvious but those lines are intersecting increasingly. I see the renewed focus on ethnic lines as a clever diversion from the real problem, socioeconomic stratification. We obviously disagree over the cause of SES because I see white male hegemony as the cause historically, which is why ethnic lines were parallel for so long.
Lets be honest. Blacks are a plague on humanity. The reasons why they are a plague don't matter. They are a cancer, they are useless a people. The tumor needs to be cut out and flushed down the toilet like UB's illegitimate spawn.

hmm, the greatest minds of all time would beg to differ. don't believe me, research the egyptians and see what the greatest minds think of them. and just to piss you off, look up and research the Moors and what was said about them as well.

fact of the matter is, "the blacks" has made more contribution to human society more than any other race in the world, no matter how much you may want or choose to ignore the facts. the egyptian/early African civilization tells it all. if i am correct, no other civilization has out done what the original egyptians have done (let alone understand it) and til this day couldn't duplicate it either.
you think the fatherless rate of poverty kids varies a whole lot between skin pigmentation? could be, but I kinda doubt it. Daddyless homes tend to lean toward poor, it's not determined by race.
says who? from my research of facts, it was determined to be by race and mainly black. care to dispute that fact?